Top 3 Benefits of Lavender Oil

Top 3 Benefits of Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil is one of the most well-known essential oils in the world. And why wouldn’t it be? It smells like heaven on earth and is so versatile! Here are our top three favorite benefits of this amazing oil:

Lavender Oil has incredible therapeutic properties.

When used aromatically, Lavender Oil has been known to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. Struggle with insomnia? Lavender Oil can help you with that too! Spritz a little in the shower or diffuse before bedtime to help your body naturally wind down and sink into a deep, relaxed sleep.

Lavender Oil is the perfect match for your beauty routine.

Did you know that Lavender Oil can be added to several of your beauty regimens to boost their effectiveness? Add a few drops to your mascara to naturally lengthen lashes or to your favorite facial moisturizer to bring the glow back to your skin and help reduce acne. You can even massage it into your scalp during a shower to restore hair health.

Lavender Oil is great for pain relief, especially tension headaches.

Many people swear by using Peppermint Oil for headaches and migraines. When applied topically, Peppermint Oil (blended with a carrier oil) gives a cooling effect and stimulates blood flow to the area and reduces inflammation. Adding just a couple drops of Lavender Oil to the Peppermint blend can produce a mild sedative effect, helping muscles and tension relax – which is what may have been causing the headache in the first place.

Do you love Lavender Oil? What’s your favorite way to use it? Tell us in the comments below!

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

Mental Health can be such a buzz word these days. Most of what we see on the news, is about someone whose mental health is impaired to the point that something has gone wrong. But we as a society don’t focus enough on our day to day mental health. Because of the news media, it can be seen as a stigma to admit that you are not having the best of mental health days. As May is Mental Health and Awareness Month, here are some facts and tips to help you improve your daily mental health.


Life is stressful! From traffic, to work, to family, there are so many factors that can cause your stress levels to rise. That’s why we as a company feel that even five minutes out of the day to take a breath can leave you ready and willing to face life’s little challenges.


Eucalyptus has been a favorite of aromatherapy users for centuries. Who can’t remember that first time when you stepped into a steam room and took a deep breath of that invigorating Eucalyptus aroma! So why limit yourself to a spa or gym? Now you can take that five minutes in the privacy of your own home! Because of its cooling and refreshing effect, Eucalyptus can help remove your exhaustion and mental sluggishness!


And now we offer Eucalyptus infused with a variety of things that can also be used to aid your daily mental well-being.


Lavender is a common aromatherapy scent that you see everywhere. It can help calm your anxiety and emotional stress so that you can rest and get a good’s night sleep for the next day. Just a few sprays in your shower or on your pillow can help keep you relaxed and ready for the next challenge.


Citrus oil isn’t something that most people think of as an aromatherapy benefit. We all know how great it is for your physical health, but its mental health benefits are just as powerful. It has such a clean and uplifting aroma that helps stimulate your mental focus and clarity while also helping you release your fear and stress.


Mint is such a powerful scent that it has been used for many uses over the years. It can help perk you up rather than reaching for that energy drink. But my favorite use? It can help get rid of that 2 P.M. tension headache! Mint has the ability to help improve your circulation and relax those tense muscles. Spraying just a little in your hands and inhaling can hopefully help stave off that headache before it can become worse.


And finally, we come to what we all think of as a stress relief: YOGA! By helping release tension and stress, yoga poses and exercises help keep you free and ready to face your day. It can also be used to help lower your blood pressure and heart rate which just might help resolve anxiety and depression naturally.  That’s why we created our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Yoga Mat Cleaner so that the relaxation you get from your session, doesn’t get ruined by harsh smells as you clean your mat and go about your day.


So remember, take that time, even if it’s just five minutes out of a day, for yourself this month! Breath deep, close your eyes and relax. Because it’s May and time for summer!

Life Changing! Exhilerating! Natural Stimulant! Takes 10 Seconds!

Life Changing! Exhilerating! Natural Stimulant! Takes 10 Seconds!


Need a pick me up? Not interested in #energydrinks or prescription drugs?  

Now all you need to do is rub your hands together. The key is what you put on your palms before you do the rubbing. Spray a couple of shots of 100% pure Eurospa Eucalyptus Oil Shower Spray on your hands, rub them together for a few seconds very rapidly to create heat, energizing the oil. Now just bring the hands to your nose, and breath in.

The first time you do it, don’t breath in too deeply. While the first breath can’t hurt you, it sure might be a bit overwhelming. The exploding molecules of the essential oil will continue to provide natural stimulation while opening your sinuses, flood through your respiratory system, and opening your pores for a minute or so. Indulge as long as you like. Because this is an oil, not a scent, there is no residue, and in a few moments the delicious aroma will dissipate.  Feel free to take another hit as often as you like.

You may need to hide the bottle since everyone around you is likely to want their own pick me up.

Eurospa offers Eucalyptus Oil in several convenient products.

For your shower, we suggest the 8 oz spray bottle or … 

for your purse or travel there is the 2 oz spray bottle

both  available on Amazon at

Easy Ways to Boost the Health Benefits of Your Sauna Time!

Easy Ways to Boost the Health Benefits of Your Sauna Time!

