Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

For many women, the pain that comes along with their menstrual cycle can be truly debilitating. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t much that will work to relieve some of that pain other than strong painkillers, but there are some natural options that have proven to be helpful for many. Essential oils and other natural practices can be game-changing!

Here are a few natural options for natural menstrual pain relief:

Lavender Oil
When you have your monthly period, the uterus and surrounding blood vessels become inflamed, which can cause quite a bit of pain. Instead of powering through it or popping some pills one after another, lavender oil can help to take the edge off. Lavender is known for its calming properties, both on the mind and the muscles. Run a hot shower and use our Lavender-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist to make this happen!

Applying Heat
Sometimes the most simple of remedies can have the biggest impact! Applying heat will help your muscles to relax and therefore help with cramps. You can do this by using an inexpensive heating pad from your local drugstore or soaking in a hot bath. Take this time to relax and take your mind off the discomfort that you’re feeling.

Peppermint Oil
Fluctuating hormones during your monthly cycle can cause headaches, nausea, and fatigue, but peppermint oil can help alleviate those symptoms! Peppermint oil can be used in a variety of ways to get relief from these symptoms, but one of our favorite methods is using our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays into the steam and away from your face. Breathing in those amazing benefits and relaxing in the hot shower will be sure to help.

Healthy Diet and Hydration
You might be rolling your eyes, but it’s true! Being vigilant about eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and whole grains will help you stay healthy. When your body isn’t healthy, any pain or other issues will feel magnified. Hydration is also key. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, which will make cramps feel even worse. Make sure your drinking that water — it makes a huge difference!

What are some of your favorite tried and true options for natural menstrual pain relief? Let us know in the comments!

Traveling with Essential Oils

Traveling with Essential Oils

With summer quickly approaching, many of us have a vacation or weekend getaway planned. Did you know that you can use essential oils to improve your experience? Essential oils can be used for multitudes of reasons, from helping with sicknesses to repelling bugs. What’s not to love?

Here are a few essential oils that get help with your travel experience:

Peppermint is a very popular essential oil because it has a wide array of uses. Peppermint can help tremendously with nausea. If you are feeling motion sickness, sea sick, or ate something that didn’t agree with you, sniffing Peppermint directly from the bottle can greatly improve how you feel. You can also use our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist as a pillow mist to help ease your nausea while you rest, or while you take a hot shower.

Tea Tree
Tea Tree is a great essential oil for bug bites, bumps, or scratches because of its healing and purifying properties. It can be applied directly to the skin to help with any healing wounds and bug bites (avoid applying to open wounds or bites — it will burn).

If you are feeling a cough coming on that you don’t want to ruin your vacation, use our Tea Tree-Infused Pure Eucalytpus ShowerMist with a hot shower for a clarifying and purifying experience. The antibacterial and antiviral properties will help immensely to make you feel better.

If you are going camping, hiking, or to any destination that has bugs, you will want to have Eucalyptus oil in your arsenal. Bugs can’t stand the smell, so they stay away when it comes to Eucalyptus! Spray our 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist around the area that you want to keep bug-free. A little goes a long way. Additionally, you can spray directly onto yourself.

If you’re traveling somewhere across the globe, you’ll have to deal with jet lag, which is never fun, but not something that you can avoid. When you’re trying to get some sleep in the middle of the day, make sure that you have Lavender on hand to help promote deeper and better quality sleep.

You can use our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist as a pillow spray so you’re breathing in the benefits while you snooze. You could also spritz it into a steaming hot shower to relax you as well.

All of these essential oils make it easy to have the best time while you’re traveling. Will you be bringing any of these on your next trip? Let us know in the comments!

Keep Bugs at Bay This Summer with Essential Oils

Keep Bugs at Bay This Summer with Essential Oils

When the weather is warm and we start spending more and more time outside, dealing with bugs and bug bites is inevitable. But instead of giving up and not doing anything OR spraying yourself with harmful chemicals, first try some natural preventatives and remedies. These tips aren’t very difficult and they can make your journey to a more natural lifestyle a little easier (and bug bite free).

Here are some of our favorite essential oils to help with bugs this summer:

Just one of lavender’s many uses is to keep bugs away. They just don’t like the smell! You can utilize lavender a couple ways, you can grow it around your home (or in your home!) or you can put drops of it on your skin. Lavender plants both look beautiful and smell great, so that is just an additional benefit of growing them around your home. If you choose to put lavender on your body, like on your wrists, behind your ears, or on the back of your neck to ward off bugs, you’ll also be benefiting from its calming properties.

If you’ve been bitten by a bug, lavender is one of the only essential oils that you can apply directly to a bite. Its calming and anti-inflammatory properties will also work to soothe your bites heal them more quickly.

Just like lavender, bugs don’t like the smell of peppermint. You can put some drops on your skin diluted with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil, or around the area that you’ll be outside, like your tent or patio.

