The Top 3 Natural Sore Throat Remedies For Rapid Relief!

A sore throat can be the main symptom of your cold or just one of many. No matter how it arrives, it’s uncomfortable and a stubborn nuisance. But there are natural ways to kick the beast fast, and we want to share them with you.

Of course, prevention is the biggest secret to long-term health, but there are many natural remedies to compliment your preventative lifestyle choices.

3 Top Natural Sore Throat Remedies For Rapid Relief

  1. Lemon tea: At the first sign of your sore throat, heat up some water to a comfortable heat. Add the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper. To make it sweeter, add a natural option like stevia or raw honey. Drink 1 – 3 times per day or as needed!
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: Similar to the above drink but a stronger flavor. Add 2 tbsp of the vinegar to about 8 oz of water. Sweeten as needed. It doesn’t taste as good, but it’s very efficient at killing bacteria and viruses while supporting your body’s fast healing.
  3. Eucalyptus and other menthol vapors: We all remember our parents rubbing vapor rub on our chests when we were struck with the cold, and we also remember how it relieved that burning feeling in our throat, nose, and lungs. Run a hot shower, and spritz our Eucalyptus ShowerMist into the steam for the best results.

Eucalyptus is refreshing, stimulating and a powerful, long-lasting oil with a very nostalgic aroma. It’s a must-have for every family medicine cabinet, due to it’s antibacterial and antiviral healing potency.

In addition to sore throat relief, other benefits of eucalyptus include:

  • Respiratory aid with a strong influence on breathing and regenerating lung tissue/function.
  • Stimulates oxygen uptake in our cell tissues and increases circulation. Increased oxygenation in the lungs promotes the cleansing and repair function of red blood cells.
  • Eucalyptus eases inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes, as well as nasal congestion.
  • Eucalyptus helps to relieve fevers. Useful in cool compresses; apply to the forehead, back of the neck, over the kidneys and pelvic region. Only a small amount is needed.

You can get relief naturally, today. There’s nothing to lose, except that sore throat.

Feeling better yet? Let us know how you conquer sore throats in the comments and show us some love with a share!

How to Relieve Your Back Pain And Ditch the Pain Pills Forever

Back pain is no joke. It can really limit what we’re free to experience in life and discourage our spirits. Medication has its place, but it doesn’t mean we need it for every tense muscle or pinched nerve. Menthol and eucalyptus products have lots of benefits to provide for back and muscle pain. So, we want to share with you some simple ways to experience relief naturally, without the pain pills.

3 Ways to Use Eucalyptus for Back Pain Relief

  1. Add 3-5 drops of straight eucalyptus oil directly onto sore muscles. Slowly massage into skin. It’s a strong oil though, and it may be best to dilute with coconut oil first until you know how your body responds.
  2. Add 15-50 drops of eucalyptus oil to a hot bath. Combined with the benefits of the oil, the heat of the water encourages muscles to relax and helps reduce next-day stiffness. For additional benefits, Epsom salts can be added to the water as well.
  3. The easiest option—and our favorite—is to get our top-grade Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and simply spray it into the hot steam of your shower, or the warmth of any sauna/steam room. You’ll not only enjoy the relaxation in your muscles, but you’ll be breathing in the anti-inflammatory properties of the eucalyptus, reducing pain caused by inflamed muscles.

Other Tips

See a Chiropractor. Sometimes the solution is far more simple than we realize. Have a chiropractor check your alignment. If your spine is off balance even in one spot, it can pinch the nearby nerves, causing muscle tension and spasms.

Get Acupuncture. Doctors agree that acupuncture provides relief. Your body has a system of nerve nets and pathways all over your body. These pathways can become jammed and create pain. Acupuncture needles help to clear the congestion of the nerves so they can relax.

Drink Water. Hydrated muscles are happy muscles. Dehydration can cause the muscle fibers to become sticky and stiff. Drink more water and avoid food and drinks with caffeine, sugar, processed foods, excess salt, and alcohol.

Breathe Deeper. When we breathe deeply, we send more oxygen to the muscle tissues and calm the nerves. Don’t underestimate the power of 10 deep breaths when you’re in pain.

Remember, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself when supported well through proper lifestyle and health habits. Pain in the body is also a sign of something else going on, so in addition to getting relief naturally, be sure to investigate the cause with your doctor or natural medicine practitioner.

You don’t have to take pills for back pain anymore. Take advantage of true, natural healing today.

Which one of these options do you recommend? We’d love to hear from you. And share this article to help others live free of back pain!

5 Tips for Getting Rid of Your Blemishes Naturally At Home

Acne and skin blemishes can be exhausting regardless of the cause. But the causes usually stem from imbalanced hormones or an accumulation of internal toxins. So, if you want to heal your chronic skin conditions, it’s imperative that you treat the problems on the inside for lasting results.

Here are some easy tips to help them heal faster for healthier and more glowing skin.

5 Tips to Eliminate Blemishes Naturally

Cleanse. Never go to bed with dirty skin. Our faces end up with lots of dirt, oil, and environmental debris throughout the day that adds up and clogs our pores. So wash it off before bed.

