5 Ways To Defeat Seasonal Allergies and Feel Better Fast!

5 Ways To Defeat Seasonal Allergies and Feel Better Fast!

Allergies and hay fever seem to be at their peak this year and the world is feeling their misery!  There’s a certain torture about the never ending sinus pressure, itchy eyes and relentless sneezing and leaving you with your arms in the air begging for relief.

Well put your arms down.  Relief is on it’s way.  You’re welcome to reach for the nearest OTC pills, but we’d like to suggest something a little healthier on the short and long term.  

The added bonus is how fast relief will come! 

Here are 5 ways to defeat seasonal allergies and feel better fast!

5 Ways To Defeat Seasonal Allergies and Feel Better Fast!You can heal yourself.  It’s true.  The Chinese have been working with the body’s immune system for thousands of years with unexplainable results!  There are many points all over the body that when pressure is applied to them, relief and healing is found.  (it’s how the ninjas were treated after rigorous kung fu training!) For allergy relief, simply see the photo below and use your index or middle fingers of each hand to apply a firm pressure to each of the points marked.  Be sure the pressure is firm enough to create slight discomfort, but not enough to hurt. You will know you are on the right spot as it will be a little tender.  Stay on each point for about 30 seconds. Please drink a lot of water after performing this on yourself. You need to dilute the toxins that have been released! 

Old news rings true.  Water is our KEY SOURCE for ridding toxins and stagnant bacteria out of our bodies.  It’s THE necessary ingredient to our kidneys and livers functioning well.  Guess what? It also thins your mucous.  Want to get that mucous flowing and the anti-histamine to calm down?  Drink water.  As stated above, it will also get things diluted and expelled faster! (Additional side note?  Dehydration is one of the biggest causes behind halitosis; bad breath! During allergy season (and daily life) bacteria accumulates in our sinus passages, mouths and stomach (from the mucous) and sits there.  You can’t brush or rinse these guys away, but you can dilute and flush them.) So drink up.  

5 Ways To Defeat Seasonal Allergies and Feel Better Fast!Sorry, to bring it back to water, but it’s a vehicle that moves things. When you need relief from seasonal allergies, get your blood moving.  When you exercise, you increase your circulation and begin to sweat.  Both blood and water carry the pollen and anti-histamine out of yours system faster.  Think of a stagnant river vs. a flowing river.  Which one’s going to have more bugs, slime and bacteria? If it’s so bad, stay indoors for your work out.  OR, get above it and hike on a mountain where it’s less concentrated. Lastly, try going for a swim. It’s great exercise and there’s no pollen in the water! 

5 Ways To Defeat Seasonal Allergies and Feel Better Fast!A relaxing option is to breathe in the steam.  The steam will break up the mucous and relax the uptight muscles involved.  You can enhance this option by using the acupressure mentioned while in the heat.  Also, adding essential oils like our Eucalyptus Oil Shower Spray to the steam WITH the acupressure IN the steam, will give you peak relief.  Try it!  We’d love to hear how it worked out for you!

Stay away from foods that dehydrate or add to histamine production.  Beverages with high caffeine, like coffee and black or alcoholic drinks are all dehydrating.  Beer is even worse as it’s both dehydrating and the hops add to histamine production.  It’s best to stay away from too many tree fruits, bananas, mushrooms, tomatoes and all breads and pastas.  I know that sounds difficult, but it won’t be forever.  These foods carry their own histamine in them and will only make things worse.  Just think of it as a cleanse for a few days while you get your health and sanity back!

At Eurospa, your health is our priority.  We enjoy bringing the quality back to your life. Please stop by and let us know what else we can do to make your experience a better one! 

Upset Tummy? Here are Some Natural Easy Tips to Ease the Pain at Home!

Upset Tummy? Here are Some Natural Easy Tips to Ease the Pain at Home!

Upset Tummy? Here are Some Natural Easy Tips to Ease the Pain at Home with Over the Counter Drugs!

Tummy aches can come and go without warning.  Maybe you ate something spoiled or just have some nerves wreaking havoc. Whatever the case, an upset stomach deserves some relief and you have the power to do it yourself at home, without turning to damaging over the counter medicines. 


You’d be surprised how much this helps.  Now, if you’re nauseous, this can make it worse, so check your symptoms.  I’ve found that this helps calm the spasms and relax the ache.  Grab a hot water bottle or heating pad and apply to the ache.  Or jump in with two feet and immerse yourself in a hot bath.  I prefer this method, as you also sweat some of the impurities and toxins that may be contributing to the symptoms. 


