Skin Breakouts?  Natural Remedies for Healthy Skin You Can Do at Home

Skin Breakouts? Natural Remedies for Healthy Skin You Can Do at Home

skin blemishes can surprise you and feel ugly, but these natural remedies from eurospa will keep you healthy and beautiful

Nobody likes it when they take a look in the mirror and notice the surprise of a breakout.  It’s always untimely and pretty embarrassing!  Now, while I can’t promise you they’ll go away immediately, I can share with you some ways to speed along the process and hopefully prevent them from happening in the future!

First of all, our skin is our largest organ. It breathes.  It takes in and it releases.  It’s a filtration system for both the external and internal.  When we break out, our bodies are telling us that something on the outside or inside in NOT happy and it’s time we do something about it.

So you’re thinking, topical medication right? No.  Because that doesn’t fix the problem and ultimately you’re just going to teach your body to be quiet when there’s a problem in the future and we just don’t want that.

Preventative?  Be clean inside and out.  Ladies, if you go to bed with your makeup on you’re just asking for trouble. Our bodies go through so much when we sleep.  Our hormones shift, we sweat, our pores open and all the makeup and skin oils mix together in the folds and pores of our skin, basically suffocating it and causing it to get stuck (for now) and expelled later.  It’s the expelling part that we irritated about! Back to being clean?  Be clean on the inside – and the best way to do this daily is getting a good water intake- at least 60 ounces a day. Water flushes out the garbage we store inside with refined foods, sugar, alcohol, excess salt and preservatives.  So hey – make it easier and DON’T consume so much garbage.  You’re skin will thank you.

Solution to the NOW problem?

1.  Go SANS makeup.  I know, hard.  If you’re feeling to attached, then go with some eyeliner and mascara with some gloss.  But leave your skin ALONE.
2.  Sweat it out.  Get to a sauna or make a steam shower/bath and sweat that nasty stuff out.  Enhance the sweat by spraying Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist into the steam.  It’s anti-microbial and will cleanse your body (inside and out) even deeper!
3.  Gently Exfoliate.  I love to use baking soda because it’s natural and cheap.  Just shake a few sprinkles of it into your hands and massage in small, gentle circles around your face, being careful to avoid the area and be extra nice to those open blemishes.
4.  Tone it up.  Top choice for me is witch hazel.  It’s anti-inflammatory and regulates your skin’s ph.  Add anti-microbial tea tree oil to the mix as well to further your cleanse.
5.  Moisturize.  My top two choices are (in order) Jojoba Oil and Coconut Oil. Jojoba is the oil that’s closest to our skin’s ph and is readily absorbed.  Coconut is similar, but heavier.  So if your skin tends toward oily, go with jojoba.

So there you have it!  No miracle cures here, but stick to the ‘clean inside and out’ routine and I promise you will begin to see the difference! Eurospa is committed to your health and would love to hear from you.  Stop by and let us know how we can make your life a healthier one!

Going Somewhere? Have Your Skin GLOWING in Less than an Hour!

Going Somewhere? Have Your Skin GLOWING in Less than an Hour!

get youthful and glowing skin in under an hour!  perfect ideas before a date, wedding, party, interview, fashion shoot, runway

Grabbed your attention with that one, didn’t I?  That’s because you deserve to look incredible at any age, for any occasion. When you have a big event or are going somewhere, being told that your skin can be glowing in less than an hour can seem far fetched but it’s entirely possible and true!
It’s so easy to be discouraged when we know we need to (or want to) look our best but see an image far from youthful or glowing in the mirror. From our diets and stressors to locations and energy levels, life can really take a toll on your skin.

We can all agree to that when we first wake up and take a look in the mirror with the drooping skin reminding us of both gravity and the progression of time.

But can we beat this natural progression…..naturally?

I am happy to say that while we may not be able to beat it entirely, we can slow it down with these simple and easy to implement tools and habits.  Choose them all or the ones that feel right and watch your metamorphosis take place!

Ready?  Let’s do this.

1. Water :  I can’t stress this aspect enough.  You know that feeling that overcomes you around 3 or 4pm when you just feel like a wilted flower?  Well, logic tells us that when a flower wilts, there is a need for some serious hydration.  You can have all the sun you want, but in the end, it’s the water that provides the supple life vibrancy in plants, animals and humans.  Try to get 60 to 80 ounces a day for best results.  Pound down some H2O and watch the dark circles get lighter and skin get tighter.  Drink to your health.

2. Baking Soda Scrub:  It’s crunch time and the day has taken it’s toll on your skin.  If you’ve worn makeup, massage a little olive oil to remove it, and then sprinkle some baking soda onto your finger tips.  Massage *gently* in small circular motions, avoiding the more sensitive eye areas.  Rinse with warm water and then splash your face a few times with the cold stuff.  Your circulation will thank you and your skin will be silky soft!

