What Happened at ISPA Won’t Stay at ISPA

What Happened at ISPA Won’t Stay at ISPA

Take Eucalyptus Steam Room Experience Home to the Shower

SPA Show in Las Vegas creates huge excitement for EuroSpa 100% pure eucalyptus oil!

Overwhelming response! No show like this ever before! So glad we came!!

We’ve advertised in industry trade publications. We’ve sent letters. We’ve made phone calls. We’ve even sent unsolicited samples. For some products, you just need to touch, feel, and in this case smell the product.

EuroSpa Aromatics has been in the business of turning regular old steam rooms into luxurious Eucalyptus Oil infused steam rooms for over 30 years. Many of the finest spas, hotels, athletic clubs and private residences have installed our Mystifier Automatic Eucalyptus Oil injection system (see it in the right column) into the closet with their steam generator to provide their clients with the perfect steam room experience. Some have even changed the name of their steam room to eucalyptus room or eucalyptus steam room.

In truth, however, fewer than 1000 are set up this way. Apparently the numbers are going to increase exponentially.

At the show, we merely asked the visitors to our booth to take a simple test. We said that the test would be life changing. We sprayed a bit of 100% pure eucalyptus oil into their upturned palms. We then asked them to rub their hands together vigorously to create some heat, simulating a steam room. Finally, we suggested they raise their palms to their nose and breath in the now hot eucalyptus oil, and experience one of nature’s most health producing essential oils.

“Exhilarating! You were right, life changing! WOW! I feel healthier already! Show my boss! That is amazing!”

Those were the comments we got over and over again from spa owners, managers, and consultants.

Then there was the educational part. Few understood how important it is to use 100% pure eucalyptus rather than “watered down” versions that include carriers, alcohol or other chemicals designed to reduce the cost per gallon, but also reduce effectiveness. 

Why Use 100% pure eucalyptus oil in the steam room?

✓    Better for your guest
✓    Better for the pump
✓    Better for reducing mold and mildew
✓    Better for your budget

Like so many diluted products, you have to use way more to get the benefit. Our clients find that when they use pure oil, their actual costs go down. They use less and get greater benefit.

Eucalyptus Oil is a known anti-fungal, anti-mildew and anti-mold agent. One visitor after another to our booth said that “even though we inject eucalyptus into our steam room, we still have the dirty sock smell.” In every single case they were using an inferior grade of eucalyptus oil. Our clients will be happy to tell you that they have dramatically reduced frequency of the deep cleaning in their steam rooms once they use our pure oil in their injection system.  Hence, the grout and tile last longer, helping to reduce costs.

The health benefits of eucalyptus oil for respiratory issues, muscle inflammation, athlete’s foot, and other maladies are well known. Elsewhere on this blog, you can find many articles and studies named regarding these aromatic effects. Obviously a pure oil is going to be more beneficial than one that has been diluted with chemicals.

Why use 100% pure eucalyptus oil at home?

The new retail products we offer provide your guests with an opportunity to experience the Eucalyptus Oil steam room effect in their own home shower or over their sink. Cheap eucalyptus oils commonly do not offer the same aroma as the one we provide. Every batch of our oil must be tested for the perfect EuroSpa aroma.

Most of your clients are very particular when it comes to the use of chemicals or distillates. You can provide them the EuroSpa ShowerMist with complete confidence that the product has not been adulterated with any such substance.

Shocked by the free display offer and the huge retail margins

There was almost universal acceptance of the idea that adding Eucalyptus Oil to the steam room would be a very good idea. Similarly, almost everyone who came to our booth seemed to think that their guests would be very interested in taking home a bottle of Eucalyptus Oil shower spray. 

Then we dropped the bombshell, and the surprised looks on our visitor’s faces was worth the trip to Vegas! Margins are fantastic!!  An 8 oz bottle sells for $29.95.  Call us for your cost.

Everyone loved our simple wooden display stand. And another smile graced many lips when we offered to send the display free with a purchase of just 24 units of the product. And this 24 piece order can be a mix of our 100% Eucalyptus Oil, Mentholyptus, and the amazing Menthol Crystals. The total cost to get into business on this hot seller with amazing margins?  Under $300.00!

Now what is a spa owner or manager to do?
Call or email for a price list or to place an order:Toll free: (800) 395-6478

We suggest you get our Mystifier automatic injection system for just $750, a five gallon pail of Pure Eucalyptus Oil (our Suprema) for just $400.10, and a starter retail kit for under $300.  Then you can consider changing the name of your steam room to the Eucalyptus Experience!

AND…if you are a spa owner or manager and you missed the opportunity to test our product at ISPA, we will be more than happy to send you a 2 oz sample spray mist bottle. Just call 800-395-6478 to request your free sample.

Find Relief from Anxiety at Home Fast and Naturally!

Find Relief from Anxiety at Home Fast and Naturally!

