3 Essential Oils to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

3 Essential Oils to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

Do you meditate? Did you know that there are several essential oils that can enhance your meditation practice? Here are some of our favorites:

Need to relax? Grab Lavender Oil.

If you’re having a stressful day and you need to center yourself, Lavender Oil can help. It’s known for its relaxant and sedative properties and its ability to relieve anxiety and depression, making it one of the best oils to meditate with. Apply topically and inhale or diffuse for best results.

Need a boost of positivity? Add some citrus.

If you want an extra pep in your step after meditating, spritz some Citrus Oil into the air around you! Citrus essential oils are known to make you feel happy and boost positive emotions. It’s like Vitamin C and sunshine for the heart!

Breathe deeper with Eucalyptus Oil.

Eucalyptus is known to help clear the airways, so it’s perfect for deep breathing exercises. Diffuse it while meditating to help you breathe better and relax. Pro tip: order a bottle of our Eucalyptus + Lavender Yoga Mat cleaning spray to help the relaxation stick around even after you’re done meditating.

What’s your favorite essential oil to use in your meditation practice? Share in the comments below!

The 4 Essential Oils Your Skin is Craving

The 4 Essential Oils Your Skin is Craving

It’s a difficult task to keep skin looking and feeling great. Thankfully, essential oils are here to help you heal and then maintain healthy, beautiful skin. These all natural remedies are not only just as effective (if not, more) but safer than standard, man-made skin care products. Also, they can be much cheaper, saving you money and time. With consistent use, your skin will be visibly healthier, leading to smoother, more beautiful skin.

4 Essential Oils for Skin Care

Lavender: Lavender oil is likely the most well-known essential oil for skin care. Lavender is perfect for healing damaged skin, such as burns, cuts, and scrapes, promoting your body’s natural healing process. Lavender works down at the cellular level, making it extremely effective. And since it works cellularly, it also increases your antioxidant production to fight free radicals, which are the main cause of various diseases. So, use our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist oil to heal and maintain your skin.

Frankincense: Frankincense oil is a mini-miracle worker. Frankincense improves the appearance of your skin all around. This includes reducing wrinkles, blemishes, and acne, healing damage caused by the sun, and restoring pigmentation to areas of discoloration. It also can restore a more youthful look by increasing collagen production to add more volume to cheeks and removing scars, stretch marks, and much more. If you want to remove blemishes of almost any sort, then pick up some frankincense.

Tea Tree: Tea tree oil has been known to relieve several skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema. Tea tree oil is a great cleanser, ridding the pores of any toxins and buildup, making it perfect for treating acne and similar skin conditions. Additionally, tea tree oil can heal cuts and scrapes similar to lavender oil. If you struggle with toxins and keeping your skin clear, then tea tree oil is for you.

Pomegranate Seed: Pomegrante seed oil is great for healing and preventing damage to your skin, especially from the sun. It contains bioflavonoids which are a natural SPF, making it a natural sunblock. It also contains elements that heal sunburns and quicken the healing process. Pomegranate oil is also used for anti-aging purposes, thus, making a serum out of it will tighten skin and promote a youthful vibrancy.

Nature’s solutions to common skin problems are by far the most effective and can cover a wide range of issues. Start using essential oils today on a consistent basis and you will find a younger looking you in the mirror.

Want more skin care tips and where to buy the perfect essential oils? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

Mental Health can be such a buzz word these days. Most of what we see on the news, is about someone whose mental health is impaired to the point that something has gone wrong. But we as a society don’t focus enough on our day to day mental health. Because of the news media, it can be seen as a stigma to admit that you are not having the best of mental health days. As May is Mental Health and Awareness Month, here are some facts and tips to help you improve your daily mental health.


Life is stressful! From traffic, to work, to family, there are so many factors that can cause your stress levels to rise. That’s why we as a company feel that even five minutes out of the day to take a breath can leave you ready and willing to face life’s little challenges.


Eucalyptus has been a favorite of aromatherapy users for centuries. Who can’t remember that first time when you stepped into a steam room and took a deep breath of that invigorating Eucalyptus aroma! So why limit yourself to a spa or gym? Now you can take that five minutes in the privacy of your own home! Because of its cooling and refreshing effect, Eucalyptus can help remove your exhaustion and mental sluggishness!


And now we offer Eucalyptus infused with a variety of things that can also be used to aid your daily mental well-being.


Lavender is a common aromatherapy scent that you see everywhere. It can help calm your anxiety and emotional stress so that you can rest and get a good’s night sleep for the next day. Just a few sprays in your shower or on your pillow can help keep you relaxed and ready for the next challenge.


Citrus oil isn’t something that most people think of as an aromatherapy benefit. We all know how great it is for your physical health, but its mental health benefits are just as powerful. It has such a clean and uplifting aroma that helps stimulate your mental focus and clarity while also helping you release your fear and stress.


