Essential Oils to Increase Focus and Decrease Mental Fatigue

Essential Oils to Increase Focus and Decrease Mental Fatigue

With school back in session, students and parents alike can use essential oils to naturally increase their focus and decrease mental fatigue. But which essential oils or products should you use? We’re sharing the best option to reach for depending on your needs and the time of day.

Arise & Shine: Wake Up with Citrus

There is a reason people reach for a glass of orange juice in the mornings. Citrus (whether lime, lemon, grapefruit, orange, or some fusion of those) provides an uplifting scent that can naturally boost your energy. This is why the mornings are a great time to embrace the aromatherapeutic effects of Citrus. It’ll wake you up, heighten your senses, and elevate your mood. Our Citrus-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist permeates your morning shower with the powers of Citrus. You’ll be ready for whatever comes your way!

Time to Focus? Reach for Peppermint

Peppermint is known to improve concentration, making it the best option for when you need to buckle down and focus. The invigorating scent triggers the part of the brain that controls mental clarity, providing the alertness you need to be at your best. It can also aid in lowering your stress level and improving your memory. Diffusing our Menthol Crystals releases the amazing potential of Peppermint right into your office or classroom. You’ll have a clear mind ready for the task at hand!

Beat the Mid-Day Slump With…Pick Your Favorite!

There are actually a few different essential oil options that can provide the support you need to beat the mid-day slump. Play around with different options to find what works best for you. The refreshing scent of Citrus will provide a zesty jolt. Or, the powerful, exhilarating scent of Peppermint will sharpen your clarity. Another terrific option is Eucalyptus. The strong, sharp aroma of greens is revitalizing and will help you get back on your feet quickly. 

If you often find yourself feeling sluggish midday, here are 5 More Ways to Beat Midday Fatigue fast and naturally.

Brain Fog? Start at Night With Lavender

Mental fatigue or “brain fog” generally stems from physical fatigue or inadequate sleep. So the remedy begins with at night. Using Lavender before bed (along with helpful sleep habits) can improve sleep quality and duration, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed. Lavender is a soothing scent, known for its calming properties. The sweet, floral aroma will reduce stress and help quiet a racing mind. 

The calming effects of a Yoga ritual before bed can be life-changing, especially when combined with our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil Yoga Mat Cleaner. Simply spray on your mat (and wipe clean) before and after practice to enjoy the aromatic benefits during your practice. 

Which essential oils do you reach for to boost energy and combat mental fatigue? Let us know in the comments!

Natural Essentials for Your Dorm Room

Natural Essentials for Your Dorm Room

A dorm room is a small space with a big purpose: to provide the safety and comfort of home. In that one area, you will be sleeping, eating, studying, and socializing — a lot happens in this small space. Our suggestion? Use essential oils to maximize the impact of your home-away-from-home. 

With a few basic essentials, you can make sure your dorm room is one that is clean and tidy, keeps you alert when it’s time to focus, promotes peace and rest for optimal self-care, and fosters healing when you’re feeling sick.

A Diffuser: Time to Hit the Books

The best cram sessions take place in college dorm rooms. It’s an easy place to gather friends, grab your notes, and hit the books. Since candles are usually not allowed, a diffuser is a great option to release rousing essential oils into the air. This way, you can enjoy the aromatic benefits without an overwhelming scent. Try spritzing a few sprays of our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist into the water in your diffuser. Peppermint provides an invigorating smell that can provide the alertness you need to soak up the material. Eucalyptus is also a good option when you’ve been studying for a while. It’s healing properties can be refreshing to achy muscles or a tense mind.

Yoga Mat Cleaner: Time to Find Your Peace

Whether its an assignment’s due date or an upcoming final, college is stressful. Promote peace and self-care by staying active. After yoga or another gentle exercise, use our Lavender-Infused Yoga Mat Cleaner to wipe down your mat. (Another tip: you can also bring the 2oz travel-sized bottle with you to the gym to clean all kinds of equipment before and after use.) Our Yoga Mat Cleaner is made with pure eucalyptus oil. The plant base and enzymatic action will effectively remove makeup, perspiration, body oils, and dirt without degrading your mat. Our cleaner is yoga practitioner tested and approved! You can also continue using lavender as part of your bedtime routine. It’s known to have calming, sleep-inducing effects that will promote quality sleep.

