7 Helpful Tips for People Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Headaches

Chronic fatigue headaches are no laughing matter, and it’s quite common in America. You try to sleep and get the rest you need, but in the morning you wake up exhausted, with tight muscles and a tension headache to go with it. While chronic fatigue is a complex issue, we have some helpful tips so you can reduce and relieve this very common pain.

So here are our natural, expert tips:

7 tips for handling chronic fatigue headaches

  1. Food: Some foods are going to aggravate your condition. The most common ones will be those that cause inflammation, such as processed sugar, white grains, coffee, and dairy. Reduce these, and you’ll not only sleep better but be able to have less tension in your muscles.
  2. Hydrate:  Try to drink 2-3 liters a day. Your brain cells and blood need to be hydrated properly for everything to work smoothly. Dehydration in the muscles cause tightening, which leads to headaches in the neck and forehead.
  3. Sleep:  Aim to get 7-9 hours each night. Be sure that you have a relaxation routine before bed—without media—to help you get pure and restful sleep. Power naps are also helpful just after lunch to get you through the day with less pain.
  4. Massage: Gently massage your middle and index finger along the back of your neck and in small circles at the temples and between the eyebrows.
  5. Relax:  We are an over-scheduled society that tends to worry about the minute details of life. Make time to pause in your day and breathe deeply, bringing as much oxygen to your cells and muscle fibers as possible.
  6. Take Screen Breaks: Staring at the computer, your phone, or TV forces your eyes to not only stare in one place for an extended amount of time, but the screen itself can cause eye strain. Take 2-minute breaks every 30 minutes to close your eyes as well as find different locations around the room to focus on, to keep the eye muscles mobile.
  7. Eucalyptus: Applying Eucalyptus oil to your forehead can be incredibly soothing for stress headaches in the same manner as peppermint oil. Like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil can soothe, relax muscles, and clear nasal passages. It’s great to inhale as well because it has anti-microbial properties that can help attack germs and viruses that may be causing the headache. Put a few drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into a bowl of steaming water and inhale deeply or enjoy it in a nice shower or bath.

It’s tiring having to deal with the regular pain and exhaustion of chronic fatigue, but there are definitely ways to lessen the torture and find relief. Don’t live with the pain anymore; take advantage of a healthier, improved you now.

How do you deal with chronic fatigue headaches? Chat about it in the comments and share this post on social with the buttons below!

Reverse Adrenal Fatigue Naturally with These Simple Home Remedies

Nobody likes that feeling of exhaustion that hits right around 3 pm, where you have to wonder if just one more cup of coffee is a good idea. You don’t know how to do without it. And on top of it all, you’re counting down the hours left until you can sleep again.

If you have felt this way or feel this way now, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, for many, just because you finally have the chance to sleep at night, doesn’t mean that you will. You might just lay in bed, ready to rest, only to find your brain won’t let you. These are very common symptoms of adrenal fatigue, also known as burnout.

Adrenal fatigue is very dangerous and left to its own devices can lead to serious autoimmune diseases. If you’re not waking up energized and rested, if you’re finding yourself craving caffeine or sweets come mid afternoon, you might be dealing with adrenal fatigue. And we want to help you by sharing some simple home remedies that will help you feel rested, boost your immune system, and jumpstart your energy levels.

Simple Home Remedies and Tips to Reverse Adrenal Fatigue

Early to bed: This one may seem logical, but it’s true nonetheless. Make sure, if you’re dealing with extreme exhaustion, that you commit to a good 30 days of going to bed early. Sure you might miss out on late night activities, but you’ll get your health and energy levels back, which you’ll find is worth it.

Hydration: Adrenal fatigue causes dehydration. To reverse the effects, make sure you’re drinking water constantly throughout the day. Think of your tired self as a wilted flower. Water the flower, and it will stop being wilted. Your brain needs adequate water to function, so give as asked.

Invigoration: Don’t just pinch yourself to wake up, use Eucalyptus oil. Just a few sprays of Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into your shower will wake up your mind from its morning fog. And as an added benefit, it will rejuvenate your circulation and respiratory systems, boosting your immune system as well.

B Vitamins: B Vitamins are necessary for proper adrenal function. Diets that are higher in fat and lower in carbs can rob the body of its needed B vitamins. Get a high quality supplement if you think you might not be getting enough from your diet.

No Toxins: Reduce or eliminate refined sugars and toxins from your diet. Your body’s insulin levels and defense systems rise and fall dramatically when having to deal with added toxins. This includes alcohol and sweets. Take some time off. You won’t regret it.

Stress Less: You might be surprised at how detrimental stress is to your health; especially your adrenals. Stress releases extra cortisol—the body’s stress hormone. Too much cortisol puts you at dangerous risk for autoimmune disorders. And it can take even more time and extreme amounts of rest to heal and reach homeostasis. If you know you have high stress, consider your options. Look for more ways to pause in your daily life and remind yourself of what’s important. Look for things to have gratitude about. Ask for help. Don’t put too much on your shoulders. Talk to your family and closest friends and let them know you need support in making changes.

We desire to support your health in any way possible. Don’t let stress and exhaustion rule your life. Take back control today.

How do you fight stress and adrenal fatigue? Tell us in the comments and share this article using the social buttons below!

How to Beat Jet Lag and Boost Travel Energy Naturally

Travel is great, but jet lag is no fun. What you need is a natural way to lessen the blow or even avoid it altogether. After all, a beautiful European city, a tropical island or a trip into nature is all much better when you have the energy to enjoy it.

