6 Surprising Ways to Improve Men’s Health with Eucalyptus!

6 Surprising Ways to Improve Men’s Health with Eucalyptus!

It’s June, which is Men’s Health month, so let’s take some time to consider the fathers, uncles, brothers, and sons in our lives. You probably know some hard working guys that don’t often have time to think about their health. So what can you do to help them take care of themselves? Here are six health-improving Eucalyptus tips they can start using today:

1: Relax in the shower before work

Need a little pick me up before heading off to work? Eucalyptus relaxes and reinvigorates, relieving that morning fog in your mind to alert your senses, getting you ready for the day. Simply spray it on the floor of your shower, and you’ve brought the spa to your home. You can try several different kinds of our ShowerMists depending on your preferences, but our classic Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist is a great energizer by itself.

2: Kill germs in gym showers

If you use the showers at your local gym, then you know they aren’t the cleanliest things in the world. But what you may not know is that the shower floors could be filled with fungus spores and other germs that could make you ill, especially if you shower there barefoot. Any of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMists will kill germs and make the shower floor a safe and sanitary place to clean your body (as well as remove any foul odors).

3: Remove odors from shoes and feet

Whether from playing sports or a long day at work, shoes usually get pretty smelly. The smell can be embarrassing and ruin the atmosphere of any room. But it doesn’t have to. With our Citrus-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, you can spray it inside any shoes and leave them overnight. The next morning, you’ll find you have clean shoes that will stay fresh for a long time since Eucalyptus naturally eats odors.

4: Soothe muscle pains

No matter what you do, muscles will get sore and tense from the stress of life. But you can remedy the problem with our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist, which has been known to relax muscle tension and remove stress. Eucalyptus has also been known to quicken the healing of muscle tears and strains, as well as relieve pain associated with the injuries.

5: Relieve and flush sinuses

Sinus pressure and pain are common for everyone, especially for men when they wake up in the morning. Want to know how to relieve the pressure within just a few minutes? Spray our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist during a quick shower to clear your sinuses and open them up for the rest of the day. You don’t have to live with congested sinuses anymore.

6: Improve digestion

A long day of work doesn’t often lead to a good day of healthy food choices. Thankfully, there’s a way to combat indigestion and an unsettled stomach. Try this: mix the Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist with Epsom salts and a carrier oil, such as almond oil. Pour it in a bath and allow the mixture to aid your digestive tract and relax your entire body.

Share the information!

Tell the men you know about these easy, quick ways they can help keep themselves healthy and relax. Remind them that even five minutes every day to take care of themselves can lead to a happier, healthier life!

Was this information helpful to you? If so, let us know in the comments and share the info with the social media buttons below!

Kick Sinus Pain and Pressure Fast and Naturally – So You Can Have Your Life Back.

Kick Sinus Pain and Pressure Fast and Naturally – So You Can Have Your Life Back.

As winter starts to shift into spring, germs are still in the air and pollen begins haunting the noses of people all over. This is not comfortable and it can really get in the way of kids going to school, parents going to work and the overall enjoyment of life. So how about not letting these things slow you down, and instead use a tried and true remedy to keep those nasal passages clear, healthy and happy so that you can live life freely?

Don’t clog your health with unnecessary medications that only poison the rest of your body. If you’re feeling a sinus cold or hay fever attack coming on, be sure to use these safe, natural and effective solutions first!

Eucalyptus is the all-powerful superhero of essential oils.  When inhaled, it’s oil can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow for better breathing! It confidently storms through your bronchial passages to clear to the path for more air! Add to that, it’s anti-microbial properties and you’ll not only clear your airways, but clean house of all it’s enemies!  We recommend using this Eucalyptus Oil Shower Mist in your morning/mid-day/evening shower routine, or in a sauna/steam room if you have access to one!

Lavender Oil is a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and very calming. It can help reduce irritation and relax your breathing, while also killing the germs and viruses, allowing your infection to heal much faster! Check out our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to use in the shower for a calming spa-like experience.

Peppermint Oil helps to open those clogged up nasal passages and can reduce headaches caused by sinus pressure as well! Special bonus tip?  Mix with a little coconut oils and rub on the top of your forehead, at your temples and behind your ears. You’ll be surprised at how this gives you relief. We have two ShowerMist infusions that use Mint as a base — the first is our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist and the second is our all-natural Menthol-Infused ShowerMist. Also try our Menthol Crystals for some fast relief outside the shower.

The truth is, all of the above oils would do well to be inhaled in the heat of a shower, sauna or steam room and will work miracles when rubbed on to the head, neck  and chest with a carrier oil.   They will all penetrate your skin and airways to both cleanse them of the pollen and to give you the sinus relief you so desperately need!

Make life easy on yourself and get the eucalyptus shower spray that everyone is raving about! Sinus pain and pressure no longer has to hold you hostage. There is help!  We at EuroSpa Aromatics, we are committed to your health.  Stop by and see what else we can do to increase the quality of your life and overall health.

You deserve it.

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

4 Awesome Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Pressure

You’re busy and don’t have time to be shackled down by annoying sneezing, congestion, and headaches.  You also care about your health and don’t want to be constantly popping antihistamines all day. You need relief you can count on that supports total body wellness.

