Many people already know that Eucalyptus is a powerfully medicinal tree found in Australia and is widely known to go hand in hand with the adorable koala bear.  However, it’s value reaches far deeper than that.  We love to educate people on it’s anti-microbial properties, antiseptic nature, deodorant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and even respiratory aid when the eucalyptus oil is added to the healing steam of a sauna or shower.

Maybe you already know all of this.

Maybe you are ready to move on to a new topic.  How CAN Eucalyptus help your hair??

Everyone, whether man or woman, likes to have a head full of clean, healthy and shining hair.  In our modern world full of air conditioning, heating, drastic climates, environmental change, products, straightening and curling, chlorine and even daily washing, we’ve learned that our hair isn’t bullet proof and these factors do affect the quality and sheen of the hair.

About the hair…

Each strand has at the base of it’s shaft, a follicle,  which is comprised of a produced protein substance called keratin and a little moisture.  The strands of hair are moisturized by an oil gland in the follicle that also protects the hair.

So now that we understand the hair itself and the abuse we put it through.. let’s look at some ways to repair the damage done.

About the solution…

First let’s start with massage.  Feel free to directly apply the oil to your scalp and gently massage with your fingers in a circular motion, encouraging hair growth.  Alternatively, you can also mix a few drops of the concentrated oil with a base such as olive or Castor oil.  Warm the mixture at a low temperature and then do the same gentle circular massage with your finger tips. This not only improves your blood circulation, stimulating hair growth, but also makes your hair shine with a healthy glow!

Eucalyptus oil can also help in getting rid of dandruff, which is not only unsightly but also clogs the pores, making it difficult for the hair to grow.  Remember, when aiding our hair in it’s growth, we want to make sure we are getting the stimulation needed and the roadblocks out of the way! When using eucalyptus oil for dandruff,  you simply have to mix 8 to10 drops of the oil into your shampoo and gently massage your scalp for a few minutes (preferably allowing the oil to activate in the steam of the shower so you get the other health benefits as well!  Breathe in that steam!). This method is also beneficial in getting rid of head lice and their eggs, so parents are wise to keep this oil handy and keep the little one’s heads safe against that invasion!

Another benefit of eucalyptus oil is that in can increase the elasticity of your hair.  So many of us know how frustrating it can be when you are trying to grow out your hair in to luxurious locks only to loose your progress to breakage and more split ends. When doing both of the above treatments, you will happily enjoy stronger hair – more resistant to further breakage and split ends.

All in all, it’s an incredible oil from a miraculous plant.

What have YOU got to say?   Do you have a great way that Eucalyptus Oil has done wonders for your hair or simply your life?  Let us know!  We’d love to hear from you!

by: Navae Fiona