If you have been bitten, peppermint is great for itch relief and minimizing inflammation when rubbed into the area when diluted with a carrier oil. The cooling relief will really help to calm your itchiness and it will prevent more bugs from bothering you. Bonus points: you’ll also smell really great.

Tea Tree
This essential oil is best known for its pain-relieving, itch-stopping, swelling-reducing qualities. If you have bug bites that won’t stop itching, use tea tree oil diluted in a carrier oil for some relief as well as stopping bacteria from forming and making the bite worse. Studies have been done where tea tree oil has beaten out other medications. Amazing!

This essential oil is definitely one of our favorites! It is multi-functional and can be used to prevent bugs from biting you. The easiest way to do this is by bringing along one of our 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMists (we also have travel sizes as well) and spray your body as well as the area around you. While you are spraying, you’re also getting all the other great benefits of eucalyptus. This essential oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, decongestant, and anti-inflammatory.

If you want to get the benefits of eucalyptus AND the other essential oils mentioned above, you can pick up an infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist that contains them!

How do you keep bugs at bay with natural products? We’d love to know in the comments!

Top Benefits of Peppermint Oil

Top Benefits of Peppermint Oil

When you think of essential oils, chances are that Peppermint will be one of the first that comes to your mind. It’s definitely one of the most popular oils out there – and for good reason. Peppermint has numerous health benefits, and as an added bonus, it smells great too!

If you’re looking for natural remedies to common ailments, Peppermint may be able to solve some of your problems. Here are a few of our favorite benefits from this amazing oil:

Increase Energy
Instead of opening up an energy drink or pouring yourself another cup of coffee, try taking a few whiffs from a bottle of Peppermint oil. When that mid-day slump starts to hit, inhaling directly from the bottle or applying topically to your temples and the back of your neck have been proven to wake you up and improve concentration.

Promote Hair Growth
Maybe one of the lesser-known benefits of Peppermint oil is that it can naturally thicken and heal damaged hair by stimulating the scalp. All you need to do is add 2-3 drops to your shampoo and conditioner and then use as normal. Bonus point if you do this in the morning to give you that added energy boost we just talked about!

Reduce Nausea
There isn’t much worse than having to go about your regular day while feeling nauseous. Instead of being down for the count, inhaling Peppermint oil could be the solution. Inhale directly from the bottle, apply to your pressure points, or diffuse it to get this benefit.

Reduce Congestion
Peppermint is an expectorant, so it opens the airways, reduces congestion, and clears mucus. Because it is also antimicrobial and antiviral, Peppermint also helps to fight the infection that gave you the congestion in the first place. Win-win! Next time you have a cold, try making your own vapor rub by mixing Peppermint into coconut oil and rubbing it into your chest and feet.

Alleviate Headaches
Since Peppermint can relax tense muscles and help with blood circulation, it especially helps with tension headaches. When you feel a headache coming on, rub some Peppermint on your temples and behind your ears to help alleviate the pain.

Another of our favorite ways to get the benefits of Peppermint is with our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Simply run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays of the ShowerMist into the steam and away from your face. Relax and reap all the naturally healing benefits of Peppermint while you relax!

These are just some of the ways that Peppermint can be used in everyday situations to solve everyday problems. What is your favorite thing about Peppermint?

Natural Migraine and Headache Relief

Natural Migraine and Headache Relief

When you have a migraine, it’s easy to feel completely depleted – like you don’t want to even move or speak, let alone get anything productive done. When you’re feeling a migraine coming on, there are steps you can take to help prevent one from coming or ease your symptoms. Here are some of our favorite essential oils to help naturally relieve migraines and headaches:

Lavender oil is most commonly used for stress relief, better sleep, and relaxation, but it has also been shown to reduce pain because it is anti-inflammatory and dilates blood vessels. A favorite way to get the benefits of Lavender is to run it in a diffuser. Put your diffuser next to your bed and breathe in the vapor for a while to alleviate some of your migraine symptoms while you relax.

Peppermint oil is one of the most popular oils to help with migraines and headaches. The high menthol content helps with easing pain and relaxing muscles. If you also get nauseous when you have a migraine, Peppermint works wonders for that as well! One way to use Peppermint is to sniff it directly from the bottle.

Sometimes headaches or migraines are caused by sinus issues and Eucalyptus is perfect for helping the sinuses. Eucalyptus will open the nasal passages and relieve some of the tension that’s causing you pain. You can use Eucalyptus by diluting it in some a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) and applying it to your chest or the bottom of your feet.

Another way that we love to get the benefits of these amazing oils is by taking a steamy shower with one of our ShowerMists. You can even make a concoction using more than one of them to get better results! Simply run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays of your ShowerMists of choice into the steam and breathe in.

Do you have any other natural headache and migraine remedies that we should know about?