5 Great uses for Eucalyptus in the summertime!

5 Great uses for Eucalyptus in the summertime!

Many people think of Eucalyptus Oil as a winter thing, but summer is here and we wanted to let you know that it’s not just for winter!

One of the great things about Eucalyptus is that it really is an year-round oil, with uses for just about anything related to health and wellness.

Here are our top five uses for Eucalyptus in the summertime.

  1. Getting rid of the stink. Whether it’s a stink that’s airborne or embedded in fabric, Eucalyptus can seem like pure magic when getting rid of it.  Spray it on and inside shoes that have been on sweaty feet all day. Spritz a little on the inside of your trash can after those big weekend barbecues to eliminate the stink from meat packaging.  Spray some on your camping gear after a long winter’s storage to get rid of any musty smells or leftover campfire smoke from last year.
  2. Having a healthier DIY hand sanitizer.  Having a picnic or BBQ? Make sure your hands are clean first with your own portable hand sanitizer. Mix a few drops (about 2 spritzes each) of our Lavender-Infused and Citrus-Infused ShowerMist with 2-4 ounces of carrier oil (like almond oil) in a 2 or 4 oz spray bottle. Shake well to combine and then use liberally to kill germs before you chow down.
  3. Keeping the bugs at bay. A few studies have shown that eucalyptus is just as effective, if not more effective, than DEET in protecting you from bug bites. Make your own insect repellent by mixing 1 part essential oil with 10-20 parts carrier oil for maximum effectiveness. For this recipe, it’s best if you use a roller ball applicator. (If you want to use a spray bottle, you’ll need to use water and vodka instead of oil) Mix 3  spritzes of our Lavender-Infused ShowerMist with 15 drops of citronella essential oil, 5 drops of lemongrass oil, and 2 tablespoons of carrier oil like almond oil. Shake well, and apply liberally. Reapply every couple of hours (or less), depending on the intensity of your bug situation.  You can also diffuse this mix (minus the carrier oil) in areas where you want to keep the bugs away. Did some get through and bite you? Use the Lavender-Infused ShowerMist with some carrier oil directly on mosquito bites to relieve the itch and reduce the inflammation. 
  4. Easing motion sickness on your summer vacation. While ginger has been known to ease motion sickness and nausea from travel on planes, boats and cars, eucalyptus combined with peppermint and lavender will also do wonders for travel queasiness. The best application is to combine 10-12 drops (total) of our Mint-Infused, Lavender-Infused and Citrus-Infused ShowerMist per 2 ounces of carrier oil and then rub it on your belly, wrists, temples and collarbones. Alternatively, you can diffuse this mix in a car diffuser or personal inhaler. You can apply the mix  on some cotton balls and let those sit where you can smell them while in transit.
  5. Relief from seasonal allergies. Eucalyptus oil opens up the lungs and sinuses, which improves circulation and reduces symptoms of allergies. Studies have shown that it produces a cold sensation in the nose that helps to improve airflow. Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can immediately unclog the sinuses and offer relief to scratchy throats. Peppermint acts as an expectorant and provides relief for allergies, as well as colds, coughs, sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis. It has the power to discharge phlegm and reduce inflammation — a leading cause of allergic reactions. To get some relief, diffuse a few drops of our Menthol-Infused or Mint-Infused Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in a diffuser, or fill a large bowl with boiling water, spritz 3-4 sprays of the ShowerMist into the water, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for 5–10 minutes.


Did you find these tips useful? Tell us in the comments below! We’d love to hear your feedback.

Try Some DIY Aromatherapy Using Our Citrus-Infused ShowerMist in Time for Summer!

Try Some DIY Aromatherapy Using Our Citrus-Infused ShowerMist in Time for Summer!

Whether or not you like crafting, sometimes you just feel you need to try a DIY project of own. But looking at the breadth of aromatherapy projects you can make yourself can seem daunting as you get sucked into a Google or Pinterest Black hole. So here are some great DIY Aromatherapy ideas you can use today. For these ideas, we recommend using our Citrus Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist.

