Cold? Here are 5 Tips for a Better Winter

Cold? Here are 5 Tips for a Better Winter

These winter days can really get the best of you.   Even if you live in a moderate climate, the general feel in the air is that of stillness and stagnation.  The chill damp nature of winter leaves our bones begging for sustainable warmth.  Investing in life quality should be a priority for anyone really desiring to feel their best in the midst of trying circumstances.

So it seems to make sense to look to how other people around the world deal with these frigid seasons and then try their methods in our own days.

– Turn Down Media.   As a whole, our society forgets how important it is to rest our minds from  our screen addicted culture. (this I say, while writing from a computer of course) But the point remains.  We have a hard time turning off our screens.  We likely spend half our day in front of a computer, then go home to watch t.v. and likely watch some youtube or play on our phones before retiring our overworked eyes.   So do your health and sanity a favor by turning those screens of at least an hour before bed.

– Slow Down & Say No.  It’s ok to say ‘no’ occasionally… maybe even more? We tend to over ‘yes’ people and then find ourselves missing times of relaxation and needed stillness.   When we say ‘no’ appropriately, we remind others and ourselves of our personal value and the self respect that should go along with it.  You know what’s going to benefit and drain you; it’s ok to set those boundaries.

– Get Outdoors.  I know it might be grey and cold outside, but fresh air is so necessary! Get out your rain or snow gear and feel alive.  Whether for a brisk walk, run or hike, the strain the cold weather puts on our system is countered by the deep breathing and increased circulation in the fresh air.  I know it may be hard, but it’s worth it.  Love yourself enough to make it happen.

– Stop Working.  No, not entirely.   But did you know that in Sweden, it’s against the law to work overtime?  It’s not because they don’t want to pay for it. Rather, they know that an employees gives their best when they are happy and healthy.  If you are allowed to clock out after 8 hours, please clock out.  In the end, your work will be more efficient and you won’t burn out.  Live your life, don’t just work it.

– Turn Up the Heat.  Leave your thermostat alone; I’m talking about heat therapy.  Steam rooms and saunas offer a world of relief, relaxation and detoxification in this season of cold and flu.  In many European countries, it’s the norm to have a sauna in your home or apartment building.  We haven’t caught up as fast with that one, but it doesn’t mean they are hard to find.   Usually your local gym and fitness center will have an option for you.  However, if this isn’t an option, take a steam bath or shower at least twice a week to really sink some heat into your bones.  An added bonus?  Add some Eucalyptus Shower Spray to the steam and cleanse your bronchial passages.

Winter isn’t easy for many people.  Your option may include moving to a warmer client, but for many, they just need to adopt some simple practices to maximize the experience to a positive one.
Life is what you make it.  If you want to experience better quality in life (even when it’s unpleasant) then increase the quality of your activities and daily practices.

I’d love to hear what you do to better your winter season.  What’s your secret?  Let us know in the comments below!

by: Navae Fiona

5 Tips to Glowing More Youthful Skin

5 Tips to Glowing More Youthful Skin

Have you looked in the mirror lately?  Are you haunted by the ever increasing lines showing up on your face?  Are you finding that the skin you so proudly wore in your youth is beginning to hang out a little further from your bones than it used to?  Never fear.  Don’t simply run to the nearest medical spa!  Below are 5 simple, easy everyday tips for glowing, more youthful skin.

You ready?

1.  Hydrate – Water is your friend.  Coffee, tea and sodas are NOT your friend.  Sure they taste good and we are used to them.  But it’s time we accept the truth that our bodies are 80% water and it needs water to function best.  Beverages that wet our mouth but actually dehydrate our bodies are an addicting disservice that we have allowed to become an unhealthy norm.  If you really feel you can’t live without these things, please by all means, counter them with and increased water intake. Not sure how much to drink?  Simply determine how much you weigh in pounds – let’s say 140.  Now divide that in half and convert to ounces – 70.  If you weigh 140 pounds, you should consume 70 ounces of water daily.  Go for 90 ounces at least if you need to include coffee, tea or soda.   Now, I know this may seem like a lot.  But please don’t be discouraged.  Feel free to add a couple lemon or orange slices to the water and make it taste good.  Your blood needs water to flow well.  Your skin is the organ that tells you when the inside of your body has a need.  Love yourself and your family enough to take care of yourself, even if only with baby steps.

