7 Helpful Tips for People Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Headaches

Chronic fatigue headaches are no laughing matter, and it’s quite common in America. You try to sleep and get the rest you need, but in the morning you wake up exhausted, with tight muscles and a tension headache to go with it. While chronic fatigue is a complex issue, we have some helpful tips so you can reduce and relieve this very common pain.

So here are our natural, expert tips:

7 tips for handling chronic fatigue headaches

  1. Food: Some foods are going to aggravate your condition. The most common ones will be those that cause inflammation, such as processed sugar, white grains, coffee, and dairy. Reduce these, and you’ll not only sleep better but be able to have less tension in your muscles.
  2. Hydrate:  Try to drink 2-3 liters a day. Your brain cells and blood need to be hydrated properly for everything to work smoothly. Dehydration in the muscles cause tightening, which leads to headaches in the neck and forehead.
  3. Sleep:  Aim to get 7-9 hours each night. Be sure that you have a relaxation routine before bed—without media—to help you get pure and restful sleep. Power naps are also helpful just after lunch to get you through the day with less pain.
  4. Massage: Gently massage your middle and index finger along the back of your neck and in small circles at the temples and between the eyebrows.
  5. Relax:  We are an over-scheduled society that tends to worry about the minute details of life. Make time to pause in your day and breathe deeply, bringing as much oxygen to your cells and muscle fibers as possible.
  6. Take Screen Breaks: Staring at the computer, your phone, or TV forces your eyes to not only stare in one place for an extended amount of time, but the screen itself can cause eye strain. Take 2-minute breaks every 30 minutes to close your eyes as well as find different locations around the room to focus on, to keep the eye muscles mobile.
  7. Eucalyptus: Applying Eucalyptus oil to your forehead can be incredibly soothing for stress headaches in the same manner as peppermint oil. Like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil can soothe, relax muscles, and clear nasal passages. It’s great to inhale as well because it has anti-microbial properties that can help attack germs and viruses that may be causing the headache. Put a few drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into a bowl of steaming water and inhale deeply or enjoy it in a nice shower or bath.

It’s tiring having to deal with the regular pain and exhaustion of chronic fatigue, but there are definitely ways to lessen the torture and find relief. Don’t live with the pain anymore; take advantage of a healthier, improved you now.

How do you deal with chronic fatigue headaches? Chat about it in the comments and share this post on social with the buttons below!

How to Relieve Your Back Pain And Ditch the Pain Pills Forever

Back pain is no joke. It can really limit what we’re free to experience in life and discourage our spirits. Medication has its place, but it doesn’t mean we need it for every tense muscle or pinched nerve. Menthol and eucalyptus products have lots of benefits to provide for back and muscle pain. So, we want to share with you some simple ways to experience relief naturally, without the pain pills.

3 Ways to Use Eucalyptus for Back Pain Relief

  1. Add 3-5 drops of straight eucalyptus oil directly onto sore muscles. Slowly massage into skin. It’s a strong oil though, and it may be best to dilute with coconut oil first until you know how your body responds.
  2. Add 15-50 drops of eucalyptus oil to a hot bath. Combined with the benefits of the oil, the heat of the water encourages muscles to relax and helps reduce next-day stiffness. For additional benefits, Epsom salts can be added to the water as well.
  3. The easiest option—and our favorite—is to get our top-grade Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and simply spray it into the hot steam of your shower, or the warmth of any sauna/steam room. You’ll not only enjoy the relaxation in your muscles, but you’ll be breathing in the anti-inflammatory properties of the eucalyptus, reducing pain caused by inflamed muscles.

Other Tips

See a Chiropractor. Sometimes the solution is far more simple than we realize. Have a chiropractor check your alignment. If your spine is off balance even in one spot, it can pinch the nearby nerves, causing muscle tension and spasms.

Get Acupuncture. Doctors agree that acupuncture provides relief. Your body has a system of nerve nets and pathways all over your body. These pathways can become jammed and create pain. Acupuncture needles help to clear the congestion of the nerves so they can relax.

Drink Water. Hydrated muscles are happy muscles. Dehydration can cause the muscle fibers to become sticky and stiff. Drink more water and avoid food and drinks with caffeine, sugar, processed foods, excess salt, and alcohol.

Breathe Deeper. When we breathe deeply, we send more oxygen to the muscle tissues and calm the nerves. Don’t underestimate the power of 10 deep breaths when you’re in pain.

Remember, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself when supported well through proper lifestyle and health habits. Pain in the body is also a sign of something else going on, so in addition to getting relief naturally, be sure to investigate the cause with your doctor or natural medicine practitioner.

