Back to School with Essential Oils

Back to School with Essential Oils

Back to school is an exciting time of year! Teachers are working hard to make their classrooms an inviting, creative space. Students are stirring with the excitement of meeting friends and learning new things. And parents are prepping the home in anticipation of a new, healthy routine.

To prepare everyone for an A+ experience that very first day, use essential oils as part of your home or classroom daily routine. 


You’ve poured your heart and soul into creatively planning the best ways to reach your students and teach the material. Still, you may have a secret weapon at your disposal sure to increase attention (and retention): diffusing essential oils. 

For a classroom, our Menthol Crystals can be a multi-purpose powerhouse. These all-natural crystals are colorless and clear and are a natural by-product of steam-distilled peppermint essential oil. 

Peppermint is one of the top essential oils known to improve focus and concentration. The scent is an invigorating one that will stimulate the young minds in your classroom, allowing them a chance to better focus on and retain the day’s lesson. 

An added bonus of our Menthol Crystals: they can be used to deodorize your room! You can easily freshen the air after the students return from an extra active recess or P.E. class. 


Back to school brings new friends, new things to learn, and, unfortunately, new germs! While you’re gearing up for the routine of back to school, make sure you’re giving your student (and your home!) the best possible immunity boost. 

With just some basic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and, of course, your favorite essential oil, you can make your own natural, all-purpose cleaners very easily. (Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Lemon are some of our favorite oils for cleaning.) With our recipes, you can quickly clean your windows, toilets, and countertops to keep a germ-free house despite your busy schedule. 

Using essential oils in your cleaning can help keep germs at bay and break down grease and grime. An added benefit is the lovely scent that these plant-based oils release throughout your home. 


With the summer behind you, it’s now time to dive in and do your best work — whether that’s in the classroom or on the sports field. You’ll be studying hard, pushing your body, and finding rest when you can. For many students, essential oils can be your go-to tool for being your best. 

To prepare for your day, choose something with a citrus twist in the mornings. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime are energizing scents that will improve your ability to focus. Whether your day starts with a history quiz or a group assignment, you can walk into the classroom ready to master the material. 

After a hard practice, your muscles will benefit from the cooling relief of Peppermint. Our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist will transform your basic shower into a spa-like steam room and give your muscles the rest they need. After running a hot shower, simply spritz a few sprays of the ShowerMist into the steam and away from the face. Younger students can feel lighter effects by spraying the edge of their tub while soaking. If you need added relief for those sore muscles, try our recipe here for a homemade muscle rub.

Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or student, essential oils can be one of the most “essential” back to school items on your list. Which one of these ideas will you try this school year? Let us know in the comments!

EXTRA CREDIT: Once you find a EuroSpa Aromatics essential oil product that works wonders for you, consider joining our subscription service. Enjoy the ongoing benefits without the need to remember to reorder. Find a package here that best suits your preferred product size and delivery timeframe.

Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

For many women, the pain that comes along with their menstrual cycle can be truly debilitating. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t much that will work to relieve some of that pain other than strong painkillers, but there are some natural options that have proven to be helpful for many. Essential oils and other natural practices can be game-changing!

Here are a few natural options for natural menstrual pain relief:

Lavender Oil
When you have your monthly period, the uterus and surrounding blood vessels become inflamed, which can cause quite a bit of pain. Instead of powering through it or popping some pills one after another, lavender oil can help to take the edge off. Lavender is known for its calming properties, both on the mind and the muscles. Run a hot shower and use our Lavender-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist to make this happen!

Applying Heat
Sometimes the most simple of remedies can have the biggest impact! Applying heat will help your muscles to relax and therefore help with cramps. You can do this by using an inexpensive heating pad from your local drugstore or soaking in a hot bath. Take this time to relax and take your mind off the discomfort that you’re feeling.

Peppermint Oil
Fluctuating hormones during your monthly cycle can cause headaches, nausea, and fatigue, but peppermint oil can help alleviate those symptoms! Peppermint oil can be used in a variety of ways to get relief from these symptoms, but one of our favorite methods is using our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays into the steam and away from your face. Breathing in those amazing benefits and relaxing in the hot shower will be sure to help.

Healthy Diet and Hydration
You might be rolling your eyes, but it’s true! Being vigilant about eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and whole grains will help you stay healthy. When your body isn’t healthy, any pain or other issues will feel magnified. Hydration is also key. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, which will make cramps feel even worse. Make sure your drinking that water — it makes a huge difference!

What are some of your favorite tried and true options for natural menstrual pain relief? Let us know in the comments!

Why Your Steam Room Should Diffuse Eucalyptus Oil this Winter

Why Your Steam Room Should Diffuse Eucalyptus Oil this Winter

Winter is a wonderful time of year. The air feels crisp, the holiday season is around the corner, and (depending on where you live) you might even have a beautiful blanket of snow outside! One downside of the winter season, though, is that cold and flu viruses are being passed around like wildfire. As a spa owner/operator, you can be proactive against these germs by diffusing eucalyptus oil in your steam room or sauna. Not only will the refreshing scent be pleasing to your clients, but they’ll love the benefits too.