Do You Experience Panic Attacks? Find Relief from Anxiety at Home Fast and Naturally!Anxiety is a problem that plagues a majority of the population but that doesn’t mean it should stay.
Prescription medications can have damaging side affects and aren’t always effective.  What you need are a few easy ways to find relief from your anxiety at home fast and naturally.  You deserve it.

Worst Case Scenario
Many times we get anxious because we are seeing a dramatized version of reality.  We fear the worst. So imagine the worst case scenario, in all of it’s fright and think of what you would do. It’s likely that in the worst realistic scenario, you are still fed, still have a place to sleep (even if it’s a friend’s couch) and even the friend who let you use it.  This leads me to the next point…

Yes, this word is thrown around like a trend, but the truth is, it’s vital.  Be thankful for those friends that are there for you no matter what, even if you can think of just one. Be thankful for every bite of food, for every smile you encounter, for every breath you take effortlessly….  Rest in that gratitude and then DO something with it.

Get Activated
You’ve imagined the worst, found gratitude for what really is, and now it’s time to be activated. Breathe deeply.  Get the oxygen flowing to all corners of your brain; that’s when it functions the best. Get outside and touch nature. Breathe deep.  Run. Stretch. Dance. Laugh. Find what feels good and do LOTS of it.

Feel Good
Do things that make you feel good. It’s not narcissistic and selfish; it’s pure self love. How can you give to others if you are empty? Pamper yourself.  Of course, we recommend our Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist for a day at the spa, or just for a relaxation night at home.  Turn off the TV and social media and just rest.  Find a book.  Journal.  Draw. Close your eyes and see all the beauty unfolding in your life.

Pass It On
The best way to keep your newly re-activated positive mood is to pass it on to others. This time, you be the one to share a smile or encouraging word. The moment you feel better, be contagious about it! You’ll be amazed to see how much your own sense of peace grows and gets stronger!

Your inner health is as important as your outer health.  At Eurospa, we are committed to quality in our products that allow you the possibility for both. So, today, let the stress go and take care of yourself. You matter. That’s why we are here!

Get Your Glow Back! Easy Tips to Youthful Skin, Slowing Aging and Feeling Great!

Get Your Glow Back! Easy Tips to Youthful Skin, Slowing Aging and Feeling Great!

Get Your Glow Back! Easy Tips to Youthful Skin, Slowing Aging and Feeling Great!If you’re like many others, you look in the mirror and wish you could get that radiant youthful glow back. If you’ve accepted that there’s no turning back the hands of time, I’m here to tell you that the best can still be made of the situation. I’m not suggesting the nearest med spa. I’m suggesting you make a few small changes and additions to your day and week.  With these simple tips for youthful skin, you’ll slow aging, feel great and get a whole lot of your glow back!  

You ready? 

Water is your friend.  Coffee, tea and sodas are NOT your friend. They have their place and don’t need to be tossed out, but the truth is, they are highly dehydrating. Our bodies are 80% water and need proper hydration to function at their best. If you really feel you can’t live without these things, please by all means, counter them with and increased water intake. Not sure how much to drink?  Simply determine how much you weigh in pounds – let’s say 140.  Now divide that in half and convert to ounces – 70.  If you weigh 140 pounds, you should consume 70 ounces of water daily.  Go for 90 ounces at least if you need to include coffee, tea or soda.   Now, I know this may seem like a lot.  But please don’t be discouraged.  Feel free to add a couple lemon or orange slices to the water and make it taste good.  Your blood needs water to flow well.  Your skin is the organ that tells you when the inside of your body has a need.  Love yourself and your family enough to take care of yourself, even if only with baby steps.

This one is pretty self explanatory.  As long as you know that I’m not talking about green food coloring, then you will know what to do.   Green fruits and vegetables are packed with Chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals that both bring elasticity and suppleness to the skin.  Bonus point?  Great for you metabolism as well!  Eat plenty of what you already love and begin to experiment and explore the delicious ways to enjoy the new foods!

Get Your Glow Back! Easy Tips to Youthful Skin, Slowing Aging and Feeling Great!Do it.  Sleep. Try not to eat 3 hours before going to bed.  Turn off all TVs, computers and phones at least an hour before you sleep.  Take some deep relaxing breathes and be thankful for the beauty in your life and day. Make sure your sleep environment is peaceful and calm.  Then dive in.  Sleep, is the time when our cells rejuvenate.  Things like mind activity and digestion steal our cell’s focus and keep them from using our sleep ours from the priority of their renewal.  Do your body a favor and sleep in peace.  You will not only get more youthful skin, but will wake refreshed and more motivated to continue caring for your health. 

We all have stress.  It’s the common thread in our modern society.  We are over committed, over worked and have a hard time saying ‘no’.  It’s ok to take time for yourself.  It’s ok to make a cut-off point for your work day. When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol into our systems, causing tense muscles, emotional highs and lows, lowered immune system and well – wrinkles!  Now, this could be a whole topic in itself an maybe that’s soon to come.  But for now, consider what stresses you and ways you can relieve those situations and responses. 

