Astonishing Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy

Astonishing Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy

Everyone loves a massage. They’re relaxing, feel great, and leave you feeling happier about life, ready to live to the fullest. But it’s not just the massage that puts you in such a great mood. It’s the oils massage therapists use that give you lasting effects. And one of the best is Eucalyptus.

Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy and Spa Treatments

Relieves Muscle Pain

Eucalyptus relaxes your muscles, making it ideal for massage therapy. Its potency allows deep penetration healing, targeting central muscle fibers and joints. This brings down inflammation, removes aching, and converts stiffness into loose, flexible muscles. Thus, the oil is particularly effective when applied to your back and shoulders. So, if you’re looking to alleviate any muscle or joint pain, a Eucalyptus oil-based massage could be exactly what you need.

Alleviates Respiratory Ailments

Massaging Eucalyptus onto your chest and back can alleviate symptoms from respiratory ailments such as asthma. Again, this is a result of Eucalyptus’ potency, making it perfect for aromatherapy and proving to be helpful for all sorts of lung and breathing issues.  This will also soothe your sinuses, allowing you to breathe easy. With regular Eucalyptus use, you can begin to heal respiratory ailments, or at the very least, effectively negate their harm to your health.

Eliminates Stress

Where on your body do you carry the most stress? Whether it’s in your neck, shoulders, back, or elsewhere, rubbing Eucalyptus on said area will eliminate stress and relax your body. Reducing stress can remove pain in your body, reduce mental exhaustion, and allow you to live a healthier life.

Eucalyptus in the Home

And did you know that you can bring the spa to you? With our Eucalyptus ShowerMists, you can experience the above benefits by using Eucalyptus to heal your body in the comfort of home. Find relief from your day-to-day aches and pains by making Eucalyptus oil a part of your daily routine.

What do you enjoy about Eucalyptus oil? Let us know in the comments and share this great news with others!

Astonishing Benefits of Eucalyptus in Massage Therapy

How to Get Fast & Natural Relief from Bronchial Ailments

It’s no news that bronchial infections, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments are some of the most straining health issues out there. Why? Because we’ve got to breathe.  Everything we do from exercise to sleep involves the need for deep and nourishing breath. If you can’t breathe, you can’t fully live.

So we want to offer some fast, safe, and natural ways to get breathing relief during just about any bronchial or respiratory challenge.

Bronchial challenges stem from inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, typically resulting from a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. If you get bronchitis once, you tend to get it again. When essential oils are used at the earliest signs of bronchitis, they can help slow or even stop the cycle of inflammation. So the best way to get fast relief is by reducing inflammation.

Use these tips to reduce and prevent inflammation:

  • Avoid eating mucous-producing foods, such as dairy, white flour products, and all products containing large amounts of white sugar. A diet of fruits and vegetables for a week or two is great for fighting bronchitis.
  • Increase your regular intake of water to at least ½ gallon daily. (On average, you should drink around one gallon)
  • Avoid dry air by using a diffuser and getting into steam as often as possible. Add drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the diffuser to enhance the effect. Your lungs will open up quickly, and you should experience relief.
  • Stay away from all tobacco or industrial smoke.
  • Generally, avoid cough suppressants, since coughing lifts and eliminate the mucous that is generated by the bronchial inflammation.

Relief from bronchitis is possible without the use of dangerous drugs and chemicals. Using natural means to defeat bronchitis will cure it at the source, not just mask the symptoms.

Which tips are you going to try? Tell us in the comments and share the relief with others by using the buttons below!

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

You’re busy and don’t have time to be shackled down by annoying sneezing, congestion, and headaches.  You also care about your health and don’t want to be constantly popping antihistamines all day. You need relief you can count on that supports total body wellness.

We want you to know that you can find relief and it’s surprisingly simple!

For starters, make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration causes the mucous in your body to become thicker, making it harder to drain. Also, avoid excess fruit as they are higher in natural pollen count. Lastly, make sure your home spaces are cleared of dust and dander as this will aggravate allergic responses.

Tip #1: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is the superhero of essential oils.  When inhaled, it’s oil can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow for better breathing. It storms through your bronchial passages to clear the path for more air. Additionally, its anti-microbial properties will not only clear your airways but also cleanse away germs. Use the Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in your morning/mid-day/evening shower routine, or in a sauna/steam room if you have access to one.

Tip #2: Lavender Oil

Lavender is a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and very calming. It can help reduce irritation and relax your breathing.

Tip #3: Lemon

Lemon improves immunity, relieves respiratory issues, is antibacterial and relieves respiratory inflammation.

Tip #4: Peppermint Oil

This potent plant oil will open those clogged nasal passages and reduce headaches caused by sinus pressure. Here’s a special bonus tip: Mix with a little coconut oil and rub on the top of your forehead, at your temples, and behind your ears. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll be alleviated.

