Astonishing Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy

Astonishing Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy

Everyone loves a massage. They’re relaxing, feel great, and leave you feeling happier about life, ready to live to the fullest. But it’s not just the massage that puts you in such a great mood. It’s the oils massage therapists use that give you lasting effects. And one of the best is Eucalyptus.

Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy and Spa Treatments

Relieves Muscle Pain

Eucalyptus relaxes your muscles, making it ideal for massage therapy. Its potency allows deep penetration healing, targeting central muscle fibers and joints. This brings down inflammation, removes aching, and converts stiffness into loose, flexible muscles. Thus, the oil is particularly effective when applied to your back and shoulders. So, if you’re looking to alleviate any muscle or joint pain, a Eucalyptus oil-based massage could be exactly what you need.

Alleviates Respiratory Ailments

Massaging Eucalyptus onto your chest and back can alleviate symptoms from respiratory ailments such as asthma. Again, this is a result of Eucalyptus’ potency, making it perfect for aromatherapy and proving to be helpful for all sorts of lung and breathing issues.  This will also soothe your sinuses, allowing you to breathe easy. With regular Eucalyptus use, you can begin to heal respiratory ailments, or at the very least, effectively negate their harm to your health.

Eliminates Stress

Where on your body do you carry the most stress? Whether it’s in your neck, shoulders, back, or elsewhere, rubbing Eucalyptus on said area will eliminate stress and relax your body. Reducing stress can remove pain in your body, reduce mental exhaustion, and allow you to live a healthier life.

Eucalyptus in the Home

And did you know that you can bring the spa to you? With our Eucalyptus ShowerMists, you can experience the above benefits by using Eucalyptus to heal your body in the comfort of home. Find relief from your day-to-day aches and pains by making Eucalyptus oil a part of your daily routine.

What do you enjoy about Eucalyptus oil? Let us know in the comments and share this great news with others!

6 Surprising Ways to Improve Men’s Health with Eucalyptus!

6 Surprising Ways to Improve Men’s Health with Eucalyptus!

It’s June, which is Men’s Health month, so let’s take some time to consider the fathers, uncles, brothers, and sons in our lives. You probably know some hard working guys that don’t often have time to think about their health. So what can you do to help them take care of themselves? Here are six health-improving Eucalyptus tips they can start using today:

1: Relax in the shower before work

Need a little pick me up before heading off to work? Eucalyptus relaxes and reinvigorates, relieving that morning fog in your mind to alert your senses, getting you ready for the day. Simply spray it on the floor of your shower, and you’ve brought the spa to your home. You can try several different kinds of our ShowerMists depending on your preferences, but our classic Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist is a great energizer by itself.

2: Kill germs in gym showers

If you use the showers at your local gym, then you know they aren’t the cleanliest things in the world. But what you may not know is that the shower floors could be filled with fungus spores and other germs that could make you ill, especially if you shower there barefoot. Any of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMists will kill germs and make the shower floor a safe and sanitary place to clean your body (as well as remove any foul odors).

3: Remove odors from shoes and feet

Whether from playing sports or a long day at work, shoes usually get pretty smelly. The smell can be embarrassing and ruin the atmosphere of any room. But it doesn’t have to. With our Citrus-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, you can spray it inside any shoes and leave them overnight. The next morning, you’ll find you have clean shoes that will stay fresh for a long time since Eucalyptus naturally eats odors.

4: Soothe muscle pains

No matter what you do, muscles will get sore and tense from the stress of life. But you can remedy the problem with our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, which has been known to relax muscle tension and remove stress. Eucalyptus has also been known to quicken the healing of muscle tears and strains, as well as relieve pain associated with the injuries.

5: Relieve and flush sinuses

Sinus pressure and pain are common for everyone, especially for men when they wake up in the morning. Want to know how to relieve the pressure within just a few minutes? Spray our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist during a quick shower to clear your sinuses and open them up for the rest of the day. You don’t have to live with congested sinuses anymore.

6: Improve digestion

A long day of work doesn’t often lead to a good day of healthy food choices. Thankfully, there’s a way to combat indigestion and an unsettled stomach. Try this: mix the Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist with Epsom salts and a carrier oil, such as almond oil. Pour it in a bath and allow the mixture to aid your digestive tract and relax your entire body.

Share the information!

Tell the men you know about these easy, quick ways they can help keep themselves healthy and relax. Remind them that even five minutes every day to take care of themselves can lead to a happier, healthier life!

Was this information helpful to you? If so, let us know in the comments and share the info with the social media buttons below!

A History of Eucalyptus – Nature’s Miracle Healing Plant!

A History of Eucalyptus – Nature’s Miracle Healing Plant!

Many people are talking about the incredible healing power of eucalyptus, but few know the history of this miracle plant. We at Eurospa Aromatics are committed to providing you with the highest quality eucalyptus products available for both home and spa use, and we believe that part of the experience is the knowledge of it. So, from us to you – the history of eucalyptus, nature’s miracle plant.

