8 Tips to Sleep Better at Night

8 Tips to Sleep Better at Night

It’s so frustrating when you plop into bed after a long day only to lay in bed restless and wait for sleep to come. And even after you’ve slept, you probably feel more tired than when you went to bed.

These cycles are torturous, leaving you unproductive and unhappy during the day. But don’t worry, we’ve got some habits to share with you that’ll have you feeling refreshed every morning. Here are our eight sleep-saving tips:

#1: Get checked for anemia 

While anemia is not directly related to insomnia, studies show a strong correlation between affected sleep and the condition. Many people are anemic and don’t know it. Even if you think you get enough iron via supplements and food, iron can be hard to absorb, and you may need another source or higher dose.

#2: Eat protein and fat before bed

Eat protein and a little fat before bed to keep your blood sugar balanced during sleep. This will help you wake up clearer and without a morning headache. This tip is especially relevant for people who know they have low blood sugar issues. One idea? Make a nut-milk with protein powder drink about 45 min before bed.

#3: Have a dark room

Having too much light in your bedroom will ruin your ability to fall into REM sleep (when we get the most rest). The pituitary gland gets confused, thinking it’s daytime, causing you to wake up.

#4: Hydration

Stay hydrated all day. Dehydration can actually lead to more frequent toilet trips. Moreover, a hydrated body is a hydrated brain. A hydrated brain functions far better in the early morning hours than a dehydrated and slow brain.

#5: Media curfew

The blue light in phones and computers are disruptive to the pituitary gland, preventing you from winding down. Set curfew no less than an hour before bed. Or, if your device is capable, turn on the blue light shade.

#6: Lavender in the evening

Treat yourself to a simple massage. Put a few drops of our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in almond oil, massaging slowly and deeply from your feet all the way up to your head. Give extra attention to your temples and forehead.

#7: Eucalyptus oil shower in the morning

Eucalyptus oil, a menthol-based plant, is known for increasing blood circulation, which aids your mind. By spraying eucalyptus oil into the steam of your shower, your skin, lungs and mental function will be activated, cleansed, and boosted. A great morning shower option is our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist.

#8: 20-30 minutes of body movement

Get your body moving and the oxygen flowing. Whether you do yoga, pilates, cardio, or weights, they’re all great. Exercising will keep your body in shape and ready for rest when it’s time to sleep.

We know how important it is to feel good, be energized and well rested. And that all starts with a great night’s sleep. You don’t have to wake up groggy or in a fog anymore.

Ready for a good night of sleep? Tell us which tips helped you the most, and then share these sleep-saving tips with social media!

How to Get Fast & Natural Relief from Bronchial Ailments

How to Get Fast & Natural Relief from Bronchial Ailments

It’s no news that bronchial infections, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments are some of the most straining health issues out there. Why? Because we’ve got to breathe.  Everything we do from exercise to sleep involves the need for deep and nourishing breath. If you can’t breathe, you can’t fully live.

So we want to offer some fast, safe, and natural ways to get breathing relief during just about any bronchial or respiratory challenge.

Bronchial challenges stem from inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, typically resulting from a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. If you get bronchitis once, you tend to get it again. When essential oils are used at the earliest signs of bronchitis, they can help slow or even stop the cycle of inflammation. So the best way to get fast relief is by reducing inflammation.

Use these tips to reduce and prevent inflammation:

  • Avoid eating mucous-producing foods, such as dairy, white flour products, and all products containing large amounts of white sugar. A diet of fruits and vegetables for a week or two is great for fighting bronchitis.
  • Increase your regular intake of water to at least ½ gallon daily. (On average, you should drink around one gallon)
  • Avoid dry air by using a diffuser and getting into steam as often as possible. Add drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the diffuser to enhance the effect. Your lungs will open up quickly, and you should experience relief.
  • Stay away from all tobacco or industrial smoke.
  • Generally, avoid cough suppressants, since coughing lifts and eliminate the mucous that is generated by the bronchial inflammation.

Relief from bronchitis is possible without the use of dangerous drugs and chemicals. Using natural means to defeat bronchitis will cure it at the source, not just mask the symptoms.

Which tips are you going to try? Tell us in the comments and share the relief with others by using the buttons below!

3 Simple, Natural Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

3 Simple, Natural Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

No woman likes the monthly cramps their sentenced to. They come at the worst time and have a way of slowing your day and keeping you parked on the couch. All you want is relief and to get back to your life. But you have the right to find relief faster and without the extra drugs. Not all women are aware of how much power they have over their body’s health and wellness. We’re here to help you because you deserve it.

3 Tips for Reducing Your Menstrual Pain:

  1. Reduce Your Caffeine: Everybody is different, and sometimes a warm cup of coffee does just the trick. But too much caffeine is dehydrating to your body, causing circulation to slow and pain to persist. Caffeine constricts your blood levels and raises tension: so when you’re suffering from cramps, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drinking water and herbal tea instead will not only keep your flow hydrated but will also help relieve any bloating that may occur.
  2. Use Heat. Run a hot shower. Let the steam add up. And spray some of our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the steam.  The cleansing effects of the oil will be heightened in the stream and permeate your bronchial passages, resulting in relaxation and a further detoxified system. The lavender acts as an anti-depressant and will release the stress you’ve built up. If you don’t have the time or energy for the hot shower, grab a hot water bottle or heating pad. They may seem old-fashioned, but they will help warm and relax the muscles in your lower abdomen. The heat relaxes the tension around your pain and helps the flow move more fluidly. If heat overwhelms you, use the oil combination mentioned below.
  3. Massage. Once the area has been warmed, take some time for a gentle massage. Use cooling massage oil, if you can. You can make your own with a blend of peppermint, ginger, lavender and fractionated coconut oil. Lavender will relax and calm you, cinnamon aids in circulation (bringing comfort), and peppermint with ginger are an excellent topical anti-inflammatory.

