How Essential Oils Are Fighting Cancer

How Essential Oils Are Fighting Cancer

With the growing number of diagnoses and the pervasiveness of the disease in our culture, cancer often touches the lives of almost everyone directly or indirectly at some point in time. As cancer research has grown, a light has shown on the power of essential oils to deter or even defeat cancer. Whether from studies or the testimonies of several people on the healing they’ve experienced, it’s undoubted that essential oils could work for anyone with cancer.

Each essential oil brings different health benefits and cancer-fighting properties to the table. Take a look below at what each oil can do.

Essential Oils That Fight Cancer

Lavender Oil: Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils for its myriad benefits, but recent studies have also shown it to be advantageous to cancer patients.

Lavender can directly affect certain cancer cells, ranging from preventing their spread or killing them outright. It also improves immune system efficacy, which is severely depleted when a patient is undergoing chemotherapy. Lavender is also a pain reliever, allowing patients to take fewer medications that often cause adverse side effects.

Citrus Oil: Citrus, especially when it includes orange or lemon oil, has been known to halt the growth of cancer cells, especially in that of cervical cancers. Orange oil possesses d-limonene, a phytochemical largely known for its anticancer effects. Citrus oil also provides relief from pain and anxiety and several of the side effects commonly associated with chemotherapy.

Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil has lots of research and studies behind it supporting its potency against cancer. Like citrus oils, it also has limonene in it, making it effective against many cancers. Most notably, peppermint has been known to kill leukemia cancer cells. Menthol has also been widely studied and found to kill prostate cancer cells.

Eucalyptus Oil: Eucalyptus oil is full of phytochemicals that are known to help treat cancer, particularly alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. These two phytochemicals have been under wide study and have proven to provide anticancer effects. Eucalyptus also has been proven to be very toxic to lymphoma cancer cells.

Prevention is the Best Cancer Treatment

Since there are several behaviors that can increase cancer risk, prevention is the best medicine. Essential oils eliminate free radicals, which can cause damage to cells, and are full of antioxidants. Oxidation can also cause damaging mutations in cells and lead to tumors. Essential oils can also decrease other possible cancer risks.

If you want to start preventing and decreasing your risk of cancer, then check out our line of several Eucalyptus-based ShowerMists. Each of the essential oils listed above is infused in our Eucalyptus ShowerMists, allowing you to experience the potency of two strong essential oils.

Want to learn more about how essential oils fight cancer? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

3 Safe and Natural Home Remedies to Kick Nausea

3 Safe and Natural Home Remedies to Kick Nausea

When nausea hits, your nerves start to go wild. Sometimes you know the cause and other times you don’t. What’s more important is that nausea doesn’t lead to any further problems. So you’ve got to handle it fast.

We at EuroSpa Aromatics want to share our favorite tried and true remedies to quickly and safely defeat nausea. Here are three great ways to do so:

#1: Eucalyptus

Our go-to for handling nausea is essential oils. Why? Because using the highest quality oils has an undeniable effect on the body and mind. We have formulated a Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist that eases not only nausea but also supports your respiratory, musculoskeletal, circulatory, and nervous system. Spritz the spray around your head and body, being careful to avoid your eyes. This can be done in your home or even better, in the steam of a shower for more intensified results.

Essential oils penetrate the skin and circulate throughout the body in a matter of minutes. In addition to inhaling their healing fragrance, you can also place them on the bottoms of your feet. This allows the body to absorb essential oils quickly and disperse them throughout your body rather than having to take something orally. And if you’re suffering from stomach ailments or nausea, this will come as a relief, since you likely can’t handle anything orally anyway.

#2: Mint

Another way to alleviate nausea is to spray the Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist behind and around your ears or to suck on a peppermint. This has been a reliable technique for a long time, and it’s surprising at how fast this can work.

#3: Charcoal

A third option, if you have a health food store nearby, is to grab a bottle of charcoal capsules. Take two every hour or two whenever you have an upset stomach. The charcoal goes into the stomach and binds to the toxins and bacteria, flushing them from your system.

Defeat Nausea

If you’re tired of using less than helpful products to feel better and are ready to experience true health and vitality, start with a powerful small step. Get a bottle of Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist today. Your whole body will thank you.

3 Simple, Natural Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

3 Simple, Natural Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief

No woman likes the monthly cramps their sentenced to. They come at the worst time and have a way of slowing your day and keeping you parked on the couch. All you want is relief and to get back to your life. But you have the right to find relief faster and without the extra drugs. Not all women are aware of how much power they have over their body’s health and wellness. We’re here to help you because you deserve it.

3 Tips for Reducing Your Menstrual Pain:

  1. Reduce Your Caffeine: Everybody is different, and sometimes a warm cup of coffee does just the trick. But too much caffeine is dehydrating to your body, causing circulation to slow and pain to persist. Caffeine constricts your blood levels and raises tension: so when you’re suffering from cramps, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drinking water and herbal tea instead will not only keep your flow hydrated but will also help relieve any bloating that may occur.
  2. Use Heat. Run a hot shower. Let the steam add up. And spray some of our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the steam.  The cleansing effects of the oil will be heightened in the stream and permeate your bronchial passages, resulting in relaxation and a further detoxified system. The lavender acts as an anti-depressant and will release the stress you’ve built up. If you don’t have the time or energy for the hot shower, grab a hot water bottle or heating pad. They may seem old-fashioned, but they will help warm and relax the muscles in your lower abdomen. The heat relaxes the tension around your pain and helps the flow move more fluidly. If heat overwhelms you, use the oil combination mentioned below.
  3. Massage. Once the area has been warmed, take some time for a gentle massage. Use cooling massage oil, if you can. You can make your own with a blend of peppermint, ginger, lavender and fractionated coconut oil. Lavender will relax and calm you, cinnamon aids in circulation (bringing comfort), and peppermint with ginger are an excellent topical anti-inflammatory.