Just like wringing out a wet towel of it’s moisture, twisting your body can aid in releasing toxins stored in your intestines or stomach lining.  It’s very simple.  You just sit down on the floor with your back straight up and your legs outstretched, together in front of you.  Now, bend and pull your left leg up and place your foot on the floor, with your knee standing up and your foot touching your inner right thigh.  Now take a deep breath, and as you exhale, slowly turn your body to the left as far as you can go, exhaling all the air out.  Then, as you twist back to center, inhale gently.  Switch legs and repeat this process on the other side.  Keep doing this if you can for 3-5 repetitions and then lay flat on your back and relax.  Your belly will thank you. 


There are a few ways to ease your stomach ache with essential oils.  One, is to place a couple drops of peppermint oil or tincture into your glass of water. (It’s important to remember that you should aim to stay hydrated during this time anyway.  While that may not sound appealing, the peppermint will help ease that distaste.) Next, it’s good to have a bottle of Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist on hand anyway, for many reasons!  One being that you can add it to the steam of the above suggested bath for internal relaxation and refreshment; great for internal spasms! Another use being that you can grab a little caster oil, mixed with a little coconut oil and rub that gently on your abdomen.  Then spray the eucalyptus onto your belly and rub in a clockwise motion.  The oils will carry the anti microbial and anti-spasmatic power of the eucalyptus into your body and allow them to work their healing magic.  

Nobody wants an upset stomach, but it’s comforting to know that there are options out there that are natural and efficient in bringing healing and relief. 

At Eurospa, helping you achieve health naturally is our priority.  We are proud to provide you with the highest quality products to deliver that health.  Please stop by and let us know how we can further the health of your life or business, today! 

Incredibly Healing Natural Remedies Mom Would LOVE to Have.

Incredibly Healing Natural Remedies Mom Would LOVE to Have.

There’s a lot of talk about different home remedies and the moms out there can become overwhelmed with their options. That’s why YOU are amazing and finding out all the information FOR her, today.

You’re so kind.

Essential oils make the perfect gift for Mother's Day this year, as they will not only help her feel like a queen, but also increase her immunity and ease common everyday discomforts!Here’s the thing.  Did you know that the pharmaceutical companies create their top medicines from the active healing properties of plants?  (then they take them to a lab and add a bunch of chemicals and additives that are totally unnecessary and further damaging to your health…but that’s another story) For now, I want to focus on the alternative options you can gift mom with this year.  Because she deserves it and you love her. Right?

Peppermint:  First of all, peppermint is absolutely incredible. The essential oil of this miraculous herb is so multi-functional.  It calms the digestive system, fires up metabolism, eases tension and boosts your energy! People have compared used this oil in place of over the counter stomach relievers/antidiarrheals, energy drinks and even pain relievers!  Simply place a few drops on your forehead, temples, around your belly, on your shoulders and even on the bottom of your feet!  You’ll be surprised at the results.

Lavender: Lavender is one of the best oils you can keep on hand. In addition to its incredible scent, it addresses a spectrum of benefits from easing pain, calming the nerves and anti-viral to fight germs, bacteria and viruses.  People have replaced anti-biotic ointments, pain relief meds, sleep aids and muscle rubs with the oil of this incredible plant.

Lemongrass: This is a great one for it’s scent and uplifting nature!  It can be combined with all the other oils I’m suggesting to you. Not only with it’s smell but also for it’s healing benefits! Lemongrass has long been used in Asian and Caribbean cooking due to its subtle lemony flavor and aroma. It shouldn’t surprise you then, at this point, this plant oil is anti-viral, uplifts moods, calms the nerves, great for jet-lag and even as a bug repellent! For topical use, make sure you mix 1 -2 drops into about 1TBSP of coconut oil, as the oil can be too strong on the skin.  Just mix and rub on needed areas or diffuse in a room to breathe in it’s benefits.

Eucalyptus: Our absolute favorite, of course, is Eucalyptus, for it’s incredible power to fight and kill viruses, germs and general illness when inhaled in natural air or steam.  It’s essential properties go into the body and open up bronchial and nasal passages, all while beating the illness living in them.  Relaxing, energizing and healing – this oil in spray form can be used as a room spray, home cleaner and sauna/steam room enhancer.  It’s a necessity in any conscious mother’s medicine bag.

I hope that helped give you a few more ideas to prepare for Mother’s Day. It’s coming soon, so make sure you are prepared to give her a gift she absolutely deserves.  From all of us at Eurospa, Happy Mother’s Day.

The Natural and Powerful Home Remedy You Need Today!

