8 Tips for Beating Travel Sickness Naturally and Fast

8 Tips for Beating Travel Sickness Naturally and Fast

If you travel often, you don’t have time to get nausea, deal with headaches, or fight jet lag. You have sights to enjoy, people to see, and places to be! I travel often, and I used to get sick with even the slightest movement of the vehicle. But after much trial and error, I learned some simple tricks to beat travel sickness and enjoy my trips after all.

8 Excellent Tips for Travel Sickness

Here they are:

  1. Fresh air: No brainer, right? Yet few people do it. In a car? Roll the window down. In a plane? Turn on the fan.
  2. Cool feet: Really. Over-heated or sweaty feet can add to nausea. Remove your shoes and socks to cool off. Take it further and spritz our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist on the bottom of your feet. This will cool your feet and directly calm your stomach.
  3. Peppermint Oil/Eucalyptus: Dab a little of either oil behind your ears, and this will ease the motion nausea.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated will keep you from feeling heavy or sluggish in your digestive system. However, don’t overdo it. Take small sips to prevent overwhelming your body.
  5. Avoid alcohol and sugar: Both of those cause an upset and dehydrate you.
  6. Get rest: Before, after, and during your travel, get as much rest as you can; being fatigued will only worsen your symptoms.
  7. Mint: Mint flavored gum or even a little peppermint oil in water will keep you feeling fresh and in control of your stomach.
  8. Refresh and detox: Sweating in high heart will help you release built up radiation from travel and allow you to feel refreshed. For a fast rejuvenator, use a product such as our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in the steam of your shower to help boost circulation, detoxification, ease muscle stiffness, and increase your ability to focus.

These simple but effective tips will keep your traveling journeys fun and healthy. Try them on your next trip and let us know how it goes.

Do you have a better travel sickness remedy? Let us know in the comments and share these tips with others!

Skin Damage and Burns: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself

Skin Damage and Burns: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself

The temperature has been rising steadily, and it’s easy to forget to care for our skin. Since your skin is the biggest organ on your body and the one that gives your age away, it’s wise to protect it. So we are going to share some easy tips to avoiding skin damage if it does get burned and how to avoid the burn altogether.

5 Tips to Protect Yourself From Skin Damage and Burns

  1. Take good care of your skin: Spray the burn with diluted lavender oil. Just mix a few drops to a cup of water and pour into a clean spray bottle. Shake well before using. Or, grab our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist. Both lavender and eucalyptus are great for mild (first-degree) burns.
  2. Treat often: Repeat the above tips as often as needed. Also, shower before you go to bed and once you get up in the morning. It will not only feel soothing, but it will steal the heat from the skin, speeding up the healing process. Spray more before you go to bed to allow the oils to penetrate your skin overnight.
  3. Stay hydrated: Try to moisturize as often as possible each day after you get sunburnt and drink plenty of water. Drink A LOT of water. I can’t stress it enough. Sunburns dry out the skin immensely. Staying hydrated inside and out will keep your skin layers from drying and peeling. No one wants peely skin. We want supple, moist and glowing skin.
  4. Become a shade dweller: As long as you have that burn, stay in the shade. You will only prolong and aggravate the healing process by exposing your skin to more sun.  So stay cool, covered, and moisturized.
  5. Wear loose clothing: After a sunburn, your skin is particularly sensitive, and the nicest thing you can do for it is to wear loose fitting natural fabrics. Just say no to poly blends. Cotton and hemp fabrics are breathable and soft on the damaged skin. If you want to heal fast, you’ve got to treat your skin as gently as possible.

Skip Skin Damage

To keep that youthful glow, stay hydrated, moisturize often, and regularly use the essential oil routine. These daily practices will keep your skin nourished and protected from further harm.

What tips do you have for avoiding summer skin damage? Tell us in the comments, and share the info with your friends!

9 Revitalizing Benefits of Using Menthol Crystals

If you or someone you know suffers from muscle pain, allergies, skin conditions, emotional imbalance or respiratory challenges, then consider the healing benefits of menthol crystals. There’s a reason the top spas and natural practitioners have been using menthol crystals for so long. The crystals support your body’s immune system and natural ability to defend itself and heal.

What are Menthol Crystals

Menthol crystals generally come from India and are extracted from mint leaves with a gentle freezing process. The properties are so concentrated that just a few crystals are needed to create very powerful effects.

Due to their strength, you may want to wear protective eyewear, gloves and keep the space you are working in well ventilated.  They are easy to inhale in small quantities in steam, but when you are creating a recipe, you’ll be working with larger amounts in a dry environment.