People have said that the eucalyptus tree is one of the most useful trees in the world. Eucalyptus belongs to the same family as Tea Tree – (myrtacae family), and grows most abundantly in Australia. The word eucalyptus means ‘well-covered’ referring to the little plant cap that covers the flower before it buds. Tall and water-loving, Eucalyptus is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. It grows in damp marshy areas on moist land and clays, most often found in hilly countrysides or moist valleys in deep rich soils.

In Australia, it was considered to be a ‘cure-all’ by the Aborigines, there are over 300 species and 700 varieties of eucalyptus. The trees have been used for everything from paper, to mulch, shade, fuel, hardwoods, wind breaking and malaria fighting. Its extensive root system absorbs vast amounts of water. It is due to this phenomenon that it has been intentionally planted in marshy, malaria infested areas in an attempt to dry up and purify the soil and air. Baron Ferdinand Von Muller, German botanist and explorer, suggested that the fragrance of the trees might even prove be antiseptic. In 1855 that the French government sent seeds to Algeria and consequently many of the disease ridden areas were converted to healthy dry ones. Eucalyptus oil was in huge demand during World War 1, as it was used to control a meningitis outbreak and for the influenza of 1919. Today the major eucalyptus producing countries include China, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Russia, and Chile.

With over 50 pounds of plant material needed for one pound of oil, eucalyptus was first distilled in 1788, when Doctors White and Cossiden used its oil in treating problems of the chest. The first works of the antiseptic and bacterial properties of the oil were published in Germany by Doctors Cole and Homeyer. They classified it as being “sudorific, a stimulant anti-catharral and astringent”. It was prescribed for all respiratory system conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and flu. The original oil introduced to Europe was was called ‘Sydney peppermint’ and quickly became popular. Traditional household remedies use both the leaves and oils for relief from respiratory ailments, feverish conditions, as well as for skin problems like burns, ulcers, and wounds.

Eucalyptus is one of the most universal and versatile of essential oils. Some of its many properties include analgesic, antiseptic, deodorant, expectorant, and vermifuge (anti-parasitic). The active therapeutic and principal constituent of the medicinal oils is 1,8-cineole. Eucalyptus has a predominately stimulating effect on the nervous system and therefore should assist those suffering from depression and lethargy. Known as a ‘stimulating’ expectorant due to its invigorating action on the mucus membranes, it is widely considered an effective remedy for respiratory ills. Additionally eucalyptus is used to relieve muscular aches and pains, in particular those of a ‘cold’ nature such as rheumatic pains. (courtesy Ananda Apothecary)

As you can see, eucalyptus has been widely used and studied by many cultures over the course of time, and the interest and information is only growing. We believe that experiencing Eucalyptus on a regular basis is essential for your physical health and total wellness. For more information on our home and spa products, visit us today at

Cover photo: Eucalyptus macrocarpa Hook. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, t. 4275-4344, vol. 73 [ser. 3, vol. 3]: t. 4333 (1847) [W.H. Fitch] Courtesy

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil for Better Health and A Stronger Immune System

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil for Better Health and A Stronger Immune System

As cold season continues, it’s even more important to take care of our health and immune system. We hate being laid out, missing school and work and we aren’t alone. But lucky for all of us, there is a power plant that helps keep us strong, protected and cleansed to beat the colds that come our way; eucalyptus. And we want to show you some of the best ways to use it for the better health, a boosted immune system and so much more!

Colds & Flu
Eucalyptus works as an expectorant and helps to cleanse your body of toxins and harmful microorganisms that can make you feel sick. One of the most effective ways to utilize eucalyptus for colds is add several pumps of eucalyptus oil spray into your diffuser before going to sleep so you can take advantage of the healing benefits all night long.

For more acute situations, you can make an at-home steam bath by pouring a cup of boiling water into a bowl, and then spraying 2 sprays of 100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for five–10 minutes.

Odor Remover
Whether you’re battling smelly shoes or a stinky dog bed, topically wash items to remove odors with a wet rag, spray on the area with eucalyptus mist and then place outside to dry in the sun. This will prevent odors as well as kill the bacteria and keep it from spreading.

Air Cleanser
Try spraying eucalyptus into your vacuum and clothes dryer filters to freshen them up and sanitize them a little. Also, it’s great for killing mold in your home, and you can mix eucalyptus with other oils like clove and tea tree oil to cleanse the air and maintain a mold-free home.

Respiratory Problems
Eucalyptus essential oil is highly effective for treating respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia and even tuberculosis. Using eucalyptus for asthma is a proven treatment that dilates the blood vessels and allows more oxygen into the lungs. Simply spray into the shower steam or bath area for a steam version of the ever popular vapor rub remedy!

Hair Nourishment
A few sprays of eucalyptus oil mist into some coconut or olive oil and then massaged in gives your hair a nice moisturizing pick-me-up. This is especially great to ward off dandruff and an itchy scalp. Also, eucalyptus is used as a natural remedy for lice in replacement of chemical treatments.