The Natural and Powerful Home Remedy You Need Today!

Isn’t it great when there is sickness in the home, and you are able to cure your cold naturally at home with the power of plant based medicine?  Did you know that healing with essential oils is stronger and more potent than loose leaf herbs?  For example, when properly distilled, just a few drops of peppermint oil have all the healing properties of many pounds of the herb in loose leaf form! Peppermint is not alone, with Eucalyptus being equally strong and coming with multiple anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal AND anti-inflammatory properties! 

The beauty of this versatile oil is that it addresses a lengthy list of ailments (see below) in a variety of ways.  If you own the concentrated oil, be sure to have a base like coconut or olive oil to mix the oil into for topical applications.  For inhalation methods, our own eucalyptus oil spray will be very helpful. 

Here is a great list of uses and benefits of eucalyptus oil that every parent and family should read and know about!  And please, pass this on to your friends and family, as we know that a healthy planet, begins with being informed!


Arterial Vasodilator

Eucalyptus will help dilate the circulatory system, increasing circulation. Use 1 drop during massage over any area of concern.
During an asthma attack, massage 1-2 drops over the chest. Also, inhale the aroma directly or diffuse in the air.
Brain Blood Flow
Diffuse or spray the mist throughout the home or classroom to increase circulation to the brain.
Use topically or aromatically, massaging into the chest, back and throat, inhaling from the bottle, or dropping the oil on the shirt collar.
Eucalyptus oil uses included clearly congestion from the airways. I recommend inhaling for nasal congestion and massaging the oil over all other affected areas.
Yes, eucalyptus oil uses even include cooling the body down. Place several drops in a spray bottle, along with peppermint oil if you’d like some extra oomph, and spritz over the body. 
Diffuse or spray throughout the room throughout the span of the illness, but also massage into the reflex points of the feet (follow the application guidelines in the link above), as well as over the chest, back, and throat. *Be sure to add the shower mist spray to a hot shower, bath or steam room, as this will quickly break through congestion and mucous for faster relief of respiratory conditions.
Because of the vasodilation mention above, using eucalyptus on a daily basis can increase circulation, a common issue for diabetics. I recommend massaging it into the body with lotion after each shower, as the massage will also help increase circulation.
Its antiviral and antibacterial properties naturally make cleaning among one of the eucalyptus oil uses. Follow this household cleaners guide for more information.
Massage 2 drops of eucalyptus over the abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction to ease diarrhea, inflammation, and fight infection.
Ear Inflammation
Never put essential oil IN the ear canal! However, you can massage the oil on and around the outer ear. Use only 1 drop to start, diluted for children.
Eucalyptus oil uses are wonderful for all manner of respiratory disease. Diffuse or spray your personal sized mist the oil daily, massage 1 drop over the chest at least once a day, and another drop into the reflex points of the feet.

natural remedies, home remedies, natural health, healing with eucalyptus oil, eurospa, steam room, sauna, detox,

To help drain mucus from the lungs, massage 1 drop into the reflex points of the feet and apply another drop over the chest at least once a day (I’d personally do three times a day if no sensitivity is found).

Because eucalyptus oil uses include cooling the body (above), using during a high fever can help the body regulate its temperature and support its efforts in fighting infection.
Depending on your flu symptoms, eucalyptus oil uses will vary. You can apply to the abdomen to ease diarrhea, massage into aching joints and muscles, or simply diffuse through the air to fight infection.
Another of eucalyptus oil uses, you can help regulate your blood sugar by massaging 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet daily.
Massage 1-2 drops over the afflicted area, always moving toward the heart to support the lymphatic system.
Iris Inflammation
This recommend comes from Modern Essentials (mentioned below). While you should never put essential oils IN the eyes, massaging into the temples may support the irises.
Jet Lag
Eucalyptus oil uses include waking up the body with its slightly sweet, fruity, and uplifting aroma. Use topically or aromatically.
Kidney Stones
Massage 1-2 drops of the oil over the afflicted area up to three times a day.
Its natural insecticidal properties make this among one of the more surprising of eucalyptus oil uses. Read more about treating lice naturally here.
Diffuse  and spray your mist throughout the home for the length of the illness, and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet 2-3 times a day.
Another of the little-known eucalyptus oil uses, massaging into the areas of concern daily can reduce pain.
Along with neuralgia, massage several drops into the reflex points of the feet and over the affected areas can reduce inflammation.
Overexercised Muscles
Strain, fatigue, etc can all be treated with a gentle massage of eucalyptus oil. Always massage toward the heart to move the lactic acid buildup through the lymphatic system.
Depending on the type of pain, eucalyptus oil uses may necessitate application to the reflex points of the feet or directly over the area of concern.
Help the lungs to clear by diffusing constantly and massaging directly over the lungs. Use the shower mist as often as possible.  It will also help to massage eucalyptus into the reflex points of the hands and feet. 
Reduce inflammation and open airways by inhaling directly from the bottle, massaging one drop over the sinuses, or applying as a hot compress.
Eucalyptus oil uses include shingles for its antiviral properties, as well as its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Massage into the affected areas daily, add to a warm bath, or use a hot compress over the area.
Apply as a hot compress over the sinuses and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet (toes and pads of the feet). You can also inhale directly or diffuse throughout the room.
Tennis Elbow
I highly recommend finding a massage therapist who specializes in treating tennis elbow and bringing along your eucalyptus to include in the deep massage of the area.
Eucalyptus oil uses include fighting the bacterial infection, clearly the lungs, reducing inflammation and more. Diffuse constantly and massage 2 drops into the chest and over the back.