Our body detoxifies itself best through release.  One way we ‘release’ is through sweat.  My two favorite ways to sweat is through exercise and heat.  Exercise is anything that gets your heart rate elevated for more than 20 consecutive minutes.  You can decide what exercise is best for you but then stick to it.  (Again, it seems this should be expanded in another blog.  What do you think? Let me know!)  On to the topic of heat.  Shower, sauna, steam room… you decide.  Of course, the luxury of a sauna and steam room are ideal but if you have only a shower as an option, you will get the most out of it by adding a few sprays of our Eucalyptus Shower Mist to really open up the respiratory passages, increase circulation and further detoxify the skin. 

Your health and life quality is our priority.  It’s why we do what we do.

So instead of being frustrated at age taking it’s toll, step in to action and implement the 5 tips into your life schedule.  You will be so happy you did.

To know more about what we can do for your home or even health spa, visit us at Eurospa Aromatics and we’ll be happy to get you started!

Until then, more water!  Have a beautiful day!

by: Navae Fiona

Have More Beautiful Skin and Better Health Naturally With This One Powerful Remedy!

Have More Beautiful Skin and Better Health Naturally With This One Powerful Remedy!

Have More Beautiful Skin and Better Health Naturally With This One Powerful Remedy!There’s a lot of hype out there promising you great skin and supreme health. And since you want to enjoy supple, youthful skin and vibrant health, its understandable that you’d be on the lookout for such a miracle! One popular remedy is steaming with Eucalyptus oil. If you have heard anything at all (or not) I want to shed some light on the issue.
While Eucalyptus oil won’t make you look 25 years younger or heal you overnight, it’s benefits are strong and will make a powerful difference.  Believe it or not, this potent essential oil is beneficial in many ways, with health and beauty as two of them. Eucalyptus increases circulation, opens up both the bronchial and nasal passages while also opening up the pores in the skin.  This causes stored toxins to be broken down and expelled, leaving you breathing more deeply and your skin to glow. 
Eucalyptus steam inhalation is recommended by some alternative practitioners for relieving nasal congestion and sinus congestion, usually from colds and flu. It can be done two to four times a day to relieve symptoms. If you’re not able to do this, a steamy shower, vaporizer, or facial sauna is an alternative.
Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil which can be found in many health food stores and online. It should not be confused with camphor oil. Eucalyptus oil should not be ingested, applied directly to the skin, or used in excess of suggested amounts.

Instructions For Stove Top Steaming

Fill the kettle and bring the water to a boil.
Place the bowl on a stable surface, such as a table.
Turn the kettle off and carefully pour approximately four to six cups of water into the bowl.
Add two to three drops of eucalyptus oil to the water.
With your head at approximately arm’s length away, cover your head with the towel. Don’t bring your face too close to the water.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Continue for 10 minutes.
If you start to feel overheated or uncomfortable, remove the sheet.

Shower Steam Option

While the stove top is a great option, busy people may want to be more efficient with their time, and opt to steam in the shower or bath tub. For this, we provide an affordable Eucalyptus Oil Shower Spray that you can spray into the steam.  We suggest you close up all bathroom doors, windows and curtains to achieve the full affect. 

Safety Precautions

Do not add more than the suggested amount of eucalyptus oil.
Keep children away while doing a eucalyptus steam inhalation.
Certain people should avoid eucalyptus steam inhalation, such as those with heart conditions, central nervous system disorders, and pregnant women. Infants, children, and elderly people may not be able to respond appropriately to the heat.      [source]
At Eurospa, our passion is to provide you with the highest quality products possible to allow you the chance at great health and divine relaxation.  Please contact us today for more information and to make your first (or repeat) order!
Menthol:  The Secret Ingredient to Younger Glowing Skin!

Menthol: The Secret Ingredient to Younger Glowing Skin!

Like anyone else, you want to have younger looking, glowing skin.  Why shouldn’t you? You deserve to look and feel your best at all times.  Menthol is a strong and natural herb that has healing qualities on both the inside and out. 

Menthol:  The Secret Ingredient to Younger Glowing SkinFor the overall health of your skin, anything you can do to treat it gently is a very good thing. Treating skin gently encourages normal collagen production, maintains a smooth and radiant surface, and helps skin protect itself from environmental stressors.

For today, though, I want to tell you a simple trick to help you get younger looking, glowing skin.

Face Steaming.  It’s a very simple process and one you can easily do a few times a week.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Bring a pot with 4 cups of water to a boil before reducing to a simmer.
  • Steep 2 chamomile tea bags for 5-7 minutes before removing from heat.
  • Remove tea bags and transfer water to a medium bowl. Add a very small pinch of Menthol Crystals. (they are very strong; less is more!)
  • Hold your clean face 10-12 inches from the bowl with a towel draped over the back of your head to hold in the steam.
  • After 15 minutes, cleanse your skin and follow with skin-appropriate toner, serum or mask.
  • With your pores opened, your favorite facial products will penetrate more deeply and work more profoundly. 

  • You’ll notice your skin is cleaner and tingling from the increased circulation.  We would love to hear from you at Europspa!