2.  Green Food – This one is pretty self explanatory.  As long as you know that I’m not talking about green food coloring, then you will know what to do.   Green fruits and vegetables are packed with Chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals that both bring elasticity and suppleness to the skin.  Bonus point?  Great for you metabolism as well!  Eat plenty of what you already love and begin to experiment and explore the delicious ways to enjoy the new foods!

3.  Sleep – Do it.  Sleep. Try not to eat 3 hours before going to bed.  Turn off all TVs, computers and phones at least an hour before you sleep.  Take some deep relaxing breathes and be thankful for the beauty in your life and day. Make sure your sleep environment is peaceful and calm.  Then dive in.  Sleep, is the time when our cells rejuvenate.  Things like mind activity and digestion steal our cell’s focus and keep them from using our sleep ours from the priority of their renewal.  Do your body a favor and sleep in peace.  You will not only get more youthful skin, but will wake refreshed and more motivated to continue caring for your health.

4.  Stress – We all have stress.  It’s the common thread in our modern society.  We are over committed, over worked and have a hard time saying ‘no’.  It’s ok to take time for yourself.  It’s ok to make a cut-off point for your work day.  When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol into our systems, causing tense muscles, emotional highs and lows, lowered immune system and well – wrinkles!  Now, this could be a whole topic in itself an maybe that’s soon to come.  But for now, consider what stresses you and ways you can relieve those situations and responses.

5.  Detoxify – Our body detoxifies itself best through release.  One way we ‘release’ is through sweat.  My two favorite ways to sweat is through exercise and heat.  Exercise is anything that gets your heart rate elevated for more than 20 consecutive minutes.  You can decide what exercise is best for you but then stick to it.  (Again, it seems this should be expanded in another blog.  What do you think? Let me know!)  On to the topic of heat.  Shower, sauna, steam room… you decide.  Of course, the luxury of a sauna and steam room are ideal but if you have only a shower as an option, you will get the most out of it by adding a few sprays of our Eucalyptus Shower Mist to really open up the respiratory passages, increase circulation and further detoxify the skin.

Your health and life quality is our priority.  It’s why we do what we do.

So instead of being frustrated at age taking it’s toll, step in to action and implement the 5 tips into your life schedule.  You will be so happy you did.

To know more about what we can do for your home or even health spa, visit us at Eurospa Aromatics and we’ll be happy to get you started!

Until then, more water!  Have a beautiful day!

by: Navae Fiona

Amazing Complexion, Steam Facial Sauna, Eucalyptus, and Kate Moss

Amazing Complexion, Steam Facial Sauna, Eucalyptus, and Kate Moss

Test Question:  What Is Luxurious, Feels Fantastic, Helps Your Complexion, Calms Your Emotions, and Provides Health Benefits for Olfactory and Respiratory Systems?

English: British supermodel Kate Moss Portuguê...
English: British supermodel Kate Moss Português: Supermodel inglesa Kate Moss (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Humans are funny creatures.  We are always in a mad search for the new method, the new cure, the new and better approach.  Many of us spend thousands of dollars on products that promise us relief from the things that annoy us, and more thousands on methods to improve the things we find less than perfect about ourselves.

Sometimes the best products and approaches are inexpensive and obvious.  Sometimes they are centuries old.  Ask yourself, would people keep doing something for centuries if it didn’t work?

