The summer sun has been strong this year with it’s most intense rays happening at the
end! It’s important not to get lazy and make sure we are continuing to take care of our skin to ensure we are protected from harmful melanoma and also the fine lines, spots and premature aging that happen as well! I don’t think I need to spend too much time on sunscreen, because by now, we all know that we need to properly defend our skin from the strong rays of the sun. But I do want to remind you to sunscreen your face even when you won’t be in the sun. The skin on the face is like a sun magnet and shows the most damage. Protect.
In the case that you still end up with a burn, here are some ways to not only heal that sunburn fast and naturally at home, but also soothe, heal and hydrate the skin on deeper levels, leaving more protection for the future.
Natural Anti-Aging Sun Burn Relief You Can Do From Home!
Cool your sunburned skin immediately. Dip into a very cool bath, shower or even splash cool water on affected skin, right after you come in out of the sun. Cooling the burn minimizes damage to skin layers.
TREAT IT WELLSpray the burn with diluted lavender oil. Or, grab our own Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist .If you choose to go with the lavender, just mix a few drops to a cup of water and pour into a clean spray bottle. Shake well before using. Both lavender and eucalyptus are good for mild (first-degree) burns of any kind.
Your skin is particularly sensitive right now and the nicest thing you can do for it is to wear loose fitting natural fabrics. Just say NO to poly blends! Cotton and hemp fabrics are breathable and soft on the healing skin. If you want to heal fast, you’ve got to baby the skin and treat it as gently as possible.
Repeat the above steps. Before you go to bed and once you get up in the morning, shower again. It will not only feel soothing, but it will steal the heat from the skin, speeding the healing along. Make sure you do another spray down session with your Lavender or Eucalyptus Spray before you go to bed, to really make sure those oils can use the night to penetrate into your skin.
Try to moisturize as often as possible each day after you get that blessed sunburn and drink plenty of water. I’m not kidding. DRINK A LOT OF WATER. I can’t stress that enough. Sunburns dry out the skin immensely. Staying hydrated on the inside and out will keep your many skin layers from dying and peeling. And we don’t want peely skin! We want supple, moist and glowing skin!!
As long as you have that burn, stay in the shade. You will only prolong and aggravate the healing process by exposing your skin to more sun. So stay cool, covered and moisturized!
I hope those tips were helpful. For further aiding in healing, feel free to add some vitamin E to your daily regimen and foods like apricots and cucumbers, which are high in E and silica – great for skin! To keep your youthful glow, keep up the hydrate, moisturize and essential oil routine. These daily practices will keep nourishing your skin and will continue to protected from normal environmental harm.
We love your health and want you to feel good. That’s why we at Eurospa do what we do. So let us know what we can do for you!
Get out there and enjoy the sun! That’s what it’s there for!!