As you can see, eucalyptus has super strengths that go above and beyond when it comes to the support and nourishment of the body’s systems.

Shop our Pure Eucalyptus Oil Now »

Skip the Coffee Jitters and Use this Pick-Me-Up instead!

Skip the Coffee Jitters and Use this Pick-Me-Up instead!

Coffee is an amazing pick me up but not when it gives you the jitters. You’re already tired, so if your burst of energy wakes you up, but causes you to feel horrible, what are you supposed to do? Well I want to share an alternative idea with you that won’t be the same as your normal hot cup of joe, but will definitely give you the pick me up you’re hunting for.

Our solution? Eucalyptus oil. Not only does it have a long list of health benefits, including respiratory health, muscle pain relief, immune system support, but it also delivers an incredible increase of energy!

One powerful reason that many people use eucalyptus oil is that it creates a cooling and refreshing effect. Eucalyptus oil is a natural stimulant that removes exhaustion and mental sluggishness and rejuvenates the spirits of the worn down. It can also be effective in the treatment of stress and mental disorders.

Eucalyptus essential oil is also used to stimulate mental activity and increase blood flow to the brain, meaning that it’s a great solution for stimulating mental activity and alertness for foggy minds. It works by allowing more blood to circulate to the brain. As a result, eucalyptus essential oil is commonly used in classrooms as a form of causal aromatherapy to increase student performance. Further formal research still needs to be done to gain more global authority in this area, but all signs point to the positive correlation between brain function and eucalyptus essential oil.

That’s all great, but how do we use it? Glad you asked! Many people use add the oil to baths, spas and saunas because of its refreshing and antiseptic attributes. That’s because so many of the benefits of eucalyptus essential oil can be accessed through the vapor, as well as topical application or ingestion. To keep it simple, we have created a Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist for your happy and healthy convenience.

The use of eucalyptus oil in healing practices is increasing in popularity worldwide, because of it’s many benefits and uses. So if you’re tired and need to kick start your energy without feeling sick and jittery. You deserve a healthy solution. We’ve made that for you. If you’re ready to enjoy the benefits for yourself, click here.

At Eurospa Aromatics, your health is our priority and we’re honored to be a part of it!

A History of Eucalyptus

Essential oils and other forms of plant medicine are getting a lot of attention. They all have various benefits and strengths, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Eucalyptus and won’t rest until we’ve told everyone about the reasons we’ve grown so fond of it.

Where is Eucalyptus Found?

People have said that the eucalyptus tree is one of the most useful trees in the world. Eucalyptus belongs to the same family as tea tree and grows most abundantly in Australia. The word eucalyptus means “well-covered” referring to the little plant cap that covers the flower before it buds. Tall and water-loving, Eucalyptus is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. It grows in damp marshy areas on moist land and clays, most often found in hilly countrysides or moist valleys in deep rich soils.

Medical Eucalyptus History

“In Australia, it was considered to be a ‘cure-all’ by the Aborigines. There are over 300 species and 700 varieties of Eucalyptus. The trees have been used for everything from paper, to mulch, shade, fuel, hardwoods, wind breaking and malaria-fighting. Its extensive root system absorbs vast amounts of water.

Eucalyptus oil was in huge demand during World War 1, as it was used to control a meningitis outbreak and for the influenza of 1919. Today the major Eucalyptus-producing countries include China, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Russia, and Chile.

With over 50 pounds of plant material needed for one pound of oil, Eucalyptus was not distilled until 1788, when Doctors White and Cossiden used its oil in treating problems of the chest. The first works of the antiseptic and bacterial properties of the oil were published in Germany by Doctors Cole and Homeyer. They classified it as being ‘sudorific, a stimulant anti-catharral and astringent’. It was prescribed for all respiratory system conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and flu. The original oil introduced to Europe was called ‘Sydney peppermint’ and quickly became popular. Traditional household remedies use both the leaves and oils for relief from respiratory ailments, feverish conditions, as well as for skin problems like burns, ulcers, and wounds.

Eucalyptus is one of the most universal and versatile of essential oils. Some of its many properties include analgesic, antiseptic, deodorant, expectorant, and vermifuge (anti-parasitic). Eucalyptus has a predominantly stimulating effect on the nervous system and therefore should assist those suffering from depression and lethargy. Known as a ‘stimulating’ expectorant due to its invigorating action on the mucous membranes, it is widely considered an effective remedy for respiratory ills. Additionally, Eucalyptus is used to relieve muscular aches and pains, in particular those of a ‘cold’ nature such as rheumatic pains.” – Ananda Apothecary

Eucalyptus has been widely used and studied by many cultures over the course of time, and the interest and information are only growing—for good reason, too! We believe that experiencing Eucalyptus on a regular basis is essential for your physical health and total wellness.

What interests you most in the history of Eucalyptus? Let us know, and share this info on social media!