Natural Essentials for Your Dorm Room

Natural Essentials for Your Dorm Room

A dorm room is a small space with a big purpose: to provide the safety and comfort of home. In that one area, you will be sleeping, eating, studying, and socializing — a lot happens in this small space. Our suggestion? Use essential oils to maximize the impact of your home-away-from-home. 

With a few basic essentials, you can make sure your dorm room is one that is clean and tidy, keeps you alert when it’s time to focus, promotes peace and rest for optimal self-care, and fosters healing when you’re feeling sick.

A Diffuser: Time to Hit the Books

The best cram sessions take place in college dorm rooms. It’s an easy place to gather friends, grab your notes, and hit the books. Since candles are usually not allowed, a diffuser is a great option to release rousing essential oils into the air. This way, you can enjoy the aromatic benefits without an overwhelming scent. Try spritzing a few sprays of our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist into the water in your diffuser. Peppermint provides an invigorating smell that can provide the alertness you need to soak up the material. Eucalyptus is also a good option when you’ve been studying for a while. It’s healing properties can be refreshing to achy muscles or a tense mind.

Yoga Mat Cleaner: Time to Find Your Peace

Whether its an assignment’s due date or an upcoming final, college is stressful. Promote peace and self-care by staying active. After yoga or another gentle exercise, use our Lavender-Infused Yoga Mat Cleaner to wipe down your mat. (Another tip: you can also bring the 2oz travel-sized bottle with you to the gym to clean all kinds of equipment before and after use.) Our Yoga Mat Cleaner is made with pure eucalyptus oil. The plant base and enzymatic action will effectively remove makeup, perspiration, body oils, and dirt without degrading your mat. Our cleaner is yoga practitioner tested and approved! You can also continue using lavender as part of your bedtime routine. It’s known to have calming, sleep-inducing effects that will promote quality sleep.

A Spray Bottle: Time to Freshen Up

Despite balancing classes, homework, and your social life, you’re also responsible for keeping your dorm room clean. But it’s easy (and cost-effective!) to make your own all-purpose cleaner. For a natural way to keep your dorm room germ free, simply fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Use it wipe down your door handles, your toilet, windows, and most any other hard surface. This will keep germs away and smell fresh too!

Menthol Crystals: Time to Stay Healthy

Bring the steam room to your dorm room! Our Menthol Crystals are clear and all-natural and can give any dorm room a spa-like vibe. These crystals are a product of steam-distilled peppermint essential oil. When heated, the crystals melt and release that wonderful, healing peppermint scent into the air. It can be a natural remedy to common ailments associated with cough, cold, and flu symptoms, as well as headaches, inflammation, and even itching. It’s also a fantastic study aid, as it gives you both respiratory and mental clarity. Having menthol crystals in your dorm room will be a step toward staying healthy all semester.

What other natural essentials do you think are a must for college students living in a dorm room?

Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

Natural Menstrual Pain Relief

For many women, the pain that comes along with their menstrual cycle can be truly debilitating. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t much that will work to relieve some of that pain other than strong painkillers, but there are some natural options that have proven to be helpful for many. Essential oils and other natural practices can be game-changing!

Here are a few natural options for natural menstrual pain relief:

Lavender Oil
When you have your monthly period, the uterus and surrounding blood vessels become inflamed, which can cause quite a bit of pain. Instead of powering through it or popping some pills one after another, lavender oil can help to take the edge off. Lavender is known for its calming properties, both on the mind and the muscles. Run a hot shower and use our Lavender-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist to make this happen!

Applying Heat
Sometimes the most simple of remedies can have the biggest impact! Applying heat will help your muscles to relax and therefore help with cramps. You can do this by using an inexpensive heating pad from your local drugstore or soaking in a hot bath. Take this time to relax and take your mind off the discomfort that you’re feeling.

Peppermint Oil
Fluctuating hormones during your monthly cycle can cause headaches, nausea, and fatigue, but peppermint oil can help alleviate those symptoms! Peppermint oil can be used in a variety of ways to get relief from these symptoms, but one of our favorite methods is using our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays into the steam and away from your face. Breathing in those amazing benefits and relaxing in the hot shower will be sure to help.

Healthy Diet and Hydration
You might be rolling your eyes, but it’s true! Being vigilant about eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and whole grains will help you stay healthy. When your body isn’t healthy, any pain or other issues will feel magnified. Hydration is also key. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, which will make cramps feel even worse. Make sure your drinking that water — it makes a huge difference!

What are some of your favorite tried and true options for natural menstrual pain relief? Let us know in the comments!

3 Ways to Use Our Yoga Mat Cleaner in Your Gym

3 Ways to Use Our Yoga Mat Cleaner in Your Gym

If you own a gym, yoga studio, or Pilates studio, there’s a good chance that you have at least a few yoga mats lying around for your clients to use. Our all-natural and non-toxic Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil Yoga Mat Cleaner is a wonderful solution for thoroughly cleaning your mats but also using a natural option.

But did you know that there are other uses for our Yoga Mat Cleaner? There are! This multi-purpose product can help you get the best bang for your buck and keep the cleaning process simple and streamlined. Below, we’re sharing three ways to use this cleaner in your gym or studio.

Clean your other workout equipment
Just because it says “yoga mat” in the name doesn’t mean that they are the only equipment that can benefit from our all-natural cleaner! Weight machines, free weights, Pilates Reformers, exercise balls, and more can all be cleaned with our Yoga Mat Cleaner.

