How to Use a Sauna for Better Winter Health

Fall has begun, and winter is just around the corner. This means school germs, colder temperatures, and weakened immune systems. But don’t spend the next couple seasons nursing colds and the flu. Instead, be resourceful with natural cold prevention and immune support.

You may have heard people talking about saunas and steam rooms lately. That’s because they’re being used at various places all over the world as a way to not only be healthy but look and feel healthy too.

How Saunas Work

Saunas are wooden rooms that can hold anywhere from 2 to 20 people, depending on size. They are meant to be very hot inside with temperatures usually ranging from 100 – 150 degrees Fahrenheit. They are usually made of cedar, which is both antibacterial and smells amazing. On one side, you’ll find a container or stones and likely a bucket of water. These stones rest on the heater and keep the space hot. When you add water to the stones, steam is created, bringing moisture to the air. This is cleansing and soothing for your lungs.

Saunas are incredibly beneficial to the body as they relax the muscles, increase circulation, and open your pores. This supports your respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous system, and skin.

It’s best to use saunas regularly, anywhere from twice per month to three times weekly.

How to Use a Sauna for Winter Health

  • Stay hydrated: Drink about a liter of water (slowly/gradually) before entering the sauna, sip as needed while using it and then re-hydrate afterward just as you did before.
  • Scrub off dead skin cells: All that heat will detox your skin. Make sure to exfoliate it to keep your skin from becoming clogged. The heat will also provide muscle relaxation and a youthful, healthy glow.
  • Enhance with Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist: Eucalyptus also supports the body’s respiratory, circulatory, and immune system. Simply spray the mist into the steam of the room and breathe in deeply. You’ll be getting a spa treatment on the inside as well as the outside.
  • Finish with a cold shower: This seals up the skin cells and also works as an anti-inflammatory. Being in the heat relaxes you, and the cold will wake you up, bringing any remaining inflammation down.

Using a sauna at all is a great first step to creating better health. But using them regularly can provide benefits you never thought possible.

Want to get more out of your sauna trips? Then sign up for our newsletter for more great information right now!

6 Easy Back to School Immune Boosting Tips

School is about to be back in session, and it’s important that your family’s immune system is prepared for it. And school is about learning, not spending your days wasting away and nursing a cold. Germs are inevitable, but you can do your best to fight them. Here’s how:

Back to School Immune Boosting Tips


Americans are chronically low in magnesium. The signs are everywhere with all of the road rage, abuse, high blood pressure, and stress that people live with on a daily basis. It’s most well known as the calming nutrient because of its ability to relax muscles, help us sleep, regulate hormones, relax blood vessels, and relieve depression. Aren’t you calmer just reading about it? Magnesium moves dietary calcium into the bones, decalcifies arteries, helps prevent blood clotting, and improves mental disorders like anxiety, hyperactivity, and depression. This helps your immune system function properly, get better sleep, decreases growing pains, and increases focus at school.

Healthy Eating

The following foods are extremely beneficial for your overall health and strength of your immune system. Be sure to get a balanced amount of each:

  • Fermented foods such as kefir, kimchee, miso, pickles, sauerkraut, etc.
  • Raw, organic eggs from free-ranging chickens
  • Coconuts and coconut oil
  • Locally grown fruits and vegetables
  • Mushrooms, especially Reishi, Shiitake, and Maitake, which contain beta glucans (which have immune-enhancing properties)
  • Garlic, a potent antimicrobial that kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi
  • Herbs and spices with high ORAC scores: Turmeric, oregano, cinnamon, cloves

Send nutritious snacks to school with your children. Chopped veggies to dip in hummus, sauteed vegetables, and brown rice with protein is a great energizing lunch, both for the mind and immune system.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping hydrated allows the body to both function efficiently and flush toxins and bacteria from your system. Water is essential for the optimal function of every system in your body. Keeping kids hydrated isn’t always easy when they’re at school. Send them with water bottles and require them to drink a glass of water before each meal to get into good habits at home. Without enough water, a flower wilts. Our minds and bodies are the same.


The body loves a chance to release stored toxins in the skin and other organs. For adults, either create a good steaming shower and add our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the mix or do the same in a quality sauna or steam room. This will also fight bronchial infections, respiratory struggles, growing pains, improve circulation, and alleviate pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis. For children, run a bath for them with just one spray onto the tub walls for the same, yet lighter effect.


Encourage tea drinking at all ages. Choose herbal teas and tonics. Dandelion with a little nut milk and honey not only tastes delicious but detoxes the liver (a key immune system player). Chamomile and lavender are great at night before bed. Your options are open.


