Natural Migraine and Headache Relief

Natural Migraine and Headache Relief

When you have a migraine, it’s easy to feel completely depleted – like you don’t want to even move or speak, let alone get anything productive done. When you’re feeling a migraine coming on, there are steps you can take to help prevent one from coming or ease your symptoms. Here are some of our favorite essential oils to help naturally relieve migraines and headaches:

Lavender oil is most commonly used for stress relief, better sleep, and relaxation, but it has also been shown to reduce pain because it is anti-inflammatory and dilates blood vessels. A favorite way to get the benefits of Lavender is to run it in a diffuser. Put your diffuser next to your bed and breathe in the vapor for a while to alleviate some of your migraine symptoms while you relax.

Peppermint oil is one of the most popular oils to help with migraines and headaches. The high menthol content helps with easing pain and relaxing muscles. If you also get nauseous when you have a migraine, Peppermint works wonders for that as well! One way to use Peppermint is to sniff it directly from the bottle.

Sometimes headaches or migraines are caused by sinus issues and Eucalyptus is perfect for helping the sinuses. Eucalyptus will open the nasal passages and relieve some of the tension that’s causing you pain. You can use Eucalyptus by diluting it in some a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) and applying it to your chest or the bottom of your feet.

Another way that we love to get the benefits of these amazing oils is by taking a steamy shower with one of our ShowerMists. You can even make a concoction using more than one of them to get better results! Simply run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays of your ShowerMists of choice into the steam and breathe in.

Do you have any other natural headache and migraine remedies that we should know about?

The Best Way to Kick Your Migraine Naturally and Fast

The Best Way to Kick Your Migraine Naturally and Fast

There’s nothing worse than feeling a migraine creep in. Whether you feel it in your eyes, your neck or all over, you know you’re in for a rough day. But before you reach for a whole bottle of pain pills, I want to tell you something important.

Most commonly, headaches migraines are triggered or exacerbated by stress of the emotions or body, making relaxation an important part of headache treatment. So when the pain hits, ask yourself what might be causing your stress and ask if there’s something small or big you can do to eliminate it at least for the day.

Usually, when we are stressed, our muscles tighten, causing our nerves to spasm. And the most common areas that this happens is at the temples, all around the base of the skull, around the ears and under the jaw. So get in a relaxed seated position and feel what area feels the tightest and gently stretch and massage those areas. Do make sure to focus some good attention to the joint of your jaw; massage downward as you open and close your mouth. Then be sure to hook your finger just under the edges of your jaw and apply pressure. Does it feel tight and sore? Apply the pressure (not too hard) until you feel it’s beginning to relax and then move to the next spot. From the jaw, rub your fingers downward along the front/sides of your neck, all the way down to the collar bone. Rub along the top and bottom of your collar bone as well. When you picture all of this, you see how interconnected all the muscles are. In our daily lives we spend so much time at computers and on our phones that our muscles tighten in those positions. Add stress and muscle tightening to the equation and you end up with the dreaded migraine.

Now do the stretches and massage and take it further by adding heat and aromatherapy. For many generations, aromatherapy has been used to relieve stress and pain for pain, and is quite safe, provided you use them as directed.

The most efficient solution is Eucalyptus. The leaves and oil of the eucalyptus tree are used for many medical purposes. Eucalyptus oil is said to help reduce swelling, increase circulation, clear nasal congestion, and relieve pain. Full-strength essential oil of eucalyptus should never be taken by mouth or rubbed on the skin. It should be diluted first. (everyday health)

The best way to enjoy the benefits of Eucalyptus for headaches, migraines and muscle tension is through steam – using our eucalyptus oil shower spray in both a shower or steam room. You’ll quickly feel the pressure lighten and your body relax. Try the massage I told you about, while in the shower or steam room and see how quickly you find relief!

Other oils that can provide headache relief are Lavender, Rosemary and Peppermint. Here’s a little information on each of those.

Lavender oil comes from the plant’s blue-violet flowers. Some small research studies suggest that lavender oil has a calming effect when its scent is inhaled. It may also help reduce pain — aromatherapists often use it to help treat headache. Just place a few drops of lavender oil into boiling water and inhale the vapors. Lavender oil can also be rubbed into the skin for pain relief. But keep it away from your mouth and eyes — it’s toxic if ingested by a non-therapeutic grade brand.

Rosemary is another essential oil that is frequently used in aromatherapy. Rosemary oil applied to the skin has been used to treat muscle pain and improve circulation, so it makes sense that it could help relieve migraine or headache pain. One study supports the use of rosemary for reducing stress and anxiety. Essential oil of rosemary may be added to base oil and rubbed into the skin. It can also be added to bathwater, but avoid contact with the eyes or any open cuts.

Peppermint is a cross between watermint and spearmint plants, and it grows wild in Europe and North America. Peppermint oil is used in aromatherapy for headache as well as muscle and nerve pain. This essential oil can be inhaled, applied to the skin after being diluted with another oil, or taken by mouth in very small doses. Some pain studies show that peppermint oil used as aromatherapy for headache may allow people to use fewer traditional pain medications.

If you deal with headaches or migraines, we don’t envy you. But we do want to provide you with relief. Use the techniques taught to you today and support your health with the highest quality essential oils possible. Learn more about our Eucalyptus based products on our website and shop for them in our store.