Easy and Natural Tips to Beat Jet Lag

Eat protein, fat, and greens: Eat protein, a little fat and greens before and during the flight to keep your blood sugar balanced. This will help you avoid the random boredom cravings and disoriented haze of flight travel. For proteins, go for nuts, sprouted beans, yogurt, goat cheese, and lean meats. For greens, that’s a harder one. So grab a good green powder supplement at your local natural health food or supplement store. They usually have a good amount of chlorella, spirulina, and sea grasses, which provide oxygen for your blood.

Don’t Sleep: If anything, power nap. It’s better to nap and push through it. Consider it a late night, rather than forcing yourself to sleep in a false environment. You’ll get over the hump much faster this way. Having too much light in the room messes with our ability to fall into REM sleep (when we get the most rest). The pituitary gland gets confused, thinks that it’s daytime, and will cause you to wake up halfway, making jet lag more likely.

Drink: Drink water, not alcohol. Stay hydrated before, during and after your flight. A hydrated body is a hydrated brain and a hydrated brain functions far better in challenging situations than a dehydrated one.

Eucalyptus Oil Spray:  Eucalyptus oil, a menthol-based plant, is known for increasing blood circulation all over the body, which is especially helpful for the mind. Head to the bathroom and splash your face with some water. Then spray our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the palms of your hands and breathe in deeply. Do this every time you need a boost. Once you land, head to a sauna, steam room, or hot shower and spray Eucalyptus into the steam and heat. By spraying Eucalyptus oil into heat, your skin, lungs and mental function will be activated, cleansed and boosted.

You don’t have to struggle with jet lag and feeling tired anymore. Use these tips to take care of yourself and more control over your life.

Want more tips like these to keep your body feeling great? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

5 Tips to Glowing More Youthful Skin

5 Tips to Glowing More Youthful Skin

Have you looked in the mirror lately?  Are you haunted by the ever increasing lines showing up on your face?  Are you finding that the skin you so proudly wore in your youth is beginning to hang out a little further from your bones than it used to?  Never fear.  Don’t simply run to the nearest medical spa!  Below are 5 simple, easy everyday tips for glowing, more youthful skin.

You ready?

1.  Hydrate – Water is your friend.  Coffee, tea and sodas are NOT your friend.  Sure they taste good and we are used to them.  But it’s time we accept the truth that our bodies are 80% water and it needs water to function best.  Beverages that wet our mouth but actually dehydrate our bodies are an addicting disservice that we have allowed to become an unhealthy norm.  If you really feel you can’t live without these things, please by all means, counter them with and increased water intake. Not sure how much to drink?  Simply determine how much you weigh in pounds – let’s say 140.  Now divide that in half and convert to ounces – 70.  If you weigh 140 pounds, you should consume 70 ounces of water daily.  Go for 90 ounces at least if you need to include coffee, tea or soda.   Now, I know this may seem like a lot.  But please don’t be discouraged.  Feel free to add a couple lemon or orange slices to the water and make it taste good.  Your blood needs water to flow well.  Your skin is the organ that tells you when the inside of your body has a need.  Love yourself and your family enough to take care of yourself, even if only with baby steps.

2.  Green Food – This one is pretty self explanatory.  As long as you know that I’m not talking about green food coloring, then you will know what to do.   Green fruits and vegetables are packed with Chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals that both bring elasticity and suppleness to the skin.  Bonus point?  Great for you metabolism as well!  Eat plenty of what you already love and begin to experiment and explore the delicious ways to enjoy the new foods!

3.  Sleep – Do it.  Sleep. Try not to eat 3 hours before going to bed.  Turn off all TVs, computers and phones at least an hour before you sleep.  Take some deep relaxing breathes and be thankful for the beauty in your life and day. Make sure your sleep environment is peaceful and calm.  Then dive in.  Sleep, is the time when our cells rejuvenate.  Things like mind activity and digestion steal our cell’s focus and keep them from using our sleep ours from the priority of their renewal.  Do your body a favor and sleep in peace.  You will not only get more youthful skin, but will wake refreshed and more motivated to continue caring for your health.

4.  Stress – We all have stress.  It’s the common thread in our modern society.  We are over committed, over worked and have a hard time saying ‘no’.  It’s ok to take time for yourself.  It’s ok to make a cut-off point for your work day.  When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol into our systems, causing tense muscles, emotional highs and lows, lowered immune system and well – wrinkles!  Now, this could be a whole topic in itself an maybe that’s soon to come.  But for now, consider what stresses you and ways you can relieve those situations and responses.

5.  Detoxify – Our body detoxifies itself best through release.  One way we ‘release’ is through sweat.  My two favorite ways to sweat is through exercise and heat.  Exercise is anything that gets your heart rate elevated for more than 20 consecutive minutes.  You can decide what exercise is best for you but then stick to it.  (Again, it seems this should be expanded in another blog.  What do you think? Let me know!)  On to the topic of heat.  Shower, sauna, steam room… you decide.  Of course, the luxury of a sauna and steam room are ideal but if you have only a shower as an option, you will get the most out of it by adding a few sprays of our Eucalyptus Shower Mist to really open up the respiratory passages, increase circulation and further detoxify the skin.

Your health and life quality is our priority.  It’s why we do what we do.

So instead of being frustrated at age taking it’s toll, step in to action and implement the 5 tips into your life schedule.  You will be so happy you did.

To know more about what we can do for your home or even health spa, visit us at Eurospa Aromatics and we’ll be happy to get you started!

Until then, more water!  Have a beautiful day!

by: Navae Fiona