Homework calls, but sleep should call louder. The body needs time to recoup. If there seems to be more homework than time, reevaluate time management and create a more healthy schedule. Waking earlier is better than going to bed later as well. To get the most out of sleep, you need more REM time. To get this, limit eating to no later than 2 hours before bed unless it’s a protein-based, no starch, no sugar snack. Stay away from media, computers, and phones at least an hour before bed.

Help take care of you and your family in the most vulnerable time of the year. Enjoy more of the year healthy instead of sick.

Want more tips to keep your family healthy and safe? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

How to Avoid and Treat Mosquito Bites Naturally

Summer is a great time of the year to enjoy river fronts, camping, and sparkling lakes. But when the bugs show up it’s frustrating, annoying, and can be painful.

Don’t let mosquitos ruin your summer fun. Be prepared ahead of time with how to avoid these bites and how to treat them naturally and effectively.

Because our skin is so absorbent, it’s important to consider what we put on it. Typical over-the-counter bug repellants are filled with toxic chemicals that may keep the bugs away but also destroy your own skin. You deserve to know natural ways to keep bugs away and treat them if they still happen to get past your barriers.

Most bugs, including mosquitoes, use their sense of smell to find their food. And you might smell good to them. So let’s change that and help you become less interesting to them.

How to Avoid Mosquitos Naturally

Prevention On the Inside

Sweat releases a lot of aromatic compounds, so if you have the option to avoid exerting yourself, you’ll attract fewer bugs. But that’s hard, considering it’s summer. So since sweating isn’t as avoidable, stay cool and clean. If you want to exercise, try swimming, or taking a dip frequently to rinse off what you’re putting out.


Garlic offers a mild amount of protection through both the odor on your breath as well as from through the sulfur compounds emitted from your skin. This may repel people though too.

Pass on the salt and potassium, as they increase the amount of lactic acid, which attracts bugs. Skip sugary fruits, especially bananas, and go for cucumber, apples, watermelon, blueberries, or green peppers. This way, you aren’t missing out on fruit and don’t have an itching fit afterward!

Outside Prevention and Treatment

  1. Citronella: Found in many candles and natural bug repelling sprays.
  2. Marigold/Calendula: Great as a lotion or found in candles.
  3. Lavender: An amazing multi-purpose you should have at all times. It’s anti-microbial and a natural bug repellent. Just dab it on exposed skin to keep those blood suckers away.
  4. Peppermint: Similar to lavender, this one is multi-purpose.  Keep it around to soothe upset tummies, headaches, to repel bug,s and even to treat the bite if they do get through.
  5. Eucalyptus: Our favorite multi-functional remedy, naturally makes the list. You can bring our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist (also available with Lavender or Mint) along for the trip and spray both your body, your tent, and the area around you to keep the bugs away. They don’t like the smell or taste of it at all, and you get the benefit of clearing your lungs while breathing in the fresh mountain air.

Don’t be at the mercy of itchy bug bites this summer. You deserve to have fun and relax. Remember to choose good foods and toxin-free natural remedies to keep those annoying bugs at bay!

Want more summer living tips and life hacks? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

Hay Fever: How to Get Relief Fast and Naturally

This is the season of sneezing and sinus pain. You want to go outside and enjoy the spring air, but it hurts. You deserve to get out there and embrace the beautiful season, but how can you with hay fever waiting at the door? First, let’s get clear about what hay fever is.

Otherwise known as allergic rhinitis or pollinosis, hay fever is an allergic reaction triggered by allergens such as dust, pollen, mites, grasses, molds, animal fur/hair and/or air pollution. The condition tends to occur seasonally with outdoor allergens and at any time to those found indoors.

Common symptoms of hay fever include:

  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Itching of nose, mouth, eyes, throat, ear, and skin
  • Impaired smell
  • Wheezing
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Stuffy and runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping problems.

Ready for relief? Here’s what you want to do:

How to Find Relief from Hay Fever

Eat Preventatively

Choose to eat a clean and balanced diet, full of high-quality protein, fruits, and vegetables. This reduces many hay fever symptoms and strengthens the immune system. Drink a lot of water and do your best to avoid grains, dairy, excess salt, sugar, alcohol, and any other highly processed foods. Foods that will attack the source of hay fever are garlic, ginger, onions, and honey.

Herbal Help

Several herbs may be used to calm the sneezing, coughing, itching, and congestion symptoms associated with hay fever. They work mainly by strengthening and supporting the allergen-fighting aspect of your immune system. Some of these herbs are stinging nettle, gingko, and quercetin.


Acupuncture has repeatedly been shown to effectively relieve symptoms of hay fever. Acupuncture corrects and balances the energy flow of your body (your body’s electrical system) through the use of needles on the skin, specifically on facial points. This stimulates the immune system, clears congestion or any associated pain, and reduces inflammation.

