Natural Winter Hacks to Keep Your Body Warm All Day Long

Nobody likes the eternally cold feeling that leaves your fingers aching and toes numb. So it’s good to know that there are ways to keep warm during the winter without breaking out an electric blanket.

Unless you spend your winters on an island, it’s likely that you’ll experience some degree of cold. Your job is to make sure your body feels warm. Why? When the body’s working hard to keep you warm, it’s too tired to protect you from viruses and germs. In other words, your body’s immune system needs to be protected so it can do its best to keep you healthy. And since we don’t want you getting sick all season long, it’s best to keep warm.

Natural winter hacks to keep you warm all winter long

“Fire Tea” — This one’s simple, delicious, and comes with many benefits on top of keeping you warm. Just pour yourself a mug of hot (not boiling) water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Add honey or stevia to taste. Then add cayenne pepper. How much you add is up to you, but you do want to be able to taste it. The combination will not only boost your immune system but will also help you stay warm, thanks to the cayenne boosting your circulation.

“Hot Socks” — Another easy one. Did you know that cayenne works on the skin too? Just grab your socks and carefully sprinkle it into the toe and foot part of your sock. The powdered pepper will be absorbed into your feet through your pores and keep your feet warm.

“Sweat it Out” — Bring the heat in through your shower. Run a hot steamy shower and seal up the bathroom to keep in the heat. Then add a few sprays of Eucalyptus ShowerMist into your shower. The Eucalyptus will help boost circulation (keeping your muscles warm internally), cleanse your respiratory system, and if you go with the Mint-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist, leave you invigorated.

“Get Layered” — Wear more layers. Yup, it can be that simple. Invest in a thin, yet warm set of under layers to wear under your normal clothes. Then, lower the heat in your home. Keeping the heat high adds too much contrast to your body temperature and stresses the immune system. Teach your body to acclimate rather than constantly be faced with shock.

There are simple ways to stay warm in the winter naturally and without a load of extra costs. Remember, helping your body stay warm helps your immune system to stay strong.

What hacks do you use to stay warm during the winter? Sound off in the comments and share this article with others!

How to Relieve Sinus Colds Naturally Before the Holidays

It never fails. A fun and festive holiday is approaching and you are blessed with the gift of a sinus cold. Who wants to be in the family photo with a red nose and watery eyes? Nobody does and that’s why we want to share the powerful natural ways you can be sinus pressure free for this year’s Thanksgiving feast.

Preventing Sinus Colds

The first step is always preventative.

If you know you are prone to winter colds, make sure your immune system is strong enough to ward them off. Some simple ways to do this are to dress warm, keeping your neck, back and feet well covered. Get enough sleep. Drink hot herbal teas and warm lemon juice with honey. Eat garlic and limit the amount of sugar, white pastas, and breads you consume. This will put you on a good path.

Steam with Eucalyptus to Relieve Sinus Colds

But if you already have a sinus cold, you need some quick relief. This is an easy and relaxing option for relieving sinus pressure and colds. There are two ways to do it.

First, start a hot shower or bath and breathe in the steam. The steam will break up the mucous and relax the tense muscles. Once you’re in the shower, add 2 or 3 sprays of Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam.

Your second option is a bowl of hot water. You simply pour boiling water into a bowl. Grab a towel, your bowl, Eucalyptus Oil Shower ShowerMist and sit comfortably at the table. Place the bowl in front of you. Add 1 or 2 sprays of the Eucalyptus mist to the bowl. The water should still be steaming. Then place the towel over your head and let it cover the bowl as well. You should be in a steam cave now. Gently inhale the Eucalyptus steam into your lungs through your nose and feel the congestion break.

Eucalyptus not only breaks up the congestion, but it’s also an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. This means it’s going to calm down your inflamed sinuses while killing the bacteria and viruses that started the whole mess.

You don’t have to be miserable anymore. Find relief today.

What other remedies do you use to relieve sinus pressure? Tell us in the comments and share this article!


How Eucalyptus Can Help You Stay Healthy This Winter

Including essential oils into your daily routine will help boost your immune system, speed up recovery time from illnesses, and lift your mood. So take control of your health and get the best essential oils to boost your immune system for the winter.

Simple ways Eucalyptus helps you stay healthy this winter

  • At the first sign of a cold or sinus infection try a facial steam with our Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Spritz the spray once in a glass bowl then fill it with hot water. Place a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe the antibacterial/antiviral steam deeply in through your nose. Do this two or three times during the day as the infection is beginning and it will often shorten the length of sickness or even stop you from becoming sick altogether. If you can’t do a steam, try dropping a few drops of the essential oils on a tissue and breathe it in throughout the day. You will still get the therapeutic effects of the oils.
  • Use two or three sprays of our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist on the bottom of the shower before you turn the water on. This will disperse the oil into the air and as you breathe it in you will support your immune system. This will not only uplift your spirits but also energize and relax your muscles. It also inhibits the growth of bacteria, making indoor air safer to inhale. For best results, diffuse essential oils diluted in water.
  • Salt or sugar body scrubs that have been blended with pure essential oils are a winter skin must-have. When you stimulate the surface of the skin with a scrub, it brings blood to the surface and helps rid the body of toxins through the pores. Doing a body scrub with peppermint or rosemary oil in the shower boosts the immune system while leaving your skin clean, soft, and moisturized.

Using our Eucalyptus oil in your shower steam can open up your bronchial passages for improved respiratory health, fight illness, and sustain your immune system to prevent illness altogether. And whichever method you choose to incorporate our high-quality Eucalyptus products into your life this winter, we know that you will enjoy the benefits.