A Spray Bottle: Time to Freshen Up

Despite balancing classes, homework, and your social life, you’re also responsible for keeping your dorm room clean. But it’s easy (and cost-effective!) to make your own all-purpose cleaner. For a natural way to keep your dorm room germ free, simply fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Use it wipe down your door handles, your toilet, windows, and most any other hard surface. This will keep germs away and smell fresh too!

Menthol Crystals: Time to Stay Healthy

Bring the steam room to your dorm room! Our Menthol Crystals are clear and all-natural and can give any dorm room a spa-like vibe. These crystals are a product of steam-distilled peppermint essential oil. When heated, the crystals melt and release that wonderful, healing peppermint scent into the air. It can be a natural remedy to common ailments associated with cough, cold, and flu symptoms, as well as headaches, inflammation, and even itching. It’s also a fantastic study aid, as it gives you both respiratory and mental clarity. Having menthol crystals in your dorm room will be a step toward staying healthy all semester.

What other natural essentials do you think are a must for college students living in a dorm room?

Boost Your Energy Naturally with Essential Oils

Boost Your Energy Naturally with Essential Oils

Energy slumps happen throughout the day, but essential oils provide a natural, aromatic way to get those energy levels back up quickly. Here are our three favorite picks, all of which are proven to awaken your senses and help you function at your best all day long.

A Gentle Jolt: Citrus

For a natural, energetic boost, reach for a citrus blend of essential oils. The zesty, upbeat scents of orange, lemon, grapefruit, and lime provide a powerful, energetic kick when you need it most. It’s a lively scent that will leave you feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Citrus also aids in reducing stress and sharpening your ability to focus. Our Citrus-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus Shower Mist gives a gentle jolt in the morning without compromising your skin. You can also diffuse citrus at your desk to keep your creative juices flowing throughout the day. 

Pep in Your Step: Peppermint

Put a little “pep” in your step with peppermint! As one of the most popular essential oils, the uplifting scent of peppermint can lift your energy levels. Whether you’re feeling the afternoon energy slump or want a quick pick-me-up before a workout, peppermint provides a stimulating, invigorating boost.

The aroma of peppermint can even be a natural, non-toxic replacement to sipping a sugary drink or cup of coffee. Try starting your day with a hot shower and our Mint-Infused 100% Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist for a boost.

Prepare at Night: Lavender

Finally, as the old saying goes, we’re only as good as our weakest link. And in this case, you’re only as good as the sleep you’re getting each night. If you’re feeling drained and depleted during the day, set yourself up for a dream-filled slumber with the use of lavender. 

Lavender is known for it’s calming, soothing properties. The sweet, floral scent can quiet your mind and bring relief from stress. By diffusing lavender in your room at night or giving your pillow a quick mist of lavender-infused spray, you’re promoting peaceful sleep and giving yourself the best chance to wake up feeling refreshed.

Did you know? Our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist doubles as a safe and natural pillow mist. Simply spritz a few sprays on your pillow, wait a few seconds for it to dry, and rest easy knowing you’re taking strides toward a night of peaceful sleep. 

What other essential oils do you reach for when you need a boost of energy?

Turn Your Shower Into a Spa Experience

Turn Your Shower Into a Spa Experience

“Self-care” is definitely a popular buzzword that’s floating around the internet recently, but there really is some truth to being sure that you are taking care of yourself mind, body, and soul. How can we make that happen in such a fast-paced environment that we live in? Are we supposed to take a trip to the spa every week for an hour-long massage? Get 12 hours of sleep every night? Hire a personal chef to make sure all our meals are healthy and balanced?