Steam with Eucalyptus

This is an easy and relaxing option for relieving hay fever symptoms. Start a hot shower or bath and breathe in the steam. The steam will break up the mucous and relax tense muscles. Also, adding essential oils like our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam will relieve symptoms and attack the root cause of your hay fever.

Other Preventative Ideas

In natural healing, prevention is key. Some things you can try doing to avoid the issue altogether are to stay indoors if you hear the pollen count is high. Furthermore, avoid going outside during windy days or after thunderstorms. And instead of a lawn, replace it with bricks, rocks, and stone as your landscape. If you must go outside, take a little castor oil or petroleum jelly and line your nostrils with it. This creates a gentle barrier and protects your membranes from pollen. Lastly, wash your face, splash water on your eyes, and blow your nose to rid yourself of any possible pollen.

Want to know what else preventative medicine can help with? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

How to Cure Spring Health Problems Naturally and Quickly

If you’ve been a sufferer of the brutal viruses going around, you’re going to be happy to hear about these incredibly effective, natural treatments that will not only shorten the duration of the cold but boost your immune system and help you feel better much faster.

We are dedicated to your health in the most natural ways possible. So please enjoy these natural and simple home remedies for faster healing!

How to Cure Common Spring Health Problems Naturally

Spicy Lemon Tea

This one is simple. Warm a mug of hot water and add the juice of half a lemon to it. Add honey, stevia or agave to balance the bitter with some sweet. Avoid adding sugar to sweeten as this will feed any potential infection. Lastly, add about 1/4 Tsp of cayenne pepper to the mix for a spicy kick. You can always add more if you like more spice, but add it gradually. The cayenne increases blood flow, reduces pain, and strengthens the immune system.

Licorice Root

Licorice tea has been a reliable source of relief for a long time. Don’t be confused, this dependable herb is far from the candy you may know it to be. An often underestimated herb, licorice is quite potent and has been used to treat ailments from tendonitis and ulcers to HIV and fungal infections. With that said, it’s not a surprise that this powerful herb can kill infection while offering quick (and delicious) sore throat relief. Go to any store that sells tea, and you are sure to find it easily.

Essential Oils 

Grab a bottle of Mint-Infused Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and simply inhale. You’ll be surprised at how fast your sinuses will clear. Additionally, both Mint and Eucalyptus have anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, so inhaling them will also get to the source of your infection.

Steam Inhalation

This is the most popular method. Fill a small tub or a large bowl to about 3/4 of its capacity with hot water. Next, add some Eucalyptus oil, either a few drops or a few sprays of Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, to the water. Now, bow your head above the tub/pot of fragrant water and drape a towel over your head to create a small space for the steam to be trapped near your face. Keep your mouth closed and breathe in deep so that the Eucalyptus-laden steam reaches deep inside the nose and the upper respiratory tract. This method is very effective in providing relief from inflammation of the sinuses and blood vessels inside the nasal cavity, soothing nasal congestion, and sinus headaches.

Don’t let common spring health problems get you down; fight back with these awesome home remedies.

There are lots more ways to fight against common illnesses. Want to know what they are? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil to Increase Concentration in the Classroom

Want to increase alertness in the classroom while combating bacteria and viruses? It’s all possible with Eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus oil has the most amazing health and mental benefits, not to mention the fact that it’s anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibacterial, a decongestant, deodorant, and stimulating to the mind.

With all those benefits, it’s no wonder why students and teachers alike are witnessing boosts in academic performance.

How to use Eucalyptus Oil in the classroom

Place a diffuser in the classroom and fill it with water to an appropriate level, adding a few sprays of Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the diffuser. The aroma relaxes tension and elevates mental awareness throughout the room. Also, Eucalyptus can help prevent illnesses or relieve symptoms from already existing conditions, allowing more students to stay healthy and reduce class absences. These include:


During an asthma attack, massage 1-2 drops over the chest. Also, inhale the aroma directly or diffuse in the air.

Brain Blood Flow

Diffuse throughout the home or classroom to increase circulation to the brain.


Eucalyptus oil uses included clearly congestion from the airways. Inhale for nasal congestion and massage the oil over other affected areas.


Its antiviral and antibacterial properties naturally make Eucalyptus oil a powerful disinfectant for most surfaces.


Its natural insecticidal properties make this among one of the more surprising uses.

Respiratory Viruses

Fight viral infections by diffusing Eucalyptus constantly during times of illness. This can help fight cold and flu viruses that are common in the winter and spring months.

And apart from all the amazing benefits, Eucalyptus oil has a great aroma that everyone is sure to enjoy. So help your students have a happier, healthier school year with Eucalyptus.

Want more tips for the classroom and home? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!