Even though most of the time our ShowerMist is used in showers (of course), EuroSpa ShowerMist’s can actually be used as a room spray. Sometimes here at EuroSpa, someone will come into the office who is a heavy smoker or has sprayed just a little too much cologne on that day. After they leave, I will use the bottle of Citrus Infused ShowerMist that stays on my desk. Just a couple of spritzes in the air and in just a few minutes, the smell is gone and you are left with the refreshing scent of Citrus and Eucalyptus!

If you have a teenager or a man in your house, no matter how well they try, their shoes can sometimes be just smelly! To help get rid of that smell, spray the Citrus Infused ShowerMist on the inside of the shoes and let them sit overnight. The first thing you will notice is the smell will start dissipating. By the morning, the shoes smell better and the ShowerMist should help keep the smell in the shoes from coming back as strong as Eucalyptus is a natural odor eater. I personally use it all the time to keep my sandals smelling great since as a California girl, I pretty much live in them!

Do you love to use scrubs in the shower but can’t afford some of those amazing looking products that you see on BuzzFeed? Try pairing our Citrus Infused ShowerMist with our Mint Infused ShowerMist, mix in some Epsom salts and a carrier oil such as almond oil. The Mint Infused ShowerMist will add a cooling effect to the mixture to help relieve aches and pains while the Citrus Infused ShowerMist will invigorate you and open your sinuses!

Tired of how dry Purell and other alcohol based sanitizers can make your hands feel? Mix some aloe vera gel together with the Citrus Infused ShowerMist for your own version of a hand sanitizer. Not only will your hands no longer be dry because of the aloe vera, but the Citrus Infused ShowerMist will not dry out your hands either!

And finally, my personal favorite as we have used it many times in our household. Sometimes no matter how well you clean or what you pour down the drain, your garbage disposal smells. And that smell can spread throughout the house fast! Try spraying the Citrus Infused ShowerMist down the drain and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before you run water down the drain. Suddenly the smell will be gone and your whole house will smell like oranges. I personally have used this multiple times in different houses and works so quickly you will be surprised!

Is there something you have tried with our Eucalyptus products that you love? Comment here or on social media and you might see it included in our next newsletter!

Aromatherapy tips for Lupus Sufferers

Aromatherapy tips for Lupus Sufferers

Autoimmune diseases have become one of the more widely talked about diseases with the advance of modern medicine and also with the internet. Before this, the sufferers of these diseases had no way of knowing what they had and most had to suffer with little to no relief with no answers. Nowadays, one of the more common autoimmune diseases we hear about is Lupus.

So what is Lupus and what makes it an autoimmune disease? In autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect.  Lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. Although people with the disease may have many different symptoms, some of the most common ones include extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems.

Even though there is no cure for Lupus, for most people it can be treated with prescriptions and they can lead an active and healthy life. However, when the disease flares, it has the potential to be quite debilitating. Aromatherapy can be used to help give symptomatic relief and enable them to sleep and relax and generally aid their mental well-being.

As May is Lupus Awareness Month, we want to show EuroSpa’s Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist can help. Based on what you are trying to ease, all of our Eucalyptus oil based products have some manner of helpfulness. Here are some common symptoms and the product that should help best!

For pain and stress try our Lavender or Mint Infused Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist. Lavender is rich in notes that help give it anti-inflammatory properties and its refreshing scent helps ease stress. Mint gives a cooling sensation and can calm the body which can help relieve sore muscles.

To ease inflammation try our Menthol Infused Eucalyptus Showermist which also has the addition of camphor which aid the menthol’s effectiveness. Menthol brings a cooling sensation which can help trigger your body to think its cold and will help relieve the uncomfortable heat of inflammation. This is why many first aid products use menthol for cooling in place of ice.

And lastly, to aid circulation, give Citrus Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist a try. Citrus is thought of as cleansing and can aid in stimulation which can lead to a clearing of potential lymphatic stagnation. And it’s also refreshing and uplifting – who hasn’t felt perked up by the scent of citrus?

All of these infusions are aided by the invigorating properties of Pure Eucalyptus Oil. It has such a fresh and clean aroma that it helps to open your airways up so you can receive the full benefit of your aromatherapy shower.