Get the help you need fast!

All the above oils work great when inhaled in the heat of a shower, sauna, or steam room and will work miracles when rubbed onto the head, neck, and chest with a carrier oil. They will all penetrate your skin and airways to both cleanse them of pollen and give you the relief you desperately crave.

It’s time to take your power back and get relief fast. Now that you can finally get it naturally, you can rest and sit in peace knowing you’re going to feel better without any nasty side effects.

Which oil do you like best? Let us know in the comments, and share using buttons below!

3 Amazing Mint Benefits You Have to Try

3 Amazing Mint Benefits You Have to Try

If you haven’t experienced the incredible healing mint oil benefits, you’re missing out. There are some very common ailments that most of us are familiar with that can be solved or relieved via treatment with mint. Some of these common complaints include body pain, fatigue, and low spirits. We’ve all had those from time to time.

And they always show up at the worst possible moments, when you really can’t afford to miss out on life. So why not learn about the incredible benefits of mint and the relief it offers, and get back to your life.

3 Rejuvenating Mint Benefits

The power of mint is helpful for:

1. Restores respiratory health

The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, that often results from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes the throat, nose, and other respiratory channels, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the reason why several balms are mint-based. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, mint-based solutions tend to be more effective and eco-friendly as well.

2. Relieves nausea and headache

Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil or freshly crushed mint leaves can alleviate your stomach issues. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all times to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base or basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, give quick relief in case of a headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance so it can alleviate the inflammation and temperature rise that is often associated with headaches and migraines.

3. Reduces depression and fatigue

Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning at peak capacity again. If you’re feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, giving you a much-needed boost! A popular way to get good results easily is to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while you sleep.

Get the Benefits of Mint Now

The above ailments are among the most commonly experienced, but mint’s power doesn’t stop there. Check out our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist for use anywhere you can think of: in the shower or bath, topically, or diffused into the air. Find the peace that mint-infused essential oils provide.

Convinced about mint yet? Tell us about your mint experiences in the comments, and share the info with the buttons below!

A History of Eucalyptus

Essential oils and other forms of plant medicine are getting a lot of attention. They all have various benefits and strengths, but we hold a special place in our hearts for Eucalyptus and won’t rest until we’ve told everyone about the reasons we’ve grown so fond of it.

Where is Eucalyptus Found?

People have said that the eucalyptus tree is one of the most useful trees in the world. Eucalyptus belongs to the same family as tea tree and grows most abundantly in Australia. The word eucalyptus means “well-covered” referring to the little plant cap that covers the flower before it buds. Tall and water-loving, Eucalyptus is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. It grows in damp marshy areas on moist land and clays, most often found in hilly countrysides or moist valleys in deep rich soils.

Medical Eucalyptus History

“In Australia, it was considered to be a ‘cure-all’ by the Aborigines. There are over 300 species and 700 varieties of Eucalyptus. The trees have been used for everything from paper, to mulch, shade, fuel, hardwoods, wind breaking and malaria-fighting. Its extensive root system absorbs vast amounts of water.

Eucalyptus oil was in huge demand during World War 1, as it was used to control a meningitis outbreak and for the influenza of 1919. Today the major Eucalyptus-producing countries include China, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Russia, and Chile.

With over 50 pounds of plant material needed for one pound of oil, Eucalyptus was not distilled until 1788, when Doctors White and Cossiden used its oil in treating problems of the chest. The first works of the antiseptic and bacterial properties of the oil were published in Germany by Doctors Cole and Homeyer. They classified it as being ‘sudorific, a stimulant anti-catharral and astringent’. It was prescribed for all respiratory system conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and flu. The original oil introduced to Europe was called ‘Sydney peppermint’ and quickly became popular. Traditional household remedies use both the leaves and oils for relief from respiratory ailments, feverish conditions, as well as for skin problems like burns, ulcers, and wounds.

Eucalyptus is one of the most universal and versatile of essential oils. Some of its many properties include analgesic, antiseptic, deodorant, expectorant, and vermifuge (anti-parasitic). Eucalyptus has a predominantly stimulating effect on the nervous system and therefore should assist those suffering from depression and lethargy. Known as a ‘stimulating’ expectorant due to its invigorating action on the mucous membranes, it is widely considered an effective remedy for respiratory ills. Additionally, Eucalyptus is used to relieve muscular aches and pains, in particular those of a ‘cold’ nature such as rheumatic pains.” – Ananda Apothecary

Eucalyptus has been widely used and studied by many cultures over the course of time, and the interest and information are only growing—for good reason, too! We believe that experiencing Eucalyptus on a regular basis is essential for your physical health and total wellness.

What interests you most in the history of Eucalyptus? Let us know, and share this info on social media!