You may not find your menstrual pain disappearing altogether, but you will be able to function more comfortably and happily, without taking any drugs.

Did you find these tips successful in relieving your pain? If so, let us know in the comments, and help other women experience relief by sharing!

9 Revitalizing Benefits of Using Menthol Crystals

If you or someone you know suffers from muscle pain, allergies, skin conditions, emotional imbalance or respiratory challenges, then consider the healing benefits of menthol crystals. There’s a reason the top spas and natural practitioners have been using menthol crystals for so long. The crystals support your body’s immune system and natural ability to defend itself and heal.

What are Menthol Crystals

Menthol crystals generally come from India and are extracted from mint leaves with a gentle freezing process. The properties are so concentrated that just a few crystals are needed to create very powerful effects.

Due to their strength, you may want to wear protective eyewear, gloves and keep the space you are working in well ventilated.  They are easy to inhale in small quantities in steam, but when you are creating a recipe, you’ll be working with larger amounts in a dry environment.

9 Powerful benefits of menthol crystals

  1. When mixed with a carrier oil or aloe vera gel, menthol crystals can reduce itching.
  2. Add menthol crystals to your favorite hair oil as a hair growth accelerator. Mix a small amount into the oil and massage onto the scalp before you shower, twice a week.
  3. Menthol crystals can be used to alleviate nausea, especially when the nausea is due to motion sickness.  This is because peppermint (which is used in making menthol crystals) is a natural carminative herb, allowing it to settle the digestive system.
  4. Calms sunburns when mixed with aloe vera gel.
  5. Reduce fever by placing a very small amount on the forehead or bottom of the feet.
  6. Reduces inflammation from a sore throat when applied topically all around the neck. Can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes and bruises to reduce inflammation and irritation.
  7. For respiratory problems, make your own vapor rub alternative that is more effective and made from safer ingredients with the same cooling feeling that also opens up the sinuses.
  8. When your sinuses are congested, a small amount in a little hot water will send vapors up into your sinus, clearing them and helping you breath. Just keep your eyes closed to protect them from any chill or sting.
  9. Used as aromatherapy, the scent can be used to provide relief of stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Menthol Crystals Can Give You a Healthier Life

With that long list of benefits, it’s hard not to be sold on the power of menthol crystals. We believe that all people have the right to health and wellbeing, which is why we provide our high-quality Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and Menthol Crystals.

What other benefits have you experienced from menthol crystals? Tell us and share this knowledge with the buttons below!

How to Avoid and Treat Mosquito Bites Naturally

Summer is a great time of the year to enjoy river fronts, camping, and sparkling lakes. But when the bugs show up it’s frustrating, annoying, and can be painful.

Don’t let mosquitos ruin your summer fun. Be prepared ahead of time with how to avoid these bites and how to treat them naturally and effectively.

Because our skin is so absorbent, it’s important to consider what we put on it. Typical over-the-counter bug repellants are filled with toxic chemicals that may keep the bugs away but also destroy your own skin. You deserve to know natural ways to keep bugs away and treat them if they still happen to get past your barriers.

Most bugs, including mosquitoes, use their sense of smell to find their food. And you might smell good to them. So let’s change that and help you become less interesting to them.

How to Avoid Mosquitos Naturally

Prevention On the Inside

Sweat releases a lot of aromatic compounds, so if you have the option to avoid exerting yourself, you’ll attract fewer bugs. But that’s hard, considering it’s summer. So since sweating isn’t as avoidable, stay cool and clean. If you want to exercise, try swimming, or taking a dip frequently to rinse off what you’re putting out.


Garlic offers a mild amount of protection through both the odor on your breath as well as from through the sulfur compounds emitted from your skin. This may repel people though too.

Pass on the salt and potassium, as they increase the amount of lactic acid, which attracts bugs. Skip sugary fruits, especially bananas, and go for cucumber, apples, watermelon, blueberries, or green peppers. This way, you aren’t missing out on fruit and don’t have an itching fit afterward!

Outside Prevention and Treatment

  1. Citronella: Found in many candles and natural bug repelling sprays.
  2. Marigold/Calendula: Great as a lotion or found in candles.
  3. Lavender: An amazing multi-purpose you should have at all times. It’s anti-microbial and a natural bug repellent. Just dab it on exposed skin to keep those blood suckers away.
  4. Peppermint: Similar to lavender, this one is multi-purpose.  Keep it around to soothe upset tummies, headaches, to repel bug,s and even to treat the bite if they do get through.
  5. Eucalyptus: Our favorite multi-functional remedy, naturally makes the list. You can bring our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist (also available with Lavender or Mint) along for the trip and spray both your body, your tent, and the area around you to keep the bugs away. They don’t like the smell or taste of it at all, and you get the benefit of clearing your lungs while breathing in the fresh mountain air.

Don’t be at the mercy of itchy bug bites this summer. You deserve to have fun and relax. Remember to choose good foods and toxin-free natural remedies to keep those annoying bugs at bay!

Want more summer living tips and life hacks? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!