6 Natural Ingredients for Non-Toxic Cleaning!

6 Natural Ingredients for Non-Toxic Cleaning!

I rarely go to the supermarket for anything more than food these days.  Of course I buy certain staples like toilet paper but when it comes to cleaning supplies, you may be surprised as to what I buy, where I buy it and how I use it.

Cleaning your house is pretty counter productive if you spend all this time killing germs but allowing chemicals to infiltrate your lungs in the process. The chemical ingredients found in most household cleaners are simply dangerous to your health and I urge you to take a moment and read about some great alternatives!

Here are 6 basic ingredients every cleaning cupboard should keep:

Vinegar: One bottle of distilled white vinegar is a healthy home’s perfect companion. Use it anywhere and everywhere. Whether cleaning windows, toilets, drains, sinks etc., it is the active ingredient to cut through grease and kill certain types of bacteria, yeast and mould. You can simply fill a spray bottle with vinegar and add a couple of drops of an essential oil like tea tree or eucalyptus for a safe and efficient do-it-yourself surface cleaner!
Baking soda: Not only a very versatile cleaner, though that’s what we’re focusing on, but it’s also great as a face and body scrub! (But love your skin and still be gentle!) Useful as a mild abrasive and a disinfectant, it’s great for all that needed scrubbing.  Just combine it with the above white vinegar and you’ll be able to clean just about anything. I like to mix baking soda with vinegar to clean my kitchen sink, shower, bathroom sink and toilet (also adding a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil). 
Eucalyptus oil: I’m sure you noticed from the above, my mention of Eucalyptus Oil.  This miracle oil is a great addition to your self made cleaning products as it not only smells wonderful and fresh, but also adds anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to your already hard working concoctions! Spray and wipe down the kitchen and bathroom benches to disinfect and deodorize as well.  As a bonus, you can also use eucalyptus oil in spray form, to both freshen up the room or by adding it to the steam in your shower; great for the home and for your health! 
Castile soap: A great natural cleaner. Castile soap can be used on your body and your home. It comes in concentrated form, so you don’t need much each time you use it.  Can be used for laundry, dishes and even on the baby!  No worries here, just squeaky clean living!
Lemon juice: This fruit is so useful, safe and fragrant. The citric acid in lemon is one of nature’s best cleaners. It breaks down oils and also dead skin.  You can easily add this too baking soda and *gently* massage it in to your skin … leave it on for no more than 5 minutes and then use a little castile soap for the final rinse!  You’ll love how your skin glows afterwards!
Clove oil:  Great for mould infested areas.  Simply dilute 2ml of clove oil in 1 liter of water and spray on to problem areas. 
See?  Not so bad!  Unfortunately, in the name of convenience, we tend to carelessly buy the cheapest products on the market and it’s time we changed our mentality!  
These mixes are easy to make and tend to last far longer than your common store bought products.  Imagine how wonderful it will feel to know that when you are cleaning with these natural ingredients, that you are also creating a healthier home environment for yourself and the ones you love.  
Stop on by to Euro Spa and see what we can do for you!  Your health is our priority. Please feel free to leave a comment below about YOUR favorite DIY cleaning solutions! 
We love to hear from you! 
Follow us on TWITTER !  
By: Navae Fiona
How Can Eucalyptus Help Your Hair??

How Can Eucalyptus Help Your Hair??

Many people already know that Eucalyptus is a powerfully medicinal tree found in Australia and is widely known to go hand in hand with the adorable koala bear.  However, it’s value reaches far deeper than that.  We love to educate people on it’s anti-microbial properties, antiseptic nature, deodorant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and even respiratory aid when the eucalyptus oil is added to the healing steam of a sauna or shower.

Maybe you already know all of this.

Maybe you are ready to move on to a new topic.  How CAN Eucalyptus help your hair??

Everyone, whether man or woman, likes to have a head full of clean, healthy and shining hair.  In our modern world full of air conditioning, heating, drastic climates, environmental change, products, straightening and curling, chlorine and even daily washing, we’ve learned that our hair isn’t bullet proof and these factors do affect the quality and sheen of the hair.

About the hair…

Each strand has at the base of it’s shaft, a follicle,  which is comprised of a produced protein substance called keratin and a little moisture.  The strands of hair are moisturized by an oil gland in the follicle that also protects the hair.

So now that we understand the hair itself and the abuse we put it through.. let’s look at some ways to repair the damage done.

About the solution…

First let’s start with massage.  Feel free to directly apply the oil to your scalp and gently massage with your fingers in a circular motion, encouraging hair growth.  Alternatively, you can also mix a few drops of the concentrated oil with a base such as olive or Castor oil.  Warm the mixture at a low temperature and then do the same gentle circular massage with your finger tips. This not only improves your blood circulation, stimulating hair growth, but also makes your hair shine with a healthy glow!