3. Egg White Mask:  This tip is one of my favorites.   What you will need: a little bowl or dish a fork, 1 egg white and a lemon wedge.  Put the white in the bowl and add the lemon wedge juice, whipping it gently with a fork until the vitamin C creates little foam bubbles.  With your fingers or a paint brush, gently spread the mix along the tops of your cheeks, chin, nose, jaw and across your forehead, avoiding the eyes entirely, as lemon juice is not a friend to our eyes!  It may begin to itch or feel tight.  It could run a little.  I suggest laying down in a hot bath as it sets and dries.  After about 10-15 minutes, take a wet cloth and wipe off the mask, starting at the top and working your way down.  Add your favorite moisturizer and presto! You look incredible.

5. Steam: Go traditional and simply add our eucalyptus shower spray to one pint of steaming water in a large bowl or pot. Lean over the container, covering your head with a towel and allow your face to take in the steam for 5-10 minutes. (Alternatively, while your in the bath, add it to the bath water) This supports the skin’s natural self cleansing functions, opening pores and reducing buildup and eruptions.

You are now fully equipped with some natural remedies to revive that youthful glow that loves to shine through you!  To enhance your experience further, please visit us at Eurospa to find out more about our menthol crystals and eucalyptus products for home and spa!  We look forward to serving you! 



chest congestion, clear pathways, breathe better fast, natural remedy for coughs, colds, menthol crystals, bronchitis, sinusitis, glowing skin, fountain of youthAre you one of the lucky ones that experiences either chronic or acute nasal congestion? If you’re experiencing nasal congestion, morning sneezes, or any nose blockages – the good news is YOU WIN!! Sinus problems happen for many reasons; some of which include air conditioners, pollution, genetics and more.

Regardless, if you have had the ‘pleasure’ of this untimely gift, you know it’s not only a miserable feeling but can turn your whole day upside down, as breathing can be difficult. Regular lung cleansing may be the solution you’ve been looking for as it is helpful to many respiratory ailments.  Since we are always breathing, clogged sinuses and congestion in our lungs are conditions we can’t so easily ignore! And when those pathways become hindered, the only things we are desperate for are some efficient inhalations. Good thing is, that menthol crystals are able to provide a significant amount of relief, as menthol reduces broncho-constriction and hyper airway responsiveness. 

Products intended for lung cleansing, that contain menthol crystals have shown to provide incredible relief for the tiresome symptoms of upper respiratory complaints, congestion, sore throats and even coughs.  You may have noticed that the leading brands of lozenges, drops and balms usually list menthol as their main ingredient.  So, it’s no surprise that inhaling the vapor and scent of menthol crystals leave you almost feeling their power as they break up congestion, clear pathways, cooling the burn and soothing irritated membranes. This is so helpful and holds it’s worth in the relief alone! 

Are you intrigued?  Ready to know how to use them?

What’s great, is that since the crystals are so concentrated, you only need a small amount each time!

Here’s what I want you to do:   

chest congestion, clear pathways, breathe better fast, natural remedy for coughs, colds, menthol crystals, bronchitis, sinusitis, glowing skin, fountain of youth

Fill a bucket or a pot with about 1/3 of steaming hot water. (if you want to do all of this at the stove, keep the temperature at medium or less as too high of a boil will be too hot for your skin.) Put about 3-4 menthol crystals into the steaming water. Grab a towel and cover your head and the pot with it, leaving space for fresh air to find it’s way in. Then, breath in and out deeply.  You may find that it’s hard to breathe in the menthol steam, especially if you have a lot of stubborn congestion. But still try to stick to it for about 15 minutes or until you couldn’t take it anymore. (Turn on some relaxing or revitalizing tunes and let it all go!) Once you, or the steam is done,  unveil yourself from the towel and take in few fresh breaths,  allowing your body to cool down to let your breathing return to normal.  Next?  Blow your nose. Blow everything out! But keep in mind not to press on one side of the nose while blowing the other side. Just blow it out naturally and with ease from both sides at the same time. Your head will feel lighter and the nasal pathways more clear. If you got deep enough, you should even feel the mucous in your lungs clearing up as well!
As far as timing goes, if you are able do it every night before bed, it will help you in getting a better night sleep. Over time, you will get so much out that you may even clear your sinusitis one day!

I did mention beautiful, glowing skin, didn’t I?  I know it got your attention and I’m happy to tell you…  You have just opened the pores of your skin, sweat out impurities, infused your cells with anti-microbial super powers (thank you menthol crystals!) and added to the supple, youthful glow that we all desire!

Don’t worry!  You can have and easily afford your own crystals from Eurospa! We are thrilled to be bringing such goodness and freedom to your day!  Get your own menthol crystals, breathe clearer, look great and then tell us what you think!