As you can see, the uses for this powerful oil are many!  Everyone in the family will be able to benefit from it’s healing properties!  It’s smart to keep a bottle of it in concentrated and spray form in the home and in your car.  
This way the air is constantly being cleaned and the oil is readily available to heal wounds both inside and out!
The perfect gift for yourself, your home, mother’s day and father’s day, Eucalyptus Oil Shower Spray from Eurospa Aromatics is a must healthy must have in your life. 
We love to get you healthy and would love to hear how eucalyptus has enriched or aided in healing your life and body!
Natural Home Remedies to Ease Menstrual Pain

Natural Home Remedies to Ease Menstrual Pain

The pain that comes with menstruation can be so ridiculously debilitating that women often end up missing work or social activities and must resign themselves to lying miserably in bed, wishing for a way to surgically remove their insides.  Sounds like a morbid exaggeration, but the truth is, this is an all too common reality for so many women. 

So it’s no surprise that when that time of the month rolls around, women sometimes feel the need to wear a neon sign that reads, ‘approach with caution’.   Being a woman myself, I entirely agree.  It’s an under-recognized time of both pain and cleansing that we are expected to experience while just getting on with life.


Well, because we can!  We do!!  However, that doesn’t lessen the pain or the frustration that accompanies it.  And who really wants to resort to popping pain killers every three hours?

I believe that our reproductive systems and overall health are requesting (begging) for a better way.

So, I have compiled a small yet helpful list of natural home remedies to ease that pesky menstrual pain.

Hot shower.  
Not just any hot shower.  Turn up the heat as much as you can stand it.  Let the steam add up.  While you’re at it, spray some of Eurospa’s Eucalyptus Shower Spray into the steam.  The cleansing nature of the oil will be heightened in the stream and permeate your bronchial passages, resulting in relaxation and a further detoxified system.   Make sure that while you allow the hot water to really fall on your lower back.  This will relax those aching muscles and give you the chance to, at the same time, massage your lower belly which actually makes the process of ‘release’ more efficient!  Who wouldn’t want that?

Just like I mentioned above, you can also do a similar massage while laying down.  I suggest getting some massage oil.  A warming oil would be great, but if you only have a regular base, try adding some other essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus and cinnamon to the massage.  Lavender will relax and calm you, the cinnamon aids in circulation (bringing comfort) and the eucalyptus is actually a very good topical anti-inflammatory.  I did this step recently and slept so much better that night.

Hot Water Bottles.  
Yep, I mean the same kind you may (or may not) remember your grandparents using for their back pain. They may seem old-fashioned, but they really, truly help warm and relax the muscles in your lower abdomen. They are an affordable and worthy investment that will bring you relief month after month.  GO get one. 

Just Say NO to Caffeine.  
Don’t freak out… I know it’s an intimidating thought, but eliminating caffeine from your diet could help alleviate a large amount of menstrual pain. Caffeine constricts your blood levels and raises tension: so when you’re suffering from cramps, you want to get the opposite happening. Additionally, caffeine dehydrates you, causing the cleanse to be a slower process. Drinking water and herbal tea instead will not only keep your flow hydrated, but will also help relieve bloating that may occur during your period. 

I’m not saying this will make your reproductive pain disappear all together, but I do believe you will feel more alive and able to function more comfortably and happily. 

It’s a part of life, but it doesn’t need to control it. 

At Eurospa, we enjoy bringing more quality to your life!  Stop by and see what we can do to better your health and daily living!

by:  Navae Fiona