Back to School with Essential Oils

Back to School with Essential Oils

Back to school is an exciting time of year! Teachers are working hard to make their classrooms an inviting, creative space. Students are stirring with the excitement of meeting friends and learning new things. And parents are prepping the home in anticipation of a new, healthy routine.

To prepare everyone for an A+ experience that very first day, use essential oils as part of your home or classroom daily routine. 


You’ve poured your heart and soul into creatively planning the best ways to reach your students and teach the material. Still, you may have a secret weapon at your disposal sure to increase attention (and retention): diffusing essential oils. 

For a classroom, our Menthol Crystals can be a multi-purpose powerhouse. These all-natural crystals are colorless and clear and are a natural by-product of steam-distilled peppermint essential oil. 

Peppermint is one of the top essential oils known to improve focus and concentration. The scent is an invigorating one that will stimulate the young minds in your classroom, allowing them a chance to better focus on and retain the day’s lesson. 

An added bonus of our Menthol Crystals: they can be used to deodorize your room! You can easily freshen the air after the students return from an extra active recess or P.E. class. 


Back to school brings new friends, new things to learn, and, unfortunately, new germs! While you’re gearing up for the routine of back to school, make sure you’re giving your student (and your home!) the best possible immunity boost. 

With just some basic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and, of course, your favorite essential oil, you can make your own natural, all-purpose cleaners very easily. (Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Lemon are some of our favorite oils for cleaning.) With our recipes, you can quickly clean your windows, toilets, and countertops to keep a germ-free house despite your busy schedule. 

Using essential oils in your cleaning can help keep germs at bay and break down grease and grime. An added benefit is the lovely scent that these plant-based oils release throughout your home. 


With the summer behind you, it’s now time to dive in and do your best work — whether that’s in the classroom or on the sports field. You’ll be studying hard, pushing your body, and finding rest when you can. For many students, essential oils can be your go-to tool for being your best. 

To prepare for your day, choose something with a citrus twist in the mornings. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime are energizing scents that will improve your ability to focus. Whether your day starts with a history quiz or a group assignment, you can walk into the classroom ready to master the material. 

After a hard practice, your muscles will benefit from the cooling relief of Peppermint. Our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist will transform your basic shower into a spa-like steam room and give your muscles the rest they need. After running a hot shower, simply spritz a few sprays of the ShowerMist into the steam and away from the face. Younger students can feel lighter effects by spraying the edge of their tub while soaking. If you need added relief for those sore muscles, try our recipe here for a homemade muscle rub.

Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or student, essential oils can be one of the most “essential” back to school items on your list. Which one of these ideas will you try this school year? Let us know in the comments!

EXTRA CREDIT: Once you find a EuroSpa Aromatics essential oil product that works wonders for you, consider joining our subscription service. Enjoy the ongoing benefits without the need to remember to reorder. Find a package here that best suits your preferred product size and delivery timeframe.

Boost Your Energy Naturally with Essential Oils

Boost Your Energy Naturally with Essential Oils

Energy slumps happen throughout the day, but essential oils provide a natural, aromatic way to get those energy levels back up quickly. Here are our three favorite picks, all of which are proven to awaken your senses and help you function at your best all day long.

A Gentle Jolt: Citrus

For a natural, energetic boost, reach for a citrus blend of essential oils. The zesty, upbeat scents of orange, lemon, grapefruit, and lime provide a powerful, energetic kick when you need it most. It’s a lively scent that will leave you feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Citrus also aids in reducing stress and sharpening your ability to focus. Our Citrus-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus Shower Mist gives a gentle jolt in the morning without compromising your skin. You can also diffuse citrus at your desk to keep your creative juices flowing throughout the day. 

Pep in Your Step: Peppermint

Put a little “pep” in your step with peppermint! As one of the most popular essential oils, the uplifting scent of peppermint can lift your energy levels. Whether you’re feeling the afternoon energy slump or want a quick pick-me-up before a workout, peppermint provides a stimulating, invigorating boost.

The aroma of peppermint can even be a natural, non-toxic replacement to sipping a sugary drink or cup of coffee. Try starting your day with a hot shower and our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist for a boost.

Prepare at Night: Lavender

Finally, as the old saying goes, we’re only as good as our weakest link. And in this case, you’re only as good as the sleep you’re getting each night. If you’re feeling drained and depleted during the day, set yourself up for a dream-filled slumber with the use of lavender. 

Lavender is known for it’s calming, soothing properties. The sweet, floral scent can quiet your mind and bring relief from stress. By diffusing lavender in your room at night or giving your pillow a quick mist of lavender-infused spray, you’re promoting peaceful sleep and giving yourself the best chance to wake up feeling refreshed.

Did you know? Our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist doubles as a safe and natural pillow mist. Simply spritz a few sprays on your pillow, wait a few seconds for it to dry, and rest easy knowing you’re taking strides toward a night of peaceful sleep. 

What other essential oils do you reach for when you need a boost of energy?

