7 Helpful Tips for People Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Headaches

Chronic fatigue headaches are no laughing matter, and it’s quite common in America. You try to sleep and get the rest you need, but in the morning you wake up exhausted, with tight muscles and a tension headache to go with it. While chronic fatigue is a complex issue, we have some helpful tips so you can reduce and relieve this very common pain.

So here are our natural, expert tips:

7 tips for handling chronic fatigue headaches

  1. Food: Some foods are going to aggravate your condition. The most common ones will be those that cause inflammation, such as processed sugar, white grains, coffee, and dairy. Reduce these, and you’ll not only sleep better but be able to have less tension in your muscles.
  2. Hydrate:  Try to drink 2-3 liters a day. Your brain cells and blood need to be hydrated properly for everything to work smoothly. Dehydration in the muscles cause tightening, which leads to headaches in the neck and forehead.
  3. Sleep:  Aim to get 7-9 hours each night. Be sure that you have a relaxation routine before bed—without media—to help you get pure and restful sleep. Power naps are also helpful just after lunch to get you through the day with less pain.
  4. Massage: Gently massage your middle and index finger along the back of your neck and in small circles at the temples and between the eyebrows.
  5. Relax:  We are an over-scheduled society that tends to worry about the minute details of life. Make time to pause in your day and breathe deeply, bringing as much oxygen to your cells and muscle fibers as possible.
  6. Take Screen Breaks: Staring at the computer, your phone, or TV forces your eyes to not only stare in one place for an extended amount of time, but the screen itself can cause eye strain. Take 2-minute breaks every 30 minutes to close your eyes as well as find different locations around the room to focus on, to keep the eye muscles mobile.
  7. Eucalyptus: Applying Eucalyptus oil to your forehead can be incredibly soothing for stress headaches in the same manner as peppermint oil. Like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil can soothe, relax muscles, and clear nasal passages. It’s great to inhale as well because it has anti-microbial properties that can help attack germs and viruses that may be causing the headache. Put a few drops of our Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into a bowl of steaming water and inhale deeply or enjoy it in a nice shower or bath.

It’s tiring having to deal with the regular pain and exhaustion of chronic fatigue, but there are definitely ways to lessen the torture and find relief. Don’t live with the pain anymore; take advantage of a healthier, improved you now.

How do you deal with chronic fatigue headaches? Chat about it in the comments and share this post on social with the buttons below!

The Best Natural Caffeine Substitute: How Eucalyptus Helps You Stay Alert

Ok. So you’ve quit coffee. Join the rest of the headache-ridden and groggy masses making this drastic health change. But now you’re going to need something to replace that energy kick you’re used to.

You have the right to wake up and feel energized. You don’t need a pill and you don’t need another energy drink, rather a natural solution that will wake you up FAST.

Eucalyptus oil is a miracle worker you’ve got to try. Most people are familiar with the plant’s ability to ease respiratory symptoms, soothe and open the airways, but not many are familiar with its ability to wake up the senses and heighten energy.

How does Eucalyptus replace caffeine?

It feels like a shot of caffeine. The menthol content works like a vasoconstrictor, causing the cells to vibrate at a faster level, bringing more circulation and oxygen to the brain, inviting better concentration and more natural focus.

It’s invigorating. The menthol properties of eucalyptus leave a cooling sensation on the skin of the body and in the lungs. Just a few deep breaths and every cell of the body is invigorated and woken up from the inside out.

It creates relaxation and a sense of contentment. As the plant works its way into the different parts of the body, each cell is not only invigorated but the body relaxes as though it’s been to the spa. When you’re awakened and relaxed at the same time, your mind is at ease and able to function properly.

How to use Eucalyptus

One of the best ways to enjoy all the energizing benefits is to spray Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist into the steam of your shower. The steam further activates the oil and opens your pores, allowing your body to more efficiently absorb the oil.

Are you ready to live a coffee-free life? Then don’t hesitate to pick up our Eucalyptus Oil to energize your body in a healthy way.

How has Eucalyptus helped you? Let us know in the comments and share this article with a friend!

3 Easy Ways to Prevent Dry Winter Skin

Dry skin is an uncomfortable byproduct of winter. Going from an overly heated car or indoor space into the crisp cold winter air can be a real shock to your skin, causing tightening, dehydration, and flaking. Nobody wants that. That’s why we want to share some tried and true home remedies to an annoying problem.

Here are 3 Easy Ways to Prevent Dry Winter Skin


An exfoliating scrub made by concocting lemon juice and sugar leaves your skin soft and