Steam is pretty cheap.  It has been used for centuries to open pores, reduce stress, moisten the nose and throat, and just plain feel good.  Steam baths were used in Russia, Turkey, Mexico, and Northern Europe hundreds of years ago through today.  The most luxurious spas in the world offer steam baths as the ultimate in pampered living.  Your neighbors up on the hill have a steam bath in their master suite.  Inexpensive steam is irnonically evidence of wealth and health.

You can give yourself a facial steam bath with a sink and a towel covering your head to keep the steam enclosed.  You can get a bit fancier and spend anywhere from $20 to $200 on a home facial sauna depending on the features.  Or you can spend $700 to $1500 to outfit your current shower or bathtub with a steam unit.  For as little as $1500, you can install a complete, enclosed steam unit in your home.

Now, if you are Kate Moss, you are going to add another ancient product to the steam.  Eucalyptus Oil will multiply the results of your steam facial many times over.  According to, Kate Moss uses a eucalyptus laced steam bath the next morning after any occasion where she was unable to get a proper cleansing the night before, or when she need a deep cleansing.

Kate would be tapping into ancient wisdom regarding the use of eucalyptus oil as a cleansing agent.  But Eucalyptus Oil also provides additional health benefits to the respiratory and olfactory systems.  And, of course, eucalyptus has been used for centuries in steam rooms and saunas.  Today, the most luxurious spas in the world use this essential oil to improve the experience and wellness of their guests. 

Now you can live large like Kate Moss or other jet setters.  100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil, then kind that is used in the very best steam rooms, is now available for home use.  You can now enjoy to luxury of eucalyptus oil in a regular shower.  Buy our 8 ounce spray bottle of 100% pure pharmaceutical grade eucalyptus oil  at for you home shower or steam room.

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Amazing Home Steam Rooms and Saunas – Where Did I Get These Pictures??

Amazing Home Steam Rooms and Saunas – Where Did I Get These Pictures??

None of These Stunning Steam Rooms Should Be Without Eucalyptus Oil 

Are you working on a great room addition, remodeling your master bath, or just love to look at pictures of fabulous rooms that you hope to afford one day.  I am going to give you the secret to unlimited drooling over thousands of decorating tips and ideas.  It is kind of like the YouTube of decorating.  More and more of these pictures show up every day.  When you go back a week later, you have newly added examples of tasteful rooms, furniture, accessories, floor and window treatments, kitchen cabinets and more. 

Of course, in this blog, we’re interested in ways to bring wellness into your life through eucalyptus oil, and steam is one way to achieve that.  Steam baths and rooms, facial saunas, and such can give you the one-two punch of steam and eucalyptus oil that will help your skin, breathing, peace of mind and so much more. 

So, I grabbed a few screen shots of my favorite steam rooms for you to check out.  But if you want to look at a few hundred, or maybe that was thousand, more ideas for steam rooms or any other room, head over to  Here is the link for the steam rooms.

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Does Eucalyptus Oil Cause Allergies in Steam Rooms

Does Eucalyptus Oil Cause Allergies in Steam Rooms

No Allergic Connection to Eucalyptus Oil in Steam Rooms

Eric Snyder at Eurospa Aromatics explains that their 100% natural eucalyptus oils do not cause allergies or sensitivities. Its medicinal and therapeutic uses go back to ancient Egypt. 

There may be some steam rooms that are not using the 100% oils available from Eurospa Aromatics.  These products are cheaper to produce because the pure oil is diluted with other chemicals.  These chemicals reduce the benefits and might, in some cases, cause irritation. 

The cost of pure Eucalyptus Oil is under $3 per day.  It is penny wise and pound foolish to use products that might save pennies per day, but which reduce the benefits intended by the product.  Moreover, some of the chemicals used will definitely damage pumping equipment and reduce the lifespan of the pumps, resulting in higher costs of repair and replacement. 

You might like to watch a video with more details about how the Mystifier Automatic Injection System works to keep your steam room smelling great, eliminate mold and mildew, and contribute to the wellness of your guests.  See the post and video here.

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