Mint is such a powerful scent that it has been used for many uses over the years. It can help perk you up rather than reaching for that energy drink. But my favorite use? It can help get rid of that 2 P.M. tension headache! Mint has the ability to help improve your circulation and relax those tense muscles. Spraying just a little in your hands and inhaling can hopefully help stave off that headache before it can become worse.


And finally, we come to what we all think of as a stress relief: YOGA! By helping release tension and stress, yoga poses and exercises help keep you free and ready to face your day. It can also be used to help lower your blood pressure and heart rate which just might help resolve anxiety and depression naturally.  That’s why we created our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Yoga Mat Cleaner so that the relaxation you get from your session, doesn’t get ruined by harsh smells as you clean your mat and go about your day.


So remember, take that time, even if it’s just five minutes out of a day, for yourself this month! Breath deep, close your eyes and relax. Because it’s May and time for summer!

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

You’re busy and don’t have time to be shackled down by annoying sneezing, congestion, and headaches.  You also care about your health and don’t want to be constantly popping antihistamines all day. You need relief you can count on that supports total body wellness.

We want you to know that you can find relief and it’s surprisingly simple!

For starters, make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration causes the mucous in your body to become thicker, making it harder to drain. Also, avoid excess fruit as they are higher in natural pollen count. Lastly, make sure your home spaces are cleared of dust and dander as this will aggravate allergic responses.

Tip #1: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is the superhero of essential oils.  When inhaled, it’s oil can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow for better breathing. It storms through your bronchial passages to clear the path for more air. Additionally, its anti-microbial properties will not only clear your airways but also cleanse away germs. Use the Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in your morning/mid-day/evening shower routine, or in a sauna/steam room if you have access to one.

Tip #2: Lavender Oil

Lavender is a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and very calming. It can help reduce irritation and relax your breathing.

Tip #3: Lemon

Lemon improves immunity, relieves respiratory issues, is antibacterial and relieves respiratory inflammation.

Tip #4: Peppermint Oil

This potent plant oil will open those clogged nasal passages and reduce headaches caused by sinus pressure. Here’s a special bonus tip: Mix with a little coconut oil and rub on the top of your forehead, at your temples, and behind your ears. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll be alleviated.

Get the help you need fast!

All the above oils work great when inhaled in the heat of a shower, sauna, or steam room and will work miracles when rubbed onto the head, neck, and chest with a carrier oil. They will all penetrate your skin and airways to both cleanse them of pollen and give you the relief you desperately crave.

It’s time to take your power back and get relief fast. Now that you can finally get it naturally, you can rest and sit in peace knowing you’re going to feel better without any nasty side effects.

Which oil do you like best? Let us know in the comments, and share using buttons below!

Skin Damage and Burns: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself

Skin Damage and Burns: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself

The temperature has been rising steadily, and it’s easy to forget to care for our skin. Since your skin is the biggest organ on your body and the one that gives your age away, it’s wise to protect it. So we are going to share some easy tips to avoiding skin damage if it does get burned and how to avoid the burn altogether.

5 Tips to Protect Yourself From Skin Damage and Burns

  1. Take good care of your skin: Spray the burn with diluted lavender oil. Just mix a few drops to a cup of water and pour into a clean spray bottle. Shake well before using. Or, grab our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist. Both lavender and eucalyptus are great for mild (first-degree) burns.
  2. Treat often: Repeat the above tips as often as needed. Also, shower before you go to bed and once you get up in the morning. It will not only feel soothing, but it will steal the heat from the skin, speeding up the healing process. Spray more before you go to bed to allow the oils to penetrate your skin overnight.
  3. Stay hydrated: Try to moisturize as often as possible each day after you get sunburnt and drink plenty of water. Drink A LOT of water. I can’t stress it enough. Sunburns dry out the skin immensely. Staying hydrated inside and out will keep your skin layers from drying and peeling. No one wants peely skin. We want supple, moist and glowing skin.
  4. Become a shade dweller: As long as you have that burn, stay in the shade. You will only prolong and aggravate the healing process by exposing your skin to more sun.  So stay cool, covered, and moisturized.
  5. Wear loose clothing: After a sunburn, your skin is particularly sensitive, and the nicest thing you can do for it is to wear loose fitting natural fabrics. Just say no to poly blends. Cotton and hemp fabrics are breathable and soft on the damaged skin. If you want to heal fast, you’ve got to treat your skin as gently as possible.

Skip Skin Damage

To keep that youthful glow, stay hydrated, moisturize often, and regularly use the essential oil routine. These daily practices will keep your skin nourished and protected from further harm.

What tips do you have for avoiding summer skin damage? Tell us in the comments, and share the info with your friends!