Health experts everywhere are saying more than ever that using a sauna or steam room regularly benefits your health, increases your immunity and quality of life. So if we told you you could get even more out of the experience, would you want to know more? Of course you would! We at Eurospa, specialize in boosting the immune system with and making a better spa experience with essential oils. And today, we want to share how! 

Saunas are known as fixtures in spas, gyms and even some homes. The benefits range from relaxation   to weight loss and cleansing! If you are considering adding sauna treatments to your health or wellness routine at home, it’s important to know the benefits. 

Here are some easy ways to boost the health benefits of your sauna time!


Easy Ways to Boost the Health Benefits of Your Sauna Time!One health advantage that can only be provided through the heat of saunas is the expectorant effect, when adding a menthol based essential oil to the mix, such as eucalyptus oil. These oils thin and open the mucous membranes in your body, including in your sinuses, throat and lungs. If you suffer chronic congestion or sinus infections, using eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary, can help loosen and clear the mucous from your nose, chest and throat. 

Pain Management
Heat has an analgesic, or pain relieving, effect due to its ability create more effective blood flow. Painful conditions caused by inflammation such as arthritis and fibromyalgia can be temporarily managed through heat treatments like those found in both saunas and steam rooms. Massaging essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary or even wintergreen, in small amounts and diluted with coconut oil, on to the muscles before and after entering the heat will further your results even more! For managing pain, saunas may be preferable for people who are negatively affected by humidity as are some sufferers of acute rheumatoid arthritis. 

Saunas are said to provide a spectrum of emotional and physical relaxation benefits. Wet and dry heat simulate sedative effects that generate feelings of calmness and relaxation, and some people who suffer emotional or mood disorder may find relief with regular trips to saunas or even steam rooms. Along with a carrier oil, massage lavender, wild orange, ylang ylang or lemon myrtle along your chest, shoulders and back of the neck. This will boost relaxation and allowing the oils to work as a mood balancer with the heat for heightened relaxation. 

The heat of saunas also promote muscle relaxation, which can provide pain relief from muscular injuries such as those from overuse or exercise. As you can see, the heat of saunas and steam rooms can have added benefits when putting different essential oils into the mix. 

At Eurospa, we strive to create and distribute the highest quality eucalyptus products possible for home and spa. Your health is our priority. See how we can help you today!

Happy Halloween! How to Protect Your Health From the Sugar Shock!

Happy Halloween! How to Protect Your Health From the Sugar Shock!

Happy Halloween! How to Protect Your Health From the Sugar Shock!Halloween is here and there’s about to be a lot of sugar consumed!  You need to protect your health from the sugar shock! Of course, we all know it’s fun to go crazy with the treats, but it’s important to find the healthy balance ahead of time to make sure you don’t go through with-drawls for the next week. 

These tips are great for preventative and treatment for both kids and adults. So, read on and get ready!

I can’t say it enough.  Any ache, pain, ailment…..  always reach for water first! When we eat too much sugar, our muscles hold onto it like caramel in the fibers. These caramel coatings absorb extra water as a muscular protection; this creates a dehydrated atmosphere. If you are drinking alcohol or coffee as well, you will be adding to additional dehydration.  So, stay sober and healthy or add tons of water to the mix to both flush toxins and keep the body hydrated. 


Sugar robs the body of minerals, that can cause dizziness, fatigue and bloating. Eating dark green leafy vegetables, juices and smoothies, brings a mineral balance back to the body, helping you feel alive and fresh again. 

Just like wringing out a wet towel of it’s moisture, twisting your body can aid in releasing toxins stored in your intestines or stomach lining.  It’s very simple.  You just sit down on the floor with your back straight up and your legs outstretched, together in front of you.  Now, bend and pull your left leg up and place your foot on the floor, with your knee standing up and your foot touching your inner right thigh.  Now take a deep breath, and as you exhale, slowly turn your body to the left as far as you can go, exhaling all the air out.  Then, as you twist back to center, inhale gently.  Switch legs and repeat this process on the other side.  Keep doing this if you can for 3-5 repetitions and then lay flat on your back and relax.  Your belly will thank you. 

There are a few ways to ease your stomach ache with essential oils.  One, is to place a couple drops of peppermint oil or tincture into your glass of water. (It’s important to remember that you should aim to stay hydrated during this time anyway.  While that may not sound appealing, the peppermint will help ease that distaste.) Next, it’s good to have a bottle of Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist on hand anyway, for many reasons!  One being that you can add it to the steam of the above suggested bath for internal relaxation and refreshment; great for internal spasms! Another use being that you can grab a little caster oil, mixed with a little coconut oil and rub that gently on your abdomen.  Then spray the eucalyptus onto your belly and rub in a clockwise motion.  The oils will carry the anti microbial and anti-spasmatic power of the eucalyptus into your body and allow them to work their healing magic.  

Nobody wants sugar to put a damper on their summer fun, but if you end up with the aches and pains, it’s comforting to know that there are options out there that are natural and efficient in bringing healing and relief. 

At Eurospa, helping you achieve health naturally is our priority.  We are proud to provide you with the highest quality products to deliver that health.  Please stop by and let us know how we can further the health of your life or business, today!