Using Essential Oils to Beat Seasonal Allergies

Using Essential Oils to Beat Seasonal Allergies

Is the pollen in the air sending your nose into sneezing fits? Is your throat feeling itchy and dry? Spring may be beautiful, but allergies are not! Here are our best tips to have you feeling better in no time.

Use Eucalyptus Oil to reduce sinus inflammation.

If your sinuses are stuffed up, you can use Eucalyptus Oil to clear your inflamed airways. Spritz some in a hot, steamy shower or apply a few drops to your chest to keep your sinuses clear all day.

Use Menthol to relieve coughing and congestion.

Add Menthol Crystals to a pot of boiling hot water, lean over it (very carefully), and cover your head with a towel. Breathe the steam in deeply for as long as you can stand the heat to soothe your sore throat. You can also melt the crystals in a warmer to diffuse the menthol through the rest of your home.

Diffuse Lavender Oil at night to sleep better.

Lavender Oil is also known to reduce inflammation and is a natural antihistamine. Since it has soothing, mildly sedative properties, we recommend diffusing it to get better rest at night when you’ve been coughing or are struggling to stay asleep.

What’s your favorite remedy for allergy season?
Tell us about it in the comments below.

3 Amazing Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

3 Amazing Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil doesn’t just smell nice, it also has many amazing practical uses! Here are three of our favorites.

Eucalyptus Oil may help relieve respiratory issues like asthma or COPD.

Yes, it’s true! Eucalyptus Oil can help open up the airways and allow more oxygen to flow into the lungs. Peppermint Oil is also great for this, and the two oils can be combined with a carrier oil to make a chest rub, massage oil, or rollerball to use when respiratory symptoms flare up.

Eucalyptus Oil can help you get rid of stinky household odors.

This antiseptic and antibacterial oil can help rid your home of mold and mildew! Spray a little down the sink or garbage disposal, around your house when it’s smelling musty, and in those smelly gym sneakers for an instant refresh.

Eucalyptus Oil can help soothe cold and flu symptoms.

That flu bug is still working its way around. Make sure you’re stocked up on a bottle of Eucalyptus ShowerMist when the sickness hits your household! You can check out this blog post about how to use Eucalyptus Oil to start feeling better fast.

What’s your favorite way to use Eucalyptus oil? Let us know in the comments below!

Best essential oils for the winter season

Best essential oils for the winter season

Winter can be full of great things like hot chocolate and snowball fights but it can also be the time when your immune system begins fighting the war against cold and flu viruses. Here are some essential oil products to help your fight for a better, healthier life during winter.

1. Eucalyptus Oil

This antiseptic and antibacterial oil is found in things from cough drops to steam rooms. Eucalyptus ShowerMist can help you combat inflammation in your lungs. It will also help keep your house smelling clean and fresh while helping remove mold and mildew!

2. Peppermint

Peppermint just smells like it’s healthy. Not only is it good for your respiratory system, Mint-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist can help with aches and also help calm fevers when used in the shower.

3. Citrus

Citrus can help energize you during the snow filled days and give you a taste of summer during a blizzard. Citrus-Infused Eucalyptus Showermist is a great air freshener when used in a diffuser with it’s mild blend of citrus and eucalyptus.

4. Lime

Lime has a ton of uses. It can be used to help your immune system fight off germs left and right with it’s antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Try Menthol-Infused ShowerMist for a virgin Mojito smell while in a hot shower.

All of our products are great right out of the bottle! Spray in your hot shower, put several drops in a humidifier, or just around the room to keep it fresh while spending more time inside this winter. For continuous exhilaration, try our new electronic diffusers!


3 Ways Using a Sauna Every Day Will Change Your Life

3 Ways Using a Sauna Every Day Will Change Your Life

Weight. Stress. Wrinkled skin. These are all things you, along with countless other people, may struggle with daily. But did you know that using a sauna daily has the power to change all that?

But did you know that using a sauna daily has the power to change all that?

Studies and personal testimonies speak to what even ancient people deemed to be true: heat therapy and sweat can do wonders for an ailing body. So, if you’re ready to live a healthier, more relaxed life, then check out why you should make sauna use a part of your daily routine.