If you want more tips to keep you and your loved ones healthy this winter so you can enjoy life, then sign up for our newsletter!

This is the Perfect Christmas Gift Idea for Dad You’ve Been Looking For

Have you noticed the holiday shopping season has begun? It’s hard to miss with all the Christmas music and trimmings. And whether you are an early bird or last-minute deal finder, you’ll likely agree that Dad is always the hardest to shop for and he’s often saved for last. Since you know he’s likely got enough ties, colognes, and gift cards, how about giving him a gift that will help him feel, look, and live younger?

The Perfect Gift for Dad

We have created our Eucalyptus ShowerMist for anyone that wants to feel and be healthier—and we’ve noticed that men rave about it. It’s a way to stay healthy that they don’t have to eat, won’t smell like flowers, and keeps their mind and body energized. Some ailments that it commonly relieves are arthritis, muscle pain, respiratory difficulties, and hair and skin issues.

How do you use it?

The best way to reap the benefits is through steam inhalation.

Eucalyptus steam inhalation is recommended by some alternative practitioners for relieving nasal congestion and sinus congestion, usually from colds and flu. It can be done two to four times a day to relieve symptoms. If you’re not able to do this, a steamy shower, vaporizer, or facial sauna are other options.

This is why we developed Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist. You simply run the hot water in your shower, close the door for full effect, and spray the mist once or twice into the steam. Breathe in deeply and let it work.

He’ll be amazed at how refreshed and energized his body will feel.

We are proud to offer the gift of health to you this holiday season and to save you the stress of deciding what to get Dad for Christmas!

Want more gift ideas and tips for healthy living? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

How To Stay Warm and Happy During the Winter

Winter weather is exhausting. It’s tiring to feel cold all the time and be surrounded by gray clouds. The chill, damp nature of winter leaves our bones begging for sustainable warmth. You find yourself longing for the summer and time just seems to drag on. But you can make life more beautiful in this season.

How to be Happier in the Winter

Limit your screen time

As a whole, our society forgets how important it is to rest our minds from our screen-addicted culture (this I say while writing from a computer of course). But the point remains. We have a hard time turning off our screens. We likely spend half our day in front of a computer, then go home to zone out on TV and the internet. This over works our eyes and causes us to be more tired and get poor sleep.

Less obligations

We tend to say “yes” too much to people and then find ourselves missing times of relaxation and needed stillness. When we say “no” appropriately, we remind others and ourselves of our personal value and the self-respect that should go along with it.  You know what’s going to benefit and drain you; it’s ok to set those boundaries.

Go outside

Although it might be gray and cold outside, fresh air is so necessary. Get out your rain or snow gear and feel alive. Go for a hike, take a walk, or just find a reason to move your body. We can counter the cold weather by deep breathing and increased circulation in the fresh air.  I know it may be hard to get up the gusto, but it’s worth it. Love yourself enough to make it happen.

How to be Warmer in the Winter

New ways to get warm  

Heat therapy does wonders for the cold body. Steam rooms and saunas offer a world of relief, relaxation, and detoxification in this season of cold and flu.

In many European countries, it’s the norm to have a sauna in your home or apartment building. We haven’t caught up with that yet, but it doesn’t mean they’re hard to find.

Usually your local gym and fitness center will have a room available for you. However, if this isn’t an option, take a steam bath or steam shower at least twice a week to really sink some heat into your bones. And for an added bonus, spritz some Eucalyptus ShowerMist into the steam and cleanse your bronchial passages.

Winter can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. Make an effort to care for yourself from the inside out.

Want more tips to make winter more enjoyable? Sign up for our newsletter right now!

5 Easy Homemade Potpourri and Natural Holiday Scent Recipes

One thing that most people can agree on when it comes to the holidays is that the smells are amazing. When you walk into a home and the holiday smells surround you, you’re instantly taken back to your favorite fall and winter memories. But did you know that some of those air fresheners and candles can be filled with toxins? Always choose the natural and safest options for you and your family to create that holiday atmosphere easily and naturally at home.

However, because you’re busy, don’t feel like you need to bake all day to make it happen. Instead, here are a few simple ways to cheat the process, to keep it easy, safe, and just as delicious.

Homemade Potpourri

For starters, make your own Simmering Potpourri. It’s quick and easy:

In a small saucepan add:

  • 1 cut up or sliced orange
  • 3 cinnamon sticks, broken in half (releases the fragrance better than the powder)
  • 1 cup of fresh cranberries
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons cloves (whole or ground)
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons nutmeg
  • 2 – 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons vanilla

Fill with water to about 1 inch below the rim (you could also use apple juice or cider). Place your pot on the stove and set it to simmer. Soon, your house will smell like the joyous season you love. And the bonus is you can enjoy it as a tea. Just sweeten as needed.

Other Natural Holiday Scent Ideas

Cinnamon: Place cinnamon sticks in little jars around the house. You can toss a couple cloves, rosemary, and even sprigs of fir to the mix for an added fragrance boost. Tie a gold or scarlet ribbon around the jar, and you’ll finish it with style.

Clove: Diffuse clove oil in an essential oil diffuser.

Coffee: Keep small dishes of coffee beans near your doors and walkways to keep a feeling of warmth and freshness.

Orange: As you use oranges in your meals, throw the peels in the garbage disposal for that citrus burst in the home. You can also add our Citrus-Infused Eucalyptus Oil to your diffuser with cloves for a balanced smell.

Setting the mood for the holidays with natural smells is easy. It’s about combining sweet with spicy and warm.

Want more DIY ideas to make your home more inviting? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!