How to Protect and Moisturize Dry Skin During Fickle Weather

The sun is shining, wind blowing, and the weather is warming up, and your skin is cracked and thirsty. Not the most complimenting look to your cute new spring outfit, right? Well worry not your dry soul, we have some incredibly useful tips to help you not only moisturize but protect your skin during this crazy changing weather.

Having dry skin means experiencing tightness due to lack of moisture and a need for a proper lubricant to rehydrate it. Many home remedies can help improve your dry, flaky skin on the face.

Here is a 3-step process to moisturize dry skin:

  1. Exfoliate

To really moisturize your skin, you’ve got to get the layer of dead skin cells out of the way. There are a few ways to do this.

  • Dry brush: This is good practice for the whole body and also flushes your lymph nodes, so that’s a double bonus.
  • Lemon juice and sugar: This leaves your skin soft and glowing. With a circular massage of the skin with this beauty scrub, rough spots on the skin become even. However, sugar is more abrasive, and it’s best to avoid the face when using the sugar option. So for the face, you’ll want to substitute baking soda for the sugar; the granules are finer and will be more gentle. But obviously, still avoid the eye area. The vitamin C in lemon is a good astringent that lightens skin tone, removes patches on the skin, and encourages cell growth. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with the juice of half a lemon. Use cotton balls to scrub it over your face. Put a jar of it on your nightstand and apply it regularly.
  • Use a peel: We prefer natural brands to chemical formulations, but a natural peel will use the same concept as vitamin C, but with stronger formulations. It relies on the fruit acids for exfoliation rather than friction.
  1. Add Water.

Whether you want to use a humidifier or steam, you’ll want to infuse your freshly exfoliated skin with good old H2O. Regardless of what you choose, you can enhance the benefits by adding a few sprays of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to either the humidifier or whatever steam source you are using. If you opt for steam, a quick, home method is to heat water in a pot on the stove and place a towel over your head with your face near the pot for the day spa effect. Just spray the eucalyptus once into the pot.

  1. Lubricate.

Moisture forms a protective layer on the skin keeping it safe by keeping it hydrated. Oils that are easily absorbed by the skin, such as coconut, jojoba, and almond, tend to be better at keeping the real moisture in. Coconut oil makes the skin feel softer and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it naturally. Coconut oil has sufficient amounts of fatty acid that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin. It works best when left on for an entire night. Apply the proper amount before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning; do this every night. Over the counter creams work well in the beginning but only leave a surface layer of hydration.

Healthy skin isn’t just healthy, it’s a confidence booster and helps you feel better about your appearance. Feel good about yourself, and get ready to tackle life head on.

Are you ready for healthy skin? Let us know if this was helpful to you, and share with the buttons below!

5 Tips for Getting Rid of Your Blemishes Naturally At Home

Acne and skin blemishes can be exhausting regardless of the cause. But the causes usually stem from imbalanced hormones or an accumulation of internal toxins. So, if you want to heal your chronic skin conditions, it’s imperative that you treat the problems on the inside for lasting results.

Here are some easy tips to help them heal faster for healthier and more glowing skin.

5 Tips to Eliminate Blemishes Naturally

Cleanse. Never go to bed with dirty skin. Our faces end up with lots of dirt, oil, and environmental debris throughout the day that adds up and clogs our pores. So wash it off before bed.

Tone. After cleansing, reach for witch hazel and place some on a cotton pad. Smooth it over your entire face to pick up any residue that may have been missed during cleansing.

Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is great for clearing up your skin. And it’s gentler than benzoyl peroxide, the main ingredient in most acne treatments. Apply it to a cotton pad and use once to twice daily. However, it is important to note that heavy usage of tea tree oil can dry your skin out, prompting your skin to produce more oil which will make acne worse. So pay attention if your skin begins to dry out.

Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is useful because of oxidation, which breaks down harmful bacteria and destroys it. Cleanse well and rest a cotton ball of H2O2 on the pimple first thing in the morning and before you go to bed.

Eucalyptus oil. Because of it’s antibacterial and analgesic properties, this essential oil is key to keeping your skin healthy. The best way is to spritz some of our Eucalyptus oil ShowerMist into the steam of your shower or into a steaming pot for your face. And you get the added benefit of cleansing your sinuses in the process. What’s not to love?