Eucalyptus oil can also help in getting rid of dandruff, which is not only unsightly but also clogs the pores, making it difficult for the hair to grow.  Remember, when aiding our hair in it’s growth, we want to make sure we are getting the stimulation needed and the roadblocks out of the way! When using eucalyptus oil for dandruff,  you simply have to mix 8 to10 drops of the oil into your shampoo and gently massage your scalp for a few minutes (preferably allowing the oil to activate in the steam of the shower so you get the other health benefits as well!  Breathe in that steam!). This method is also beneficial in getting rid of head lice and their eggs, so parents are wise to keep this oil handy and keep the little one’s heads safe against that invasion!

Another benefit of eucalyptus oil is that in can increase the elasticity of your hair.  So many of us know how frustrating it can be when you are trying to grow out your hair in to luxurious locks only to loose your progress to breakage and more split ends. When doing both of the above treatments, you will happily enjoy stronger hair – more resistant to further breakage and split ends.

All in all, it’s an incredible oil from a miraculous plant.

What have YOU got to say?   Do you have a great way that Eucalyptus Oil has done wonders for your hair or simply your life?  Let us know!  We’d love to hear from you!

by: Navae Fiona

Eucalyptus: Good for Mind, Body and Business

Eucalyptus: Good for Mind, Body and Business

You may be surprised to find that Eucalyptus, a plant commonly known for it’s essential oil, is a valuable enhancement to your creativity, personal health and productivity.

Follow me here.  First, let’s dive into some of the main properties of Eucalyptus oil and see why it is such a valuable asset to your life quality and success.

  • antiseptic
  • expectorant 
  • stimulant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-spasmodic
  • decongestant
  • deodorant
  • anti-microbial  

There’s a common thread weaving through that list of characteristics.  Not only does it kill bacteria (and other invaders) but it improves circulation and acts as a bronchiodilator. 

Do you see where this is going?  It’s absolutely amazing!  

The benefit this miracle plant brings to your health is clear.  Think of the opportunities to empower your immune system against the cold season in winter!  On top of that, add it to your first aid kit for your next camping adventure as both an aid in healing and as an anti-inflammatory muscle rub.  

Next up – is the bronchioldilation perk.  This is the substance that dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway and increasing airflow to the lungs.  This not only breaks up congestion but paves the way for deeper breathing; and that’s something we all need much more of.  Studies have shown us that deeper breathing slows the heart rate along with the rate of aggression and the cortisol (stress hormone) that accompanies it.  In addition to decreased stress, deep breathing brings more oxygen to the brain; a necessary ingredient for creative flow and productivity. 

When there is plenty of oxygen in the brain, we are stimulated, have the ability to think more clearly, our senses are heightened and we welcome new ideas with improved motivation. 

Imagine adding a Eucalyptus Spray to your shower or steam room.  Imagine enjoying a few sprays in a room just before you begin your workday, creative process or meditation.  I assure you, the results will be invigorating and your health will benefit as well. 

But don’t simply take my word for it.  Visit us now, at Eurospa and discover just how wonderful the addition of eucalyptus oil to your daily routine can be!  

by: Navae Fiona



You may have noticed the many colds and flu’s migrating around the world this winter.  Maybe you have had the ‘pleasure’ of experiencing it yourself?  Or maybe you have simply been one of the lucky parents that have missed work due to the havoc these menaces have caused in schools. 

Whatever the case,  I think we all agree that it’s time we had some simple tools to keep these viruses at bay. 

Here are a few quick tips for beating the cold season this winter:

1.  In lower temperatures, wear a coat and scarf.  I have so often seen people wandering around town like it’s sunny outside while their exposed arms are covered in goose bumps proving otherwise.  A cold body is a compromised body.  If the body is busy working overtime to keep your body warm, your immune system is going to have to settle with the left over energy to fight off these unwanted, contagious visitors.   Do yourself (and your kids) a favor and bundle up appropriately.  Adults?  Hats, scarves and coats are not your enemy.  And if you require your kids to wear them as well, you’re not the enemy either; you are the protector.  You can do it.  I believe in you.
2.  Keep your insides warm too!  When we eat ice creams and smoothies in the winter, we chill our insides causing the same (if not worse) weakening of our immune systems as when we under dress for the weather.  My solution?  Besides chilling out on your cold food consumption?  I call it, the fire starter tea.   It’s quite simple, so get a pen and paper and keep this one visible in the kitchen.  For one serving, simply squeeze ½ a lemon into your cup and add hot water.   Then add about 1tsp (more or less) of cayenne pepper to the mix.  Sweeten with honey or stevia and you’ll be on your way.  Of course, adjust to taste.  I personally prefer much more cayenne and the fire it starts inside me.  But you just play around and see what works best for you.  Lemons are high in Vitamin C and the cayenne is good for circulation, inflammation, congestion, weight loss and so much more.  It’s a win win!
3.  Clean out the bad to make room for the good!  I’m not talking about an all out body cleanse; though you should go for it if you feel so inclined.  Naturally, one of my favorite natural winter immune boosters is eucalyptus oil!  The benefits?
·       Antibacterial Properties – great for respiratory infections!
·       Pain Relief – proven to have analgesic properties
·       Stimulates Immune System Response to common conditions like:  Arthritis, skin problems, congestion,  acne, diabetes, flu, fevers, ulcers and more!
The best way to activate the Eucalyptus is through steam therapy treatment.  Have you noticed how much easier it is to breath once you step into a hot steaming shower?  Your lungs and sinus feel free to expand.  Well, add to that the oils of the eucalyptus joining that steam as it opens up your tightened bronchial passages while penetrating and clearing out the infection causing the problem.  To enjoy a therapeutic steam, just add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a saucepan of simmering water on the stove. You can also use a humidifier — some actually provide a compartment for essential oils. If you don’t have an oil diffuser but would like to disinfect the air, no need to even dilute the oil, just aim and spray!  My personal favorite is to use it in the shower, steam rooms or in a spa!