3 Amazing Mint Benefits You Have to Try

3 Amazing Mint Benefits You Have to Try

If you haven’t experienced the incredible healing mint oil benefits, you’re missing out. There are some very common ailments that most of us are familiar with that can be solved or relieved via treatment with mint. Some of these common complaints include body pain, fatigue, and low spirits. We’ve all had those from time to time.

And they always show up at the worst possible moments, when you really can’t afford to miss out on life. So why not learn about the incredible benefits of mint and the relief it offers, and get back to your life.

3 Rejuvenating Mint Benefits

The power of mint is helpful for:

1. Restores respiratory health

The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, that often results from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes the throat, nose, and other respiratory channels, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the reason why several balms are mint-based. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, mint-based solutions tend to be more effective and eco-friendly as well.

2. Relieves nausea and headache

Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil or freshly crushed mint leaves can alleviate your stomach issues. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all times to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base or basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, give quick relief in case of a headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance so it can alleviate the inflammation and temperature rise that is often associated with headaches and migraines.

3. Reduces depression and fatigue

Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning at peak capacity again. If you’re feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, giving you a much-needed boost! A popular way to get good results easily is to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while you sleep.

Get the Benefits of Mint Now

The above ailments are among the most commonly experienced, but mint’s power doesn’t stop there. Check out our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist for use anywhere you can think of: in the shower or bath, topically, or diffused into the air. Find the peace that mint-infused essential oils provide.

Convinced about mint yet? Tell us about your mint experiences in the comments, and share the info with the buttons below!

7 Helpful Tips for People Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Headaches

Chronic fatigue headaches are no laughing matter, and it’s quite common in America. You try to sleep and get the rest you need, but in the morning you wake up exhausted, with tight muscles and a tension headache to go with it. While chronic fatigue is a complex issue, we have some helpful tips so you can reduce and relieve this very common pain.

So here are our natural, expert tips:

7 tips for handling chronic fatigue headaches

  1. Food: Some foods are going to aggravate your condition. The most common ones will be those that cause inflammation, such as processed sugar, white grains, coffee, and dairy. Reduce these, and you’ll not only sleep better but be able to have less tension in your muscles.
  2. Hydrate:  Try to drink 2-3 liters a day. Your brain cells and blood need to be hydrated properly for everything to work smoothly. Dehydration in the muscles cause tightening, which leads to headaches in the neck and forehead.
  3. Sleep:  Aim to get 7-9 hours each night. Be sure that you have a relaxation routine before bed—without media—to help you get pure and restful sleep. Power naps are also helpful just after lunch to get you through the day with less pain.
  4. Massage: Gently massage your middle and index finger along the back of your neck and in small circles at the temples and between the eyebrows.
  5. Relax:  We are an over-scheduled society that tends to worry about the minute details of life. Make time to pause in your day and breathe deeply, bringing as much oxygen to your cells and muscle fibers as possible.
  6. Take Screen Breaks: Staring at the computer, your phone, or TV forces your eyes to not only stare in one place for an extended amount of time, but the screen itself can cause eye strain. Take 2-minute breaks every 30 minutes to close your eyes as well as find different locations around the room to focus on, to keep the eye muscles mobile.
  7. Eucalyptus: Applying Eucalyptus oil to your forehead can be incredibly soothing for stress headaches in the same manner as peppermint oil. Like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil can soothe, relax muscles, and clear nasal passages. It’s great to inhale as well because it has anti-microbial properties that can help attack germs and viruses that may be causing the headache. Put a few drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into a bowl of steaming water and inhale deeply or enjoy it in a nice shower or bath.

It’s tiring having to deal with the regular pain and exhaustion of chronic fatigue, but there are definitely ways to lessen the torture and find relief. Don’t live with the pain anymore; take advantage of a healthier, improved you now.

How do you deal with chronic fatigue headaches? Chat about it in the comments and share this post on social with the buttons below!

Mint Cures Some Shocking Ailments You Wouldn’t Believe

We all have little (and big) ailments that get in the way of daily life and hinder our ability to enjoy it. Some of the more common complaints are body pain, fatigue, and low spirits. We’ve all been there, and we all know someone who’s been there.

What’s beautiful is that you don’t have to go at it alone and you can find relief with natural remedies. One remedy, in particular, is mint combined with eucalyptus. Both are powerful. So why not combine them?

Mint can cure the following ailments

Nausea & Headache: Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil can alleviate your stomach issues. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all times to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base and basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, give quick relief in case of a headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance which makes it perfect for fighting inflammation and the temperature rise often associated with headaches and migraines.

Respiratory Disorders, Coughs, and Asthma: Mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, which gives relief for respiratory disorders that often result from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the main reason why so many balms are based on mint. For asthma benefits, regular use of mint is very beneficial as it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, those with mint as the fundamental component tend to be more effective and eco-friendly as well.

Depression and Fatigue: Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning at a high level again. If you are feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint and its derivative essential oils can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, and all of those techniques can give you a much-needed boost. A popular way to get good results easily is to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while you sleep.

There are so many ailments you don’t have to face if you use the power of mint. And if you want added benefits, use our Mint-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist for an even more powerful remedy.

How else do you use mint? Tell us in the comments and help a friend live happier by sharing!