Tone. After cleansing, reach for witch hazel and place some on a cotton pad. Smooth it over your entire face to pick up any residue that may have been missed during cleansing.

Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is great for clearing up your skin. And it’s gentler than benzoyl peroxide, the main ingredient in most acne treatments. Apply it to a cotton pad and use once to twice daily. However, it is important to note that heavy usage of tea tree oil can dry your skin out, prompting your skin to produce more oil which will make acne worse. So pay attention if your skin begins to dry out.

Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is useful because of oxidation, which breaks down harmful bacteria and destroys it. Cleanse well and rest a cotton ball of H2O2 on the pimple first thing in the morning and before you go to bed.

Eucalyptus oil. Because of it’s antibacterial and analgesic properties, this essential oil is key to keeping your skin healthy. The best way is to spritz some of our Eucalyptus oil ShowerMist into the steam of your shower or into a steaming pot for your face. And you get the added benefit of cleansing your sinuses in the process. What’s not to love?

Finally, you can live with clear, healthy skin. Put these tips into practice today to start healing.

Which tip did you find most useful? Let us know in the comments, and help others live acne-free by sharing this article!

How to Stay Comfortable During Pregnancy

Pregnancy isn’t an easy adventure for anyone, but the hardest challenge comes with trying to stay comfortable. The body is expanding and growing a miracle, and it hurts. Of course, it’s still a beautiful process, but if she’s not comfortable, then any enjoyment is out the window.

A well-nurtured pregnancy is well worth the effort, and we know these tips will help you get there.

Tips for Staying Comfortable During Pregnancy

Help Her Sleep                                                            

She’ll need a lot of sleep, and if she doesn’t get it, you can bet on a difficult day. So respect her needs. She may need to sleep in or even go to bed early and rise early. Some days she may need darkness, others light. Some days white noise and other days, silence. Try to be flexible. Remember, it doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to be respected.

Invest in a Body Pillow

Get her a body pillow. These are wonderful additions to the bed as they support the hips, the belly, neck, and back depending on how you use them. This will not only make for a better night sleep but also come in handy when the baby is born.

Keep Her Hydrated

It’s vital that she stay hydrated both for herself and the growing child. If she is dehydrated, there won’t be enough embryonic fluid, which can lead to complications. If she can’t handle the taste of water, play with it. Add ice, lemon wedges, or cucumber slices and a couple drops of stevia to sweeten it. Don’t be discouraged if she doesn’t like it. Remember, this is frustrating for her too.

Body Care

Keep body relaxation and pampering on the schedule regularly. Book her weekly or monthly massages if it’s in the budget. Rub her neck, feet, and hands a few times per week without complaining. Use the best Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to make her a foot soak or a steam shower to not only relax those tired muscles but to help energize her without the use of caffeine.

Remember, her body is constantly changing, and she has more hormones circulating through her than she knows what to do with. If she’s edgy, see how you can help but be sure not to take anything personally. Her feeling sick and uncomfortable is not your fault. But if you’re short-tempered, defensive or aggressive, that will be your fault and not a smart move. Just be loving and patient. Be sure to invest time into yourself and remember that this too, shall pass.

Those are just a few ideas to start with, but we are confident that they will make a world of difference, so try them!

What other pregnancy tips do you have? Share them in the comments and spread the word on social media!

The Best Natural Caffeine Substitute: How Eucalyptus Helps You Stay Alert

Ok. So you’ve quit coffee. Join the rest of the headache-ridden and groggy masses making this drastic health change. But now you’re going to need something to replace that energy kick you’re used to.

You have the right to wake up and feel energized. You don’t need a pill and you don’t need another energy drink, rather a natural solution that will wake you up FAST.

Eucalyptus oil is a miracle worker you’ve got to try. Most people are familiar with the plant’s ability to ease respiratory symptoms, soothe and open the airways, but not many are familiar with its ability to wake up the senses and heighten energy.

How does Eucalyptus replace caffeine?

It feels like a shot of caffeine. The menthol content works like a vasoconstrictor, causing the cells to vibrate at a faster level, bringing more circulation and oxygen to the brain, inviting better concentration and more natural focus.

It’s invigorating. The menthol properties of eucalyptus leave a cooling sensation on the skin of the body and in the lungs. Just a few deep breaths and every cell of the body is invigorated and woken up from the inside out.

It creates relaxation and a sense of contentment. As the plant works its way into the different parts of the body, each cell is not only invigorated but the body relaxes as though it’s been to the spa. When you’re awakened and relaxed at the same time, your mind is at ease and able to function properly.

How to use Eucalyptus

One of the best ways to enjoy all the energizing benefits is to spray Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the steam of your shower. The steam further activates the oil and opens your pores, allowing your body to more efficiently absorb the oil.

Are you ready to live a coffee-free life? Then don’t hesitate to pick up our Eucalyptus Oil to energize your body in a healthy way.

How has Eucalyptus helped you? Let us know in the comments and share this article with a friend!