The result is ridiculously effective, cost efficient and safe for both your body and the environment.  The benefits of aromatherapy as a health investment and even the perfect gift, makes this an easy and relaxing tip to apply to everyone’s weekly winter routine!

A healthy and luxurious winter is available for all at Eurospa Aromatics whether you are a large spa or want to buy independently for personal use in your own home or as a gift.

So let’s recap a moment, shall we?  The top 3 ways you can beat the cold season?
·       Dress for warmth.   (not just success 😉 )
·       Light your inner fire
·       Eucalyptus Steam Therapy

Take charge of your health this season.  Get a bottle for yourself or even as a gift, right here.
Take a deep breath. Love your body and practice good health now.  

Give Your Sweetheart the Unique Gift of Eucalyptus Shower Mist for Any Occasion

Give Your Sweetheart the Unique Gift of Eucalyptus Shower Mist for Any Occasion

Birthday, Christmas, Mother’s Day, or Just Because Day

Your Soul Mate Will Thank You Every Day for this Amazing Present Any Time You Gift It

How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.

I’ll give you the gift of a calm spirit induced by aromatherapy
I’ll provide you with a daily experience of steam born eucalyptus oil
When you are feeling stuffy, my gift will clear your lungs
When you are enduring muscle aches, the oil will soothe away the pain.

Ok.  The poetry isn’t that great.  But the thought is what counts, right?  What I can say for pretty close to certain is that your giftee will be pleasantly surprised when you present them with an 8 oz bottle of Euraospa’s Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist.  Then, every time they shower or just feel like breathing in the amazing aroma of eucalyptus, they will think of you again.

The scent of eucalyptus is variously described as woodsy-sweet, cooling, refreshing, energizing, fresh, pleasing, revitalizing.  Now that is poetry!

Using this amazing mist is easy.  You just spray it into steam.  I like to spray it above the shower when the hot water is all the way up, just before I moderate the temperature and step in.  You can also spray it above the shower stream during your shower.  It only takes a few shots.  I usually do 5 or 6.  Others like to do 10.  But even 10 sprays will only cost about 20 pennies.  You see there are about 1500 sprays in the bottle you buy.  

At 5 sprays per day, a bottle will last almost an entire year.   

You can either buy the single bottle by going here or buy a two pack (one for your valentine and one for you) by going here

Gift for A Loved One Anytime, Any Occasion – Keep One for Yourself and Save!!

Gift for A Loved One Anytime, Any Occasion – Keep One for Yourself and Save!!


New Eucalyptus Oil Shower Spray Twin Pack Increases the Joy of Giving

Eucalyptus Oil Spray Mist – Buy on Amazon http://bit.ly/2EOMist

Benefits of Eucalytus Oil

If you love eucalyptus oil for all the great health and wellness benefits, or even just for the tranquil and delightful aromatic fragrance, there is something you need to hear about!

  • Amazing aromatic properties provides sense of euphoria and energy
  • Know antimicrobial 
  • Used for generations for a relief of cold symptoms
  • Anti fungal helps keep fungus out of your shower and tub
  • Combined with the steam in your shower, clears respiratory system
  • Works to eliminate athletes feet

There can be no doubt that an 8 oz spray mist bottle of eucalyptus oil would make a unique and memorable present for someone you REALLY care about.  Our regular cost for the Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist and Steam Room Spray – 8 Ounce on Amazon is just $29.95.  A perfect price for almost anyone you are blessed to send a gift.

But if you order one for your friend, you might have some second thoughts when it arrives, and wonder if you should keep it for yourself and find something else for the loved one.

We have a solution to your dilemma!!  Order our new twin pack and the second bottle costs you only $19.95.  You save $10 just like that.  Now you can share the experience with your friend, and compare the benefits you and they have received from all the possible uses of this miracle and natural oil.

Head on over to Amazon right now to get your twin pack of Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist Twin Pack – 8 Ounces Each