9 Powerful benefits of menthol crystals

  1. When mixed with a carrier oil or aloe vera gel, menthol crystals can reduce itching.
  2. Add menthol crystals to your favorite hair oil as a hair growth accelerator. Mix a small amount into the oil and massage onto the scalp before you shower, twice a week.
  3. Menthol crystals can be used to alleviate nausea, especially when the nausea is due to motion sickness.  This is because peppermint (which is used in making menthol crystals) is a natural carminative herb, allowing it to settle the digestive system.
  4. Calms sunburns when mixed with aloe vera gel.
  5. Reduce fever by placing a very small amount on the forehead or bottom of the feet.
  6. Reduces inflammation from a sore throat when applied topically all around the neck. Can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes and bruises to reduce inflammation and irritation.
  7. For respiratory problems, make your own vapor rub alternative that is more effective and made from safer ingredients with the same cooling feeling that also opens up the sinuses.
  8. When your sinuses are congested, a small amount in a little hot water will send vapors up into your sinus, clearing them and helping you breath. Just keep your eyes closed to protect them from any chill or sting.
  9. Used as aromatherapy, the scent can be used to provide relief of stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Menthol Crystals Can Give You a Healthier Life

With that long list of benefits, it’s hard not to be sold on the power of menthol crystals. We believe that all people have the right to health and wellbeing, which is why we provide our high-quality Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and Menthol Crystals.

What other benefits have you experienced from menthol crystals? Tell us and share this knowledge with the buttons below!

4 Spectacular Tips to Avoid Seasonal Allergies

It’s too familiar. It feels like the flu is coming: slight headache, sinus pressure, tiredness, and then sneezing. The good news: there’s a good chance you’re not sick. The bad news: it’s likely you’ve got seasonal allergies.

Why is this bad news? Well, a cold will go away. Allergies like to hang on to you like your clingy friend for months on end. You can’t work or function like that—much less enjoy the beauty of the season.

So rather than buy out the local drug store’s stock of anti-histamines, we’d like to suggest you take a more natural, yet just as effective route.

Here are 4 of the best tips for relieving seasonal allergies:

1. Eat the right foods

Choose to eat a clean and balanced diet, full of high-quality protein, fruits, and vegetables. This may reduce season allergy symptoms and also strengthens the immune system. Drink a lot of water only, and do your best to avoid grains, dairy, excess salt, sugar, alcohol, and any other highly-processed foods. Foods that help get rid of seasonal allergies are garlic, ginger, onions, and honey. Steep them in a tea for best results.

2. Herbs with superpowers

Several herbs may be used to calm the sneezing and congestion symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. They work mainly by strengthening and supporting the allergen-fighting immune system. Some of these herbs are stinging nettle, gingko, and quercetin.

3. Drink a lot of water

Drinking adequate water will dilute your system as well as keep the mucous flowing, so it doesn’t stagnate in your sinus cavities. The more dehydrated you are, the more pressure and burning you’re likely to feel.

4. Steam with Eucalyptus

This is an easy and relaxing option for relieving seasonal allergies. Start a hot shower or bath and breathe in the steam. The steam will break up the mucous and relax the tense muscles. Also, adding essential oils like our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam will give you peak relief.

Other helpful tips

There will be days where the pollen count is high, and your safest choice will be to stay indoors. (Enter your zip code here and find out your local pollen count!) Avoid going outside during windy days or after thunderstorms. And as needed throughout the day, rinse your face and blow your nose to keep yourself clear from any pollen collecting there.  And if you suffer from extremely severe season allergies, you may want to forego a lawn, and instead have bricks, rocks, or stone for a landscape.

How do you avoid the symptoms of seasonal allergies? Let us know and share these tips with social media!

6 Natural Tips to Take Control of Your Changing Hormones

As we get older, our bodies change. But as a woman, that shouldn’t feel like a punishment or force you to slow you down. We want to bring you some comforting tips for dealing with your hormones in a way that supports you and helps you feel good.

Here are the 6 tips you need to take back control of your changing hormones:

Tip #1: Food for Hormones

The best medicine is preventative, and the most preventative medicine is found in the food that you eat. Eating good fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein will provide your body with the nutrients it needs and will keep your hormone levels under control. Also, have plenty of fruits and vegetables at every meal. It’s best to eat three meals a day and two or more snacks to keep your blood sugar stable. And reduce carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates and sugars.

Tip #2: Spirulina

This blue-green algae comes from lakes and ponds and contains large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These essential hormone-balancing nutrients will reduce cramps, mood problems, breast tenderness, and overall inflammation.

