Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics introduces us to their Mystifier Eucalyptus Oil injection System. The pump vaporizes the oil with is a much more economical way of releasing the oil. The amount of oil is controlled by a stroke adjustment and a timer control. The Mystifier was designed expressly for pumping eucalyptus oil blends into the steam room with a maximum of economy.
Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics introduces his three blends of 100% natural eucalyptus oils, Suprema Blend, Eucamist Blend and their Mentholyptus Blend.
Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics explains that the 16 oz. Trigger Spray Bottle of Suprema Eucalyptus Blend is a very convenient way to keep beneficial eucalyptus oil in the home. Use it in your home spa, home steam room and your home shower. And Eucalyptus oil helps kill mold, mildew, fungus & bacteria!
Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics explains that it only costs around $2.00 to run their 100% natural eucalyptus oils in a steam room. The Mystifier Injection System administers the oil into the steam room in a very economical level. It also helps keep cleaning costs down by helping kill mold, mildew and fungus.
Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics tells us that the Ancient Egyptians first to benefit from the healing benefits of eucalyptus oils. More recently, the University of Maryland has done studies on the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil on skin wounds. It also helps by helping to kill mold, mildew and fungus.
EuroSpa offers a unique system that pumps soothing, healing and disinfecting eucalyptus oil directly into the steam line of your spa drop by luxurious drop. Used by major hotels and spas, this system not only provides the health and relaxation benefits to the patrons of these establishments, but makes cleaning the steam room areas a breeze with the disinfecting, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of eucalyptus. Call today to see how your spa business could benefit from the miracle of eucalyptus oil and the ease of the EuroSpa Aromatics’ pumping system.
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