We want you to know that you can find relief and it’s surprisingly simple!

For starters, make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration causes the mucous in your body to become thicker, making it harder to drain. Also, avoid excess fruit as they are higher in natural pollen count. Lastly, make sure your home spaces are cleared of dust and dander as this will aggravate allergic responses.

Tip #1: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is the superhero of essential oils.  When inhaled, it’s oil can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow for better breathing. It storms through your bronchial passages to clear the path for more air. Additionally, its anti-microbial properties will not only clear your airways but also cleanse away germs. Use the Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist in your morning/mid-day/evening shower routine, or in a sauna/steam room if you have access to one.

Tip #2: Lavender Oil

Lavender is a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and very calming. It can help reduce irritation and relax your breathing.

Tip #3: Lemon

Lemon improves immunity, relieves respiratory issues, is antibacterial and relieves respiratory inflammation.

Tip #4: Peppermint Oil

This potent plant oil will open those clogged nasal passages and reduce headaches caused by sinus pressure. Here’s a special bonus tip: Mix with a little coconut oil and rub on the top of your forehead, at your temples, and behind your ears. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll be alleviated.

Get the help you need fast!

All the above oils work great when inhaled in the heat of a shower, sauna, or steam room and will work miracles when rubbed onto the head, neck, and chest with a carrier oil. They will all penetrate your skin and airways to both cleanse them of pollen and give you the relief you desperately crave.

It’s time to take your power back and get relief fast. Now that you can finally get it naturally, you can rest and sit in peace knowing you’re going to feel better without any nasty side effects.

Which oil do you like best? Let us know in the comments, and share using buttons below!

4 Benefits of Saunas & Steam Rooms You Don’t Want to Miss

4 Benefits of Saunas & Steam Rooms You Don’t Want to Miss

Spa weekends and nightly sauna sessions are not just for elegant relaxation. You might be surprised to know that people all over the world are enjoying saunas for anti-aging, pain relief, and immunity boosting in addition to relaxation. And this isn’t just a luxury for the rich. Entire families are enjoying the experience of having spas or saunas on their own property.

To enhance your steam room and sauna experience, we have harnessed the power of the highest possible quality Eucalyptus oil in our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMists. We believe your health and wellness should be a top priority because you deserve to have a healthy and vibrant life.

Here are some benefits of sauna bathing:

  • Improves cardiovascular health by conditioning the heart. The heat makes your heart work harder, increasing heart rate, in essence, giving it a workout. This will keep blood flowing more properly, and decrease heart-related risks.
  • Heat will help your muscles relax and remove the stress you’ve built up in them. If you workout, saunas and spas can be particularly useful.
  • Saunas, obviously, cause you to sweat, which allows the body to detox itself naturally. Moreover, this cleansing will allow your skin to look clearer and healthier.
  • Warmth opens up nasal passageways and the sinuses, easing the pain and annoyance of sinus pressure.

If you care about living a healthier and more natural lifestyle, then consider the above benefits of spa and sauna bathing. It’s a great addition to those seeking a healthy lifestyle and have already started by eating right and exercising their bodies!

Are you ready to experience all that sauna bathing and spas have to offer? If so, tell us in the comments, and share this important info with friends and family!

How to Relieve Sinus Colds Naturally Before the Holidays

It never fails. A fun and festive holiday is approaching and you are blessed with the gift of a sinus cold. Who wants to be in the family photo with a red nose and watery eyes? Nobody does and that’s why we want to share the powerful natural ways you can be sinus pressure free for this year’s Thanksgiving feast.

Preventing Sinus Colds

The first step is always preventative.

If you know you are prone to winter colds, make sure your immune system is strong enough to ward them off. Some simple ways to do this are to dress warm, keeping your neck, back and feet well covered. Get enough sleep. Drink hot herbal teas and warm lemon juice with honey. Eat garlic and limit the amount of sugar, white pastas, and breads you consume. This will put you on a good path.

Steam with Eucalyptus to Relieve Sinus Colds

But if you already have a sinus cold, you need some quick relief. This is an easy and relaxing option for relieving sinus pressure and colds. There are two ways to do it.

First, start a hot shower or bath and breathe in the steam. The steam will break up the mucous and relax the tense muscles. Once you’re in the shower, add 2 or 3 sprays of Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the steam.

Your second option is a bowl of hot water. You simply pour boiling water into a bowl. Grab a towel, your bowl, Eucalyptus Oil Shower ShowerMist and sit comfortably at the table. Place the bowl in front of you. Add 1 or 2 sprays of the Eucalyptus mist to the bowl. The water should still be steaming. Then place the towel over your head and let it cover the bowl as well. You should be in a steam cave now. Gently inhale the Eucalyptus steam into your lungs through your nose and feel the congestion break.

Eucalyptus not only breaks up the congestion, but it’s also an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. This means it’s going to calm down your inflamed sinuses while killing the bacteria and viruses that started the whole mess.

You don’t have to be miserable anymore. Find relief today.

What other remedies do you use to relieve sinus pressure? Tell us in the comments and share this article!