3 Ways Using a Sauna Every Day Will Change Your Life

Weight Loss

Continual sauna use can drastically improve your weight loss efforts. Just like during cardio exercise, you’re burning calories in the heat of the sauna. You could sweat off several hundred calories in just one session, which over sustained periods of time could eliminate those stubborn pounds. Using saunas in addition to healthy eating and exercise will help you see results faster and help you live the life you want sooner.

Stress Relief

We experience unprecedented stress levels in today’s society. Thus, it’s even more vital to take time for stress relief. Using a sauna can do just that. Sauna use promotes the release of endorphins and other chemicals in the brain that counteracts the harmful spikes of adrenaline you may experience during the day. Besides the science behind it, quietly sitting in a wooden, warm room is an experience everyone deserves to enjoy.

Skin Rejuvenation

As a result of stress, your skin can wrinkle and sag. If you hate it just as much as the next person, then you need to use a sauna. Sweating can rejuvenate your skin by flushing out toxins and promoting your collagen. By reinvigorating your collagen structure and levels, your skin will be left feeling fuller and younger. Sauna use will tighten your skin, eliminating the wrinkles and lines in your face.

Start Using Saunas Today

Saunas are great, but the benefits are limited on their own. So, to enhance your experience, check out our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMists. Spray these onto the floor of the sauna and you’ll experience a refreshing aroma. The Eucalyptus oil will open up your lungs and improve your circulation, augmenting the above benefits.

Want more tips on how to get even more benefits from sauna use? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

Try Some DIY Aromatherapy Using Our Citrus-Infused ShowerMist in Time for Summer!

Try Some DIY Aromatherapy Using Our Citrus-Infused ShowerMist in Time for Summer!

Whether or not you like crafting, sometimes you just feel you need to try a DIY project of own. But looking at the breadth of aromatherapy projects you can make yourself can seem daunting as you get sucked into a Google or Pinterest Black hole. So here are some great DIY Aromatherapy ideas you can use today. For these ideas, we recommend using our Citrus Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist.

Even though most of the time our ShowerMist is used in showers (of course), EuroSpa ShowerMist’s can actually be used as a room spray. Sometimes here at EuroSpa, someone will come into the office who is a heavy smoker or has sprayed just a little too much cologne on that day. After they leave, I will use the bottle of Citrus Infused ShowerMist that stays on my desk. Just a couple of spritzes in the air and in just a few minutes, the smell is gone and you are left with the refreshing scent of Citrus and Eucalyptus!

If you have a teenager or a man in your house, no matter how well they try, their shoes can sometimes be just smelly! To help get rid of that smell, spray the Citrus Infused ShowerMist on the inside of the shoes and let them sit overnight. The first thing you will notice is the smell will start dissipating. By the morning, the shoes smell better and the ShowerMist should help keep the smell in the shoes from coming back as strong as Eucalyptus is a natural odor eater. I personally use it all the time to keep my sandals smelling great since as a California girl, I pretty much live in them!

Do you love to use scrubs in the shower but can’t afford some of those amazing looking products that you see on BuzzFeed? Try pairing our Citrus Infused ShowerMist with our Mint Infused ShowerMist, mix in some Epsom salts and a carrier oil such as almond oil. The Mint Infused ShowerMist will add a cooling effect to the mixture to help relieve aches and pains while the Citrus Infused ShowerMist will invigorate you and open your sinuses!

Tired of how dry Purell and other alcohol based sanitizers can make your hands feel? Mix some aloe vera gel together with the Citrus Infused ShowerMist for your own version of a hand sanitizer. Not only will your hands no longer be dry because of the aloe vera, but the Citrus Infused ShowerMist will not dry out your hands either!

And finally, my personal favorite as we have used it many times in our household. Sometimes no matter how well you clean or what you pour down the drain, your garbage disposal smells. And that smell can spread throughout the house fast! Try spraying the Citrus Infused ShowerMist down the drain and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before you run water down the drain. Suddenly the smell will be gone and your whole house will smell like oranges. I personally have used this multiple times in different houses and works so quickly you will be surprised!

Is there something you have tried with our Eucalyptus products that you love? Comment here or on social media and you might see it included in our next newsletter!