Finally, you can live with clear, healthy skin. Put these tips into practice today to start healing.

Which tip did you find most useful? Let us know in the comments, and help others live acne-free by sharing this article!

How to Get Glowing Skin in Spite of Winter Dryness

Everyone wants that fresh and dewy look, and why not? It keeps you looking youthful and full of life. But winter can be harsh with false heating and cold wind that dries you up and spits you out. Never you fear though, we specialize in bettering your health and getting your skin to glow with vibrancy.

Simple tips for glowing skin in spite of winter dryness

Drink plenty of water:

It’s not easy because you’re cold. Well, there’s a simple solution: heat it up. You can easily make some hot or warm water and add a splash of lemon or some mint leaves to create some instant flavor. Without being hydrated on the inside, your skin will inevitably stay parched on the outside.


Use a quality, paraben-free moisturizer, even if you’ve got oily skin. Moisturizers help to balance the oil production while quenching your skin’s intense thirst.


It doesn’t cost a lot for this one. Just sprinkle a little baking soda into your daily cleanser about twice a week to add a little buff and shine to your skin. Baking soda not only sloughs off the dead skin but also helps neutralize your skin’s sensitive ph naturally and affordably.


Open up your pores by cleansing and nourishing them in the steam of your shower for total hydration and renewal. Add only the best Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam and your shower will turn into a total spa experience. You won’t believe the glow you’ll get from just this one tip. Eucalyptus cleanses the skin but also increases circulation, bringing more blood to the flush of your cheeks and more oxygen to each thirsty cell.

Dry skin is a real winter bummer, but you can beat it. Stop suffering from cracked and painfully parched skin.

What other methods do you use to overcome dry skin? Tell us in the comments!

Have Brighter Eyes And Glowing Skin In Just 10 Days With these Easy Tricks!

Have Brighter Eyes And Glowing Skin In Just 10 Days With these Easy Tricks!

We all know that feeling of despair when we see our face in the mirror and

we wonder if we aged overnight. What if I told you your face could look more fresh, younger and brighter in less than two weeks?  It’s not rocket science; it’s health and it’s simple. You can have brighter eyes and glowing skin again… read on!

Have Brighter Eyes And Glowing Skin In Just 10 Days With these Easy Tricks!Gratitude
Let’s start with gratitude.  Similar to the above point about looking at yourself in the mirror with love and appreciation, gratitude is a very complimenting look to a person’s face.  When a person is in gratitude for their life, growth and blessings, despite hardship, there is an unmatchable glow that overtakes their face. Gratitude gets you into a space of loving yourself, your family, life and even potential possibilities, not to mention allows you to be aware of further opportunities before you.  What does that lead to? Joy. Gratitude is the mother of joy.  Nurture gratitude and the joy on your face will be beaming. 

Lemon Water
On a more practical note, try starting your day with a hot cup of lemon water.  Simply make hot water as you would for tea, add the juice of 1/2 a lemon and sweeten with honey or stevia to taste if needed.  This cleanses your digestive system, detoxifies the skin and blood, jump starts your energy and metabolism and neutralizes your body ph to a more alkaline level.  Disease and instability of health thrive in an acidic body. The opposite of that is an alkaline body.  Be healthy. Start your day alkaline. (side note: remember how lemon water cleanses the digestive system? the kidneys are part of that.  You know those bags and dark circles under your eyes?  Those are from overwhelmed kidneys.)

Face Massage

About those overwhelmed kidneys and their corresponding eye bags.  When the kidneys and even liver are over taxed, the lymph in the eyes begin to back up. Basically, the bags are just toxic congestion that needs to move through and out of your system. So if you’re ready to get rid of them, definitely drink the lemon water and THEN do this exercise. 

    Have Brighter Eyes And Glowing Skin In Just 10 Days With these Easy Tricks!

  • close your eye.  place four finders (except the thumb) under the eye and gently apply pressure with the finger tips along the under eye/eye bag area. 
  • take your middle fingers and gently sweep the same area from the inside to the outer corner underneath the eye – be careful not to stretch the skin. 
  • repeat this action 5-10 times when applying moisturizer morning and night. this will aid in keeping the area flushed. 

