Get the Best Essential Oils to Boost Your Immune System for Winter!

Get the Best Essential Oils to Boost Your Immune System for Winter!

Get the Best Essential Oils to Boost Your Immune System for Winter!Incorporating essential oils into your daily routine will help keep your immune system stronger, shorten your recovery time from illness and uplift your spirits when the winter weather keeps you inside a bit more than you would like. Pure therapeutic essential oils have the ability to work with the body on a spiritual, mental and physical plane to bring the body to a place of balance and harmony. Take care of your health and get the best essential oils to boost your immune system for winter.
Two or three drops of rosemary oil or eucalyptus oil shower spray on the bottom of the shower before you turn the water on will disperse into the air and as you breathe it in you are supporting your immune system. Diffusing lemon, lime or grapefruit essential oil into the air of your home or office not only uplifts the spirits, it inhibits the growth of bacteria, making indoor air safer to inhale. (For best results, diffuse essential oils diluted in water.)
At the first sign of a cold or sinus infection try a facial steam with lavender or tea tree oil. Place two drops of the pure oil in a glass bowl then fill with hot water. Place a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe the steam deeply in through your nose. You are breathing in these pure antibacterial and antiviral essential oils. Do this two or three times during the day as the infection is beginning and it will often shorten the length of sickness or even stop you from becoming sick altogether. If you can’t do a steam, try dropping a few drops of the essential oils on a tissue and breathe it in throughout the day. You will still be getting the therapeutic effects of the oils.
Salt or sugar body scrubs that have been blended with pure essential oils are a winter skin must-have. When you stimulate the surface of the skin with a scrub it brings blood to the surface and helps rid the body of toxins through the pores. Doing a body scrub with peppermint or rosemary oil in the shower boosts the immune system while leaving your skin clean, soft and moisturized.
Here are my top must haves for winter immune boosting:
Lavender:  for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as its ability to help us relax and rest. Mix with a carrier oil and pat it gently on to your face with the palms of your hands.
Tea Tree: is antiviral and is an excellent immune stimulant. Mix into the above oil blend for increased immune benefits. 
Eucalyptus: is anti-infectious and antiviral, fighting off infections. Use the eucalyptus oil shower spray in your shower steam to really open up your bronchial passages for respiratory health. 
Rosemary: is antiseptic and astringent and helps fight bacteria.
Lemon: is an immune stimulant as well as an antiseptic, which makes it an excellent choice to diffuse into winter air. Get a therapeutic grade lemon oil and put a couple drops in your tea or cold water bottle to boost your system while cleansing it at the same time. Take caution and never ingest food grade (or lesser grade oils); only ingest certified pure therapeutic grade lemon oil
Peppermint: for its analgesic, anti-infectious properties. Pat a small amount on your temples and at the base of your neck to relieve tension and pressure. Inhale the scent to give your energy a boost in the morning and throughout the day as well!
Whichever method you choose to incorporate essential oils into your life this winter, I encourage you to buy pure, high quality oils from a company you trust and use them wisely, as these oils are medicines. Be safe and handle them with respect.
Eurospa is dedicated to your health and well being. Please let us know how we can further support your healthy lifestyle!