You may not find your menstrual pain disappearing altogether, but you will be able to function more comfortably and happily, without taking any drugs.

Did you find these tips successful in relieving your pain? If so, let us know in the comments, and help other women experience relief by sharing!

4 Spectacular Tips to Avoid Seasonal Allergies

It’s too familiar. It feels like the flu is coming: slight headache, sinus pressure, tiredness, and then sneezing. The good news: there’s a good chance you’re not sick. The bad news: it’s likely you’ve got seasonal allergies.

Why is this bad news? Well, a cold will go away. Allergies like to hang on to you like your clingy friend for months on end. You can’t work or function like that—much less enjoy the beauty of the season.

So rather than buy out the local drug store’s stock of anti-histamines, we’d like to suggest you take a more natural, yet just as effective route.

Here are 4 of the best tips for relieving seasonal allergies:

1. Eat the right foods

Choose to eat a clean and balanced diet, full of high-quality protein, fruits, and vegetables. This may reduce season allergy symptoms and also strengthens the immune system. Drink a lot of water only, and do your best to avoid grains, dairy, excess salt, sugar, alcohol, and any other highly-processed foods. Foods that help get rid of seasonal allergies are garlic, ginger, onions, and honey. Steep them in a tea for best results.

2. Herbs with superpowers

Several herbs may be used to calm the sneezing and congestion symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. They work mainly by strengthening and supporting the allergen-fighting immune system. Some of these herbs are stinging nettle, gingko, and quercetin.

3. Drink a lot of water

Drinking adequate water will dilute your system as well as keep the mucous flowing, so it doesn’t stagnate in your sinus cavities. The more dehydrated you are, the more pressure and burning you’re likely to feel.

4. Steam with Eucalyptus

This is an easy and relaxing option for relieving seasonal allergies. Start a hot shower or bath and breathe in the steam. The steam will break up the mucous and relax the tense muscles. Also, adding essential oils like our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam will give you peak relief.

Other helpful tips

There will be days where the pollen count is high, and your safest choice will be to stay indoors. (Enter your zip code here and find out your local pollen count!) Avoid going outside during windy days or after thunderstorms. And as needed throughout the day, rinse your face and blow your nose to keep yourself clear from any pollen collecting there.  And if you suffer from extremely severe season allergies, you may want to forego a lawn, and instead have bricks, rocks, or stone for a landscape.

How do you avoid the symptoms of seasonal allergies? Let us know and share these tips with social media!

How to Protect and Moisturize Dry Skin During Fickle Weather

The sun is shining, wind blowing, and the weather is warming up, and your skin is cracked and thirsty. Not the most complimenting look to your cute new spring outfit, right? Well worry not your dry soul, we have some incredibly useful tips to help you not only moisturize but protect your skin during this crazy changing weather.

Having dry skin means experiencing tightness due to lack of moisture and a need for a proper lubricant to rehydrate it. Many home remedies can help improve your dry, flaky skin on the face.

Here is a 3-step process to moisturize dry skin:

  1. Exfoliate

To really moisturize your skin, you’ve got to get the layer of dead skin cells out of the way. There are a few ways to do this.

  • Dry brush: This is good practice for the whole body and also flushes your lymph nodes, so that’s a double bonus.
  • Lemon juice and sugar: This leaves your skin soft and glowing. With a circular massage of the skin with this beauty scrub, rough spots on the skin become even. However, sugar is more abrasive, and it’s best to avoid the face when using the sugar option. So for the face, you’ll want to substitute baking soda for the sugar; the granules are finer and will be more gentle. But obviously, still avoid the eye area. The vitamin C in lemon is a good astringent that lightens skin tone, removes patches on the skin, and encourages cell growth. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with the juice of half a lemon. Use cotton balls to scrub it over your face. Put a jar of it on your nightstand and apply it regularly.
  • Use a peel: We prefer natural brands to chemical formulations, but a natural peel will use the same concept as vitamin C, but with stronger formulations. It relies on the fruit acids for exfoliation rather than friction.
  1. Add Water.

Whether you want to use a humidifier or steam, you’ll want to infuse your freshly exfoliated skin with good old H2O. Regardless of what you choose, you can enhance the benefits by adding a few sprays of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to either the humidifier or whatever steam source you are using. If you opt for steam, a quick, home method is to heat water in a pot on the stove and place a towel over your head with your face near the pot for the day spa effect. Just spray the eucalyptus once into the pot.

  1. Lubricate.

Moisture forms a protective layer on the skin keeping it safe by keeping it hydrated. Oils that are easily absorbed by the skin, such as coconut, jojoba, and almond, tend to be better at keeping the real moisture in. Coconut oil makes the skin feel softer and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it naturally. Coconut oil has sufficient amounts of fatty acid that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin. It works best when left on for an entire night. Apply the proper amount before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning; do this every night. Over the counter creams work well in the beginning but only leave a surface layer of hydration.

Healthy skin isn’t just healthy, it’s a confidence booster and helps you feel better about your appearance. Feel good about yourself, and get ready to tackle life head on.

Are you ready for healthy skin? Let us know if this was helpful to you, and share with the buttons below!