This product is incredibly effective at removing dirt, bacteria, makeup, sweat, dirt, and oil, all of which can be found on the equipment around your gym before it is cleaned. And because this equipment all comes in direct contact with your clients’ skin for prolonged periods of time, you’re doing them a favor by using an all-natural option!

Clean your locker rooms and other workout areas
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to your cleaning products — you can use this cleaner in other areas of your gym or studio as well! One huge perk of using this cleaner for your locker room, for example, is that you can put scent marketing to good use.

Scent marketing, scent branding, and aroma marketing all refer to the sensory marketing that targets the consumer’s sense of smell in order to improve the customer experience, increase sales, develop brand awareness, and nurture brand loyalty and connection. If they walk into your space and associate it with the calming scent of lavender and eucalyptus, you will be improving their client experience immensely!

Clean your saunas and steam rooms
Just like the locker room and workout areas of your gym or studio, your sauna or steam room can benefit from our Yoga Mat Cleaner. Lavender is known to help decrease anxiety, nervousness, and tension, removing restlessness and exhaustion from your guests and giving them a memorable and relaxing experience. If you are using a lavender-infused cleaning product in your sauna or steam room, you are giving your clients the gift of all the benefits that come along with it!

Are you ready to switch to an all-natural cleaner for your gym or studio? Visit our shop to learn more!

Traveling with Essential Oils

Traveling with Essential Oils

With summer quickly approaching, many of us have a vacation or weekend getaway planned. Did you know that you can use essential oils to improve your experience? Essential oils can be used for multitudes of reasons, from helping with sicknesses to repelling bugs. What’s not to love?

Here are a few essential oils that get help with your travel experience:

Peppermint is a very popular essential oil because it has a wide array of uses. Peppermint can help tremendously with nausea. If you are feeling motion sickness, sea sick, or ate something that didn’t agree with you, sniffing Peppermint directly from the bottle can greatly improve how you feel. You can also use our Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist as a pillow mist to help ease your nausea while you rest, or while you take a hot shower.

Tea Tree
Tea Tree is a great essential oil for bug bites, bumps, or scratches because of its healing and purifying properties. It can be applied directly to the skin to help with any healing wounds and bug bites (avoid applying to open wounds or bites — it will burn).

If you are feeling a cough coming on that you don’t want to ruin your vacation, use our Tea Tree-Infused Pure Eucalytpus ShowerMist with a hot shower for a clarifying and purifying experience. The antibacterial and antiviral properties will help immensely to make you feel better.

If you are going camping, hiking, or to any destination that has bugs, you will want to have Eucalyptus oil in your arsenal. Bugs can’t stand the smell, so they stay away when it comes to Eucalyptus! Spray our 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist around the area that you want to keep bug-free. A little goes a long way. Additionally, you can spray directly onto yourself.

If you’re traveling somewhere across the globe, you’ll have to deal with jet lag, which is never fun, but not something that you can avoid. When you’re trying to get some sleep in the middle of the day, make sure that you have Lavender on hand to help promote deeper and better quality sleep.

You can use our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist as a pillow spray so you’re breathing in the benefits while you snooze. You could also spritz it into a steaming hot shower to relax you as well.

All of these essential oils make it easy to have the best time while you’re traveling. Will you be bringing any of these on your next trip? Let us know in the comments!

The Pros and Cons of Pillow Mists

The Pros and Cons of Pillow Mists

If you are searching for natural solutions to a common problem like disrupted sleep, one suggestion you may see is pillow mists or linen sprays that contain ingredients that may promote better sleep, like lavender. Are they actually as great as they sound? Here are some of the pros and cons (and a better alternative — in our opinion!):

Pros of Using Pillow Mists

Easy to use. It doesn’t get much easier than taking the lid off a spray bottle and misting your pillow a few times! The whole process from start to finish adds just a handful of seconds to your evening routine.

Smells great. Sleep sprays are meant to smell nice. You wouldn’t be falling asleep very easily if they had a yucky scent, right? Usually, they will have calming scents like lavender.

Location is optimal for aromatherapy benefits. By using a pillow mists directly on your pillow while you’re sleeping, the scent is entering your system without having to do any work. It’s just right there. There’s no need to hold anything up to your nose or do a balancing act to be hands-free.

Alternative to becoming dependent on medication/medicines. One reason you may be looking into a pillow mist in the first place is because you would like to get away from using medication or don’t want to have to resort to medication.

Cons of Using Pillow Mists

Ingredients may not be great. Always be careful to look at the ingredients lists of your pillow or linen mist. While the packaging might say “natural” or “organic,” there may be other harmful chemicals included like alcohol or other diluents.

May not react well with your skin. Just like with any other product that touches your skin — especially on your face — you may have an issue if you have sensitivities. Even truly natural ingredients may not react well with you personally. You should always test products on a small area before using them.

Sleep is not a guarantee. While things like essential oils are great, they don’t always work the same for everyone. While lavender might knock someone out the minute their head hits the pillow, it might not always work for another person.

If you are looking for a natural and safe pillow mist, we recommend trying our  Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist. No synthetics, petro-chemicals, or anything not plant-based are ever used in our ShowerMists. Simply spritz a few sprays on your pillow, wait a few seconds for it to dry, and breathe in those amazing benefits while you sleep.

Another natural alternative to a pillow spray is using a diffuser by your bedside. All you need to do is add a few sprays of a ShowerMist or your favorite essential oil to promote sleep, like lavender. There are some diffusers that have 8-hour settings, so it could run all night while you’re sleeping.

What do you think? Will you be trying a ShowerMist as a pillow spray?