Tip#3: Herbs

Supplement with herbs. Herbs are miraculous because they share a similar molecular structure to our hormones, allowing them to support our hormone production by slowing them down. Some herbs that can help reduce menopause symptoms include St. John’s Wort, Black Cohosh, Passionflower, Chasteberry, Wild Yam, Ashwagandha, and Vitex. Vitex has been shown to help myriad PMS symptoms including irritability, depressed mood, anger, headache, bloating, breast fullness, skin disorder, fatigue, drowsiness, and sleeplessness. Vitex is most effective taken as a tincture, but is also useful when included in medicinal herbal teas.

Tip #4: Stay Active

Be active. Because of your fluctuating estrogen levels, your body will tend to hold on to fat. Additionally, fat actually produces estrogen, which can create even more fat. So it’s easy to get stuck in a frustrating cycle if you’re not active. Moving your body has a major impact on your weight, other menopausal symptoms, and your overall health. Gentle exercise can be helpful too, especially if your adrenal glands are overworked and you constantly feel fatigued. Movement is also medicine so find an activity you enjoy, and then be consistent.

Tip #5: For the Hot Flashes

Keep the hot flashes at bay. Those up and down hormones cause you to feel hot out of nowhere, so be prepared. Be sure to drink a lot of water, so the heat doesn’t tax your system. Also be sure to stock up on our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist that you can either spray into the steam of the shower to invigorate you or for you to spray around your body as the hot flashes hit. Eucalyptus is cooling and calming; the perfect helper to this crazy season.

Tip #6: Maca

Maca is a tuber plant native to South America. It’s an excellent superfood for hormonal imbalances like menopause and PMS. Maca is extremely high in calcium, potassium, iron, fiber, and protein. Maca creates balance by regulating the hormones via the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in the brain. This can help with symptoms like hot flashes, low libido, and PMS.

(Note: Maca should not be consumed by women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), as it may have a subtle androgenic (testosterone-boosting) effect.)

You don’t have to suffer through the changes. Just learn to support them.

Did we miss anything? Tell us in the comments and share this helpful information with the buttons below!

7 Helpful Tips for People Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Headaches

Chronic fatigue headaches are no laughing matter, and it’s quite common in America. You try to sleep and get the rest you need, but in the morning you wake up exhausted, with tight muscles and a tension headache to go with it. While chronic fatigue is a complex issue, we have some helpful tips so you can reduce and relieve this very common pain.

So here are our natural, expert tips:

7 tips for handling chronic fatigue headaches

  1. Food: Some foods are going to aggravate your condition. The most common ones will be those that cause inflammation, such as processed sugar, white grains, coffee, and dairy. Reduce these, and you’ll not only sleep better but be able to have less tension in your muscles.
  2. Hydrate:  Try to drink 2-3 liters a day. Your brain cells and blood need to be hydrated properly for everything to work smoothly. Dehydration in the muscles cause tightening, which leads to headaches in the neck and forehead.
  3. Sleep:  Aim to get 7-9 hours each night. Be sure that you have a relaxation routine before bed—without media—to help you get pure and restful sleep. Power naps are also helpful just after lunch to get you through the day with less pain.
  4. Massage: Gently massage your middle and index finger along the back of your neck and in small circles at the temples and between the eyebrows.
  5. Relax:  We are an over-scheduled society that tends to worry about the minute details of life. Make time to pause in your day and breathe deeply, bringing as much oxygen to your cells and muscle fibers as possible.
  6. Take Screen Breaks: Staring at the computer, your phone, or TV forces your eyes to not only stare in one place for an extended amount of time, but the screen itself can cause eye strain. Take 2-minute breaks every 30 minutes to close your eyes as well as find different locations around the room to focus on, to keep the eye muscles mobile.
  7. Eucalyptus: Applying Eucalyptus oil to your forehead can be incredibly soothing for stress headaches in the same manner as peppermint oil. Like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil can soothe, relax muscles, and clear nasal passages. It’s great to inhale as well because it has anti-microbial properties that can help attack germs and viruses that may be causing the headache. Put a few drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into a bowl of steaming water and inhale deeply or enjoy it in a nice shower or bath.

It’s tiring having to deal with the regular pain and exhaustion of chronic fatigue, but there are definitely ways to lessen the torture and find relief. Don’t live with the pain anymore; take advantage of a healthier, improved you now.

How do you deal with chronic fatigue headaches? Chat about it in the comments and share this post on social with the buttons below!