Eucalyptus Steam 

Eucalyptus Shower Spray is a great addition to any anti-aging routine.  Simply turn up the steam in the shower and spray the eucalyptus onto the walls and into the steam. This will allow the pores in the face to open and activate the anti-microbial cleansing properties of this healing plant. As well, inhaling the the steam will invite the herbal strength to cleanse your bronchial passages, allowing for a full body cleanse that will reflect in your skin.  

Green Juice

Have Brighter Eyes And Glowing Skin In Just 10 Days With these Easy Tricks!There’s a lot of hype about green juice these days and it’s for good reason!  Greens, similar to lemon water, alkalize the water, making the body a fertile ground for beauty to grow.  Greens tone the skin and blood, adding multiple vitamins, minerals and nutrients like silica, collagen, elastin and vitamin k to your insides and outsides.  This results in eyes that are brighter, skin that is tighter and cheeks that have that natural rosy hue. Who doesn’t want that? (don’t be too afraid – there are PLENTY of delicious recipes online for incredibly tasting juice!)

Now that you know how to turn back time in the healthiest ways possible, it’s time to get on your way putting them in to practice.  At Eurospa, your health is our focus. If there’s something we can do for you, please let us know!

How to Heal Face Blemishes Naturally at Home Without Chemicals!

How to Heal Face Blemishes Naturally at Home Without Chemicals!

Having a Breakout? Don't Stress! Here's How to Heal Face Blemishes Naturally at Home Without Chemicals!Nobody likes to wake up and discover a blemish (or field of blemishes) on their face. And when the unsightly curse does occur, you need a way to get rid of it FAST. 

Below, we are going to leave you with our favorite tips on how to heal face blemishes naturally from home, but without all the harsh and toxic chemicals.

Topical treatments
  • Tea tree oil. Gels containing 5 percent tea tree oil may be as effective as are lotions containing 5 percent benzoyl peroxide, although tea tree oil might work more slowly. Tea tree oil may cause a skin reaction known as contact dermatitis. There’s also some concern that topical products containing tea tree oil might cause breast development in young boys. Don’t use tea tree oil if you have acne rosacea because it can worsen symptoms.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids. To put it plainly; lemons and other citrus foods help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores when applied topically. Simply get a used lemon and gently rub what’s left on your face and let the alpha hydroxy acids go to work. Alpha hydroxy acids may also improve the appearance of acne scars. They can also cause redness, mild stinging and skin irritation.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria due to its oxygen molecules– the oxygen creates oxidation, which breaks down harmful bacteria. Just cleanse well and rest a cotton ball of H2O2 on the pimple first thing in the morning and before you go to bed. 
    Having a Breakout? Don't Stress! Here's How to Heal Face Blemishes Naturally at Home Without Chemicals!

  • Eucalyptus oil. Because of it’s antibacterial and analgesic properties, this essential oil is – essential to keeping your skin healthy. The best way is not to put it directly on the blemish, as it’s too potent. Rather, spritz some eucalyptus oil shower spray into the steam of your shower or into a steaming pot for your face!  An added benefit is the cleansing your sinuses and respiratory system will experience. 
Oral treatments
  • Zinc supplements. Zinc plays a role in wound healing and reduces inflammation, which could help improve acne. Taking a zinc supplement with food may reduce side effects, including a bad taste in your mouth and nausea. Zinc can also be added to lotions or creams and may reduce acne breakouts.
  • Brewer’s yeast. A specific strain of brewer’s yeast, called CBS 5926, seems to help decrease acne. Brewer’s yeast may cause migraines in susceptible people and may cause intestinal upset.
  • Lemon cayenne tea. Get 1/2 a lemon and squeeze the juice into a mug of warm or hot water. Add 1/2 tsp of cayenne and sweeteners such as honey, agave or stevia to bring your tea to a balance of sweet, sour and spicy. This will work your circulatory system and further your detoxification from the inside out. 
  • Probiotics.  Invest in an internal probiotic supplement. Every gut needs a healthy balance of bacterias and most people are lacking in the beneficial bacteria.  A healthy gut leads to healthy skin!
Eurospa is dedicated to your whole body health, which includes the health of your skin. We provide quality essential oil products for both home and spa.  Contact us today and tell us how we can make your life that much better!