Here are just a few reasons why you should diffuse eucalyptus oil in your steam room this winter:

It is antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral
Cold and flu season is a great time to diffuse eucalyptus because of its healing properties. In a season where it feels like everyone is sick (or at least has the sniffles), eucalyptus can help prevent sickness as well as help those who have fallen under the weather.

It helps get rid of sinus inflammation
Congestion is a thing of the past when using eucalyptus! Combined with the moisture of the steam room, eucalyptus is a powerhouse when it comes to sinus congestion. It is proven to decongest and reduce inflammation. Try our Menthol-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist for a clean, crisp, and minty steam room experience, while also getting all the health benefits.

It is refreshing and energizing
The scent of eucalyptus is variously described as woody-sweet, cooling, refreshing, energizing, fresh, pleasing and revitalizing. In a time of year where many people feel cooped up and tend to have low energy, using a scent that feels refreshing can make your guests feel the same way!

Eucalyptus is a hardworking plant, that’s for certain. We especially love eucalyptus for its natural antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, exhilarating, decongestant, and expectorant properties. You can fall in love with eucalyptus, too! Try our aromatherapy diffuser set, our invigorating 100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, or our 100% pure eucalyptus oil today!

5 Ways to Use Our Eucalyptus ShowerMists in Your Home

5 Ways to Use Our Eucalyptus ShowerMists in Your Home

Our ShowerMists are a fan favorite for relaxing, invigorating showers and baths. After all, nothing beats hot steam and aromatherapy! But that’s not all they can be used for. In fact, today we’re sharing five more ideas to help you make the most of your bottle all around your home.

Grab your ShowerMist and get to spritzing in the kitchen, bedroom, mudroom, and more!

Deodorize Sneakers in the Mudroom

At the end of a long school day, give those tired feet a rest! Have your kids kick off their shoes, then spritz a few pumps of Tea Tree-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist into the soles to kill any lingering sweat and bacteria that was picked up on the playground. Let the shoes air out overnight before wearing again in the morning.

Freshen Up Your Kitchen

No one likes a stinky kitchen! A few quick sprays of our Citrus-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist can help keep trash can and garbage disposal odors at bay. Simply spritz a little down the drain or in the bin before you place a new trash bag inside. Want another boost of freshness? Peel any overripe, mushy citrus fruits you have laying around, toss a few small pieces into the disposal, and grind up while running some water.

Get a Great Night’s Sleep

Do racing thoughts have you struggling to fall asleep? Hold our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist a few feet away from your bed and lightly spritz your pillows and sheets for a soothing scent that’ll help you wind down. The natural sedative properties of Lavender will have you counting sheep in no time! Bonus: it works for kids too!

Increase Focus in the Study Nook

Did you know that the zing of peppermint isn’t just a great way to freshen your breath, but can help you wake up, too? Spray some Mint-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist around the table while studying, reading, or working on the computer to encourage focus and feelings of alertness. If you’re also looking to ease stress, anxiety, and nervousness while you’re studying, try using our Menthol Crystals and Warmer. Keep working hard and ace that test!

Keep the Laundry Room Free of Mildew

Prevent mildew or musty smells by spritzing your dirty laundry hampers with your favorite ShowerMist. You can also spray a little on towels between uses for a clean, refreshing scent. This also works great for keeping road trip laundry bags fresh or when you’ll be drying a lot of towels and bathing suits in your hotel room.

Do you own one of our ShowerMists?
Which scent is your favorite and how do you like to use it?

3 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

3 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a beloved essential oil in the natural health community. Not only does it delight the senses with an invigorating scent, but it has so many other amazing uses! Here are three of our favorite things about tea tree oil:

Tea Tree Oil is a great natural sanitizer.

Because of its sanitization properties, tea tree oil is used in many natural cleaner recipes. It can even discourage mold from growing. Spritz a little in your shower for a clean, fresh scent and peace of mind.

Tea Tree Oil can help reduce acne.

Tea tree oil can be used as a natural alternative to harsh acne cleansers and is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide. Mix a few drops of the oil with two teaspoons of raw honey to create your own face wash. Just remember to rinse with water!

Tea Tree Oil is great for the scalp.

Do you suffer from dandruff or a dry, itchy scalp? Tea tree oil is a great remedy and won’t cause excessive drying! Mix a few drops with some coconut milk (add a little lavender oil for a sweet scent) and massage it in while taking a shower.

Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oil are a tough allergen-fighting pair.

Both oils act as a decongestant and can help clear stuffy sinuses. When used together they can reduce inflammation, ease pain, and boost immunity. This shower spray will have you feeling better in minutes.

How do you use Tea Tree Oil? Share your ideas and recipes in the comments below.