5 Ways to Beat Midday Fatigue Fast and Naturally

Nothing’s worse than mental fog and fatigue, but we all seem to battle it. And if you reach for a coffee or soda, you’re only going to make it worse. The sugar and caffeine will help momentarily but keep the fatigue showing up for days, months, and even years to come as they burn out your adrenals.

So what can you do? Here are some natural ways to beat afternoon tiredness, without the side effects.

5 Ways to Overcome Midday Fatigue

Oxygen to the brain

Find a quiet place in your home or workplace that’s free from distraction, but not your bed. Turn on some relaxing music, read, or just sit in the stillness. Take one, then two, then ten deep breaths. This is your opportunity to oxygenate your blood cells and brain for better functioning plus increased energy!

Change it up

Sometimes doing the same repetitious actions make us tired. So change it up. Take a break to move your body, read a book, listen to music, and just live a little. What are the hobbies that make you come alive? How can you incorporate those things into those more sluggish hours?

Get Active

If you can go for a run or stop by the gym first thing in the morning, great! If not, make a plan to implement a small routine into your morning, so you at least set a pattern and habit to care for your mind and body. This will not only set up your day with energy but also affect the rest of your life.

Take an energy shower

Turn up the heat and let your muscles both relax and rejuvenate. Add menthol crystals to the shower steam as well to awaken your senses. Menthol crystals open up your bronchial passageways, allowing you to breathe deeper and get more oxygen to your brain. More oxygen to the brain means more clarity and mental peace. These crystals will add a great vibrancy to your day.

Fuel your body

Take time to eat a balanced meal. Give your body the fuel it needs and remember to drink plenty of water. Chinese medicine states that the morning meal is the fuel your body pulls from most, so be sure to get preventative and eat well at the start of the day.

Beat the afternoon dullness and reenergize your life. You don’t have to be tired anymore. Achieve a life of vitality and vigor.

How do you fight midday fatigue? We want to hear from you, and share this post if you found it helpful!

The Best Way to Naturally Boost Energy Immediately

We all know the drill so well. The alarm clock goes off, we roll over to turn it off and have no clue how we’re going to wake up without 3 cups of coffee. What you need at that point is an energy boost like no other. Not a pill, not a drink, but a natural solution that will wake you up fast.

Eucalyptus oil is the miracle we are talking about.

Most are familiar with the plant’s ability to ease respiratory symptoms, soothe and open the airways, but not many are familiar with its power to wake up the senses and heighten energy.

Use Eucalyptus as Your Daily Energy Boost

  • It’s invigorating: The menthol properties of Eucalyptus leave a cooling sensation on the skin and in the lungs. Just a few deep breaths and every cell of the body is invigorated and woken up from the inside out.
  • Stronger than a shot of caffeine: The menthol works as a vasoconstrictor, causing the cells to vibrate at a faster level, bringing more circulation and oxygen to the brain, inviting better concentration and more natural focus.
  • It creates relaxation and a sense of contentment: This is one of my favorite points. As the oil’s potency is diffused throughout the body, each cell is not only invigorated, but the body relaxes as though it’s been to the spa. When you’re awakened and relaxed at the same time, your mind feels peace and contentment. Not bad, right?

How to use Eucalyptus oil

Our favorite way is to spray our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the steam of your shower. The steam further activates the oil and opens your pores, allowing your body to more efficiently absorb the oil.

Banish the morning mental fog from your daily routine for good and start experiencing life as it should be.

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These Tips Will Help You Stop Hitting Snooze and Give You More Energy for Your Day!

These Tips Will Help You Stop Hitting Snooze and Give You More Energy for Your Day!

These Tips Will Help You Stop Hitting Snooze and Give You More Energy for Your Day!I could not wake up this morning. But I have some secrets that help boost my energy even on my ‘snooze button’ days, so I wasn’t too stressed. I also know I’m not alone and other people would love to know what I do for my boost.

These Tips Will Help You Stop Hitting Snooze and Give You More Energy for Your Day!

Warm Lemon Water
This one works to give you that ZING and also cleanses… even your skin will look great after doing this a few days in a row! 1/2 Lemon. One mug of water. Honey to taste with a dash (or tsp) of cayenne pepper.  GOOD MORNING!

Tea Bags
We both know that with very little sleep, you’re likely to reach for a caffeinated beverage. If you’re so wise to choose tea – steep your tea as usual but then apply the tea bag to your under eye area.  If you can listen to some energizing music and lay down for 5 minutes like this, you will feel more energized AND your eyes will look brighter!

Eucalyptus Oil Shower
This one is great and wonderfully refreshing!  Simply take the eucalyptus oil shower spray and spritz it into the steam of the shower! The naturally occurring menthol will open up your lungs and rejuvenate you from the inside out.

Peppermint Oil
I recommend keeping a small bottle of peppermint next to your bed. When you wake up (or during your daily lull), open the bottle and inhale deeply. You can even dab a few drops on your hairline, crown of the head and at the back of the neck. You’ll be boosted quickly and ready to take on the world!

We hope you find these tips useful and able to give you the energy boost you’re needing both inside and out!  Have a beautiful day, from all of us at Eurospa!j