You don’t have to take pills for back pain anymore. Take advantage of true, natural healing today.

Which one of these options do you recommend? We’d love to hear from you. And share this article to help others live free of back pain!

How to Find Surprisingly Fast, Natural Relief for Back Pain

Whether you’ve been dealing with back pain for a long time, or the pain is new to you due to trauma or exercise, back pain slows your day down and needs to be alleviated fast. But pain pills can’t offer long-term relief without side effects. So what can you do?

You need natural relief that can heal your body instead of masking symptoms. So that’s why you need our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist.

When Eucalyptus essential oil is of a high quality and not processed or diluted, it has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that make it a great option when treating sore or over-exercised muscles. Eucalyptus oil can help relax stiff muscles, allowing for pain relief, a greater range of motion, and easy muscle movement.

So how can you soothe your muscle aches with Eucalyptus oil?

Here are a few ways:

How to Heal Back Pain with Eucalyptus Oil

  1. Add 3-5 drops of straight (neat) Eucalyptus oil directly onto sore muscles and slowly massage it into the skin (it’s a strong oil though, and it may be best to dilute with coconut oil first until you know how your body responds).
  2. Add 15-50 drops of Eucalyptus oil to a hot bath. Combined with the benefits of the oil, the heat of the water encourages muscles to relax and helps reduce next-day stiffness. For additional benefits, Epsom salts can be added to the water as well.
  3. The easiest and best option is to get our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, spraying it into the hot steam of your shower, or even into the warmth of a sauna or steam room.

Remember, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself when supported well through lifestyle and proper health habits. Pain in the body is also a sign of something else going on, so dealing with the root cause naturally can help you find long-term relief.

Do you want more tips to fight pain anywhere in your body? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

Fast Natural Pain Relief for the Evil Cramps that Attack During Your Period.

Fast Natural Pain Relief for the Evil Cramps that Attack During Your Period.

Fast Natural Pain Relief for the Evil Cramps that Attack During Your Period.
The cramps that accompany getting your period can put a real damper on your day and plans.   

So it’s no surprise that when that time of the month rolls around, women sometimes feel the need to wear a neon sign that reads, ‘approach with caution’.   

Women have a super power of being able to be in pain and get on with life anyway. 

But do you know how to relieve the pain naturally without heading straight for the pain meds?  Not many women do but it would make things much healthier in the end if they did.

The truth is, women’s reproductive systems and overall health are requesting (begging) for a better way.

So, I have compiled a small yet helpful list of natural home remedies to ease that pesky menstrual pain.

Hot shower.  

Not just any hot shower.  Turn up the heat as much as you can stand it.  Let the steam add up.  While you’re at it, spray some of Eurospa’s Eucalyptus Shower Spray into the steam.  The cleansing nature of the oil will be heightened in the stream and permeate your bronchial passages, resulting in relaxation and a further detoxified system.   Make sure that while you allow the hot water to really fall on your lower back.  This will relax those aching muscles and give you the chance to, at the same time, massage your lower belly which actually makes the process of ‘release’ more efficient!  Who wouldn’t want that?


Just as mentioned above, you can also do a similar massage while laying down.  I suggest getting some massage oil.  A warming oil would be great, but if you only have a regular base, try adding some other essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus and cinnamon to the massage.  Lavender will relax and calm you, the cinnamon aids in circulation (bringing comfort) and the eucalyptus is actually a very good topical anti-inflammatory.  I did this step recently and slept so much better that night.

Hot Water Bottles.  

Yep, I mean the same kind you may (or may not) remember your grandparents using for their back pain. They may seem old-fashioned, but they really, truly help warm and relax the muscles in your lower abdomen. They are an affordable and worthy investment that will bring you relief month after month.  GO get one. 

Just Say NO to Caffeine.  
Don’t freak out… I know it’s an intimidating thought, but eliminating caffeine from your diet could help alleviate a large amount of menstrual pain. Caffeine constricts your blood levels and raises tension: so when you’re suffering from cramps, you want to get the opposite happening. Additionally, caffeine dehydrates you, causing the cleanse to be a slower process. Drinking water and herbal tea instead will not only keep your flow hydrated, but will also help relieve bloating that may occur during your period. 

I’m not saying this will make your reproductive pain disappear all together, but I do believe you will feel more alive and able to function more comfortably and happily. 

It’s a part of life, but it doesn’t need to control you. 

At Eurospa, we enjoy bringing more quality to your life!  Stop by and see what we can do to better your health and daily living!