So while Lupus and other autoimmune diseases might not have a cure, hopefully a few of these ideas can help the sufferers have a better day which can lead to a better week, better month and better life!

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

Mental Health can be such a buzz word these days. Most of what we see on the news, is about someone whose mental health is impaired to the point that something has gone wrong. But we as a society don’t focus enough on our day to day mental health. Because of the news media, it can be seen as a stigma to admit that you are not having the best of mental health days. As May is Mental Health and Awareness Month, here are some facts and tips to help you improve your daily mental health.


Life is stressful! From traffic, to work, to family, there are so many factors that can cause your stress levels to rise. That’s why we as a company feel that even five minutes out of the day to take a breath can leave you ready and willing to face life’s little challenges.


Eucalyptus has been a favorite of aromatherapy users for centuries. Who can’t remember that first time when you stepped into a steam room and took a deep breath of that invigorating Eucalyptus aroma! So why limit yourself to a spa or gym? Now you can take that five minutes in the privacy of your own home! Because of its cooling and refreshing effect, Eucalyptus can help remove your exhaustion and mental sluggishness!


And now we offer Eucalyptus infused with a variety of things that can also be used to aid your daily mental well-being.


Lavender is a common aromatherapy scent that you see everywhere. It can help calm your anxiety and emotional stress so that you can rest and get a good’s night sleep for the next day. Just a few sprays in your shower or on your pillow can help keep you relaxed and ready for the next challenge.


Citrus oil isn’t something that most people think of as an aromatherapy benefit. We all know how great it is for your physical health, but its mental health benefits are just as powerful. It has such a clean and uplifting aroma that helps stimulate your mental focus and clarity while also helping you release your fear and stress.


Mint is such a powerful scent that it has been used for many uses over the years. It can help perk you up rather than reaching for that energy drink. But my favorite use? It can help get rid of that 2 P.M. tension headache! Mint has the ability to help improve your circulation and relax those tense muscles. Spraying just a little in your hands and inhaling can hopefully help stave off that headache before it can become worse.


And finally, we come to what we all think of as a stress relief: YOGA! By helping release tension and stress, yoga poses and exercises help keep you free and ready to face your day. It can also be used to help lower your blood pressure and heart rate which just might help resolve anxiety and depression naturally.  That’s why we created our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Yoga Mat Cleaner so that the relaxation you get from your session, doesn’t get ruined by harsh smells as you clean your mat and go about your day.


So remember, take that time, even if it’s just five minutes out of a day, for yourself this month! Breath deep, close your eyes and relax. Because it’s May and time for summer!

You Deserve It and We Know It

You Deserve It and We Know It

We’ve watched people and technology and the world evolve and there is one thing we can say for certain. The more things grow and evolve, the more we need balance.

As a company that develops products that are designed to naturally and safely enhance the lives of our consumers, we understand the struggle between what is easiest and what is best.

It’s easier and cheaper to create products made with filler and chemicals. However, that is completely against what we stand for – as a company and as citizens of the earth.

Our consumers are struggling with finding balance in their lives too. The cheap products or the quality products? The ‘me’ time or work time? The fast and easy food or the sustainable, healthy food?

It’s hard! In a world where multitasking is revered and working long hours or getting little to no sleep are badges of honor, we celebrate you. You, our customers, are making good choices!

You are taking time to care for yourself and your home with products that are rich in smell and healing properties.  You recognize that a healthy life is a balanced one and that means integrating little pleasures. Our products really couldn’t be more perfect for that.

The natural oils and purest ingredients free from harmful or toxic chemicals are good for your body and our earth. The fresh, powerful and invigorating scents that you will experience are uplifting and offer countless healing properties.

Eucalyptus oils combined with citrus or lavender or mint in your shower or as you clean your yoga mat, transforms your daily tasks into something aromatic and uplifting. It allows you to take a normal daily minute and turn it into a moment. A moment of peace and happy and balance.

These pure essential oils are made for you – to be inhaled and enjoyed. Please share with us how you experience them, which you like the most or how you got hooked. We love hearing your stories. They keep us connected to our reason for creating these crisp, clean oils.