No, not necessarily. Some of those things are impractical and impossible! One of our favorite ways to practice self-care is to turn an everyday shower experience into a spa-like experience. With our Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMists, this is easy, effective, and an inexpensive way to make self-care a priority!

Because we have a wide variety of infusions available, here are some of the ways that you can use our most popular types:

If you are looking for a relaxing and calming shower experience, try our Lavender-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMist. Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and anxiety issues. Beautiful, pungent lavender has been shown to be helpful in treating migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension, and emotional stress. The refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness while also increasing mental activity.

If you are looking for a refreshing experience, our Citrus-Infused Pure Eucalyptus ShowerMists is a good option! This product starts with our Pure Eucalyptus oil infused with a blend of the delightful citrus oils orange, lemon, grapefruit, and lime. With scents that are fresh and vibrant – no perfume smell masking the all-natural ingredients – every breath you take while delivering the benefits of these quality oils. A lively and invigorating scent that will energize and refresh you, while reducing stress and uplifting your mood.

Try the Mint-Infused Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist for a fresh and tingling experience. Mint provides relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion. The fresh tingly sensation will awake your senses, and help combat anxiety and restlessness. Mint stimulates mental activity, clears the mind, and increases focus on cognitive tasks. Your shower transformed from a daily task to an escape that offers benefits you will enjoy all day long.

Try one or try them all! You can see all options for our ShowerMists here. We hope that your self-care journey starts now!

5 Tips to Get Naturally-Glowing Skin

5 Tips to Get Naturally-Glowing Skin

You’re not alone if you’re on the quest for younger-looking, glowing skin. You’re also not alone if you’d like to make that happen with natural ingredients or practices, not synthetic ones. Well, you’re in luck! One of our favorite ways to improve our skin’s quality is by using essential oils and other natural practices.

Not sure where to start? Here are some easy changes you can make to your daily routine that will help you get naturally-glowing skin without much work:

Lavender oil is one of the most well-known essential oils when it comes to skincare. You’ll find many products on the market that have lavender included in the ingredients and for good reason! One of the best ways to keep your skin looking youthful is to also keep it hydrated, which is where lavender comes in. Lavender is dry skin’s best friend! One way to get these benefits onto your skin is by putting a drop of lavender essential oil into your daily moisturizer and rub it in. Always test it on a small patch before you cover your entire face, though. Just because a product is natural doesn’t mean that you aren’t allergic to it!

Tea Tree
Tea Tree oil has been used to treat blemishes for years and years. It is antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial. If you have a spot on your face, try putting a little dab of tea tree oil directly on it, but remember… a little goes a long way! You can also add a few drops to some raw honey and put an even layer of the mixture on your face few a few minutes as a natural face mask. It’s a little messy, but great for your skin!

Eucalyptus oil is also an incredible addition to your skincare routine. Not only does it have an invigorating scent, but will invigorate your skin by improving circulation. More blood flow means that your skin cells will repair more quickly, leading to a glowing complexion. Our favorite way to use eucalyptus is with our 100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist. Simply run a hot shower and spritz a few sprays away from your face and into the steam, and relax while you’re skin thanks you!

Stay Hydrated
Anytime skincare is discussed, someone will always bring up drinking a lot of water to improve your skin’s health and appearance, and they’re right! Staying hydrated and flushing out toxins by drinking a lot of water will highly improve your skin’s appearance. If drinking a lot of water is hard for you, maybe treat yourself to a new water bottle for so motivation or download an app on your phone that will let you track your water intake and also remind you when it’s been a while since your last glass.

Keep Your Pillowcase and Towels Clean
Another easy way to make sure your skin is at its best is to wash your pillowcase more often. If you don’t, you’re basically rubbing your face with bacteria, dirt, and sweat while you sleep, which doesn’t help improve your skin. Same goes with your face towels. If you’re using the same towel to dry your face for a week or more, it won’t do your skin any favors.

How about you? Do you have any natural skin care tips that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!