We recently had the opportunity to interview pro skateboarder, Greg Lutzka! We were able to learn more about his story and share some of our favorite tips for using Tea Tree Oil. He was so surprised to learn how Tea Tree Oil could help him keep his sneakers smelling fresh! Keep reading to learn 4 fun facts about Greg and 4 of our Tea Tree Oil recommendations!

Greg moved to California from Wisconsin when he was 17, with two of his closest buddies. His friends both moved back to Wisconsin within a year, leaving him in California alone. He then got homesick for his friends, family and the midwest – but he stuck it out after another friend moved in with him. That friend would become his filmmaker.

Greg’s first trip outside of the US was to Australia to visit one of his first sponsors, Globe Shoes, who’s based there.

Greg started playing acoustic guitar after his musician brother introduced him to it. He loves playing “campfire music” like Pink Floyd, Nirvana and Oasis.

The most important contest Greg ever won was his first pro contest, the World Cup, which he won while still in high school. This contest was actually the catalyst for him to move to California.

Since Greg is constantly at the skate park or on his board, you KNOW his shoes are in need of some TLC. He was so surprised to hear that with the help of some Tea Tree Oil, he could banish odor from his sneakers in just 24 hours!

Here are a few of our favorite Tea Tree Oil tips:

Tea Tree Oil can deodorize stinky sneakers and shoes

If your shoes are smelling ripe, use Tea Tree Oil to create a natural deodorizing powder. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Sprinkle in the footbed of your shoes and leave to soak up overnight.

Tea Tree Oil can be used as a natural acne remedy

If you’re prone to breakouts, reach for the Tea Tree Oil! Using a Q-tip or cotton applicator, dab a bit of the oil straight onto acne. As a warning, it can be fairly drying, so you may want to dilute by dipping your Q-tip in water first.

Tea Tree Oil can help you defeat dandruff

Add 3-4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to your favorite bottle of natural shampoo to treat your dry, itchy scalp. Because this oil is a great moisturizer, it also helps stimulate hair growth! Just remember: don’t apply to your hair on its own. It needs to be blended with shampoo or a carrier oil (like almond or coconut oil) if you’re doing a deep conditioning treatment.

Tea Tree Oil can help cure Athlete’s Foot

Because of its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, Tea Tree Oil is a great choice for healing Athlete’s Foot. Mix 4-5 drops of the oil with a teaspoon of any carrier oil, then apply to the affected area using a cotton round or cotton ball. Leave on for about 20 minutes, then rinse off. Repeat up to twice daily until feet are healed.

Are you a big fan of Tea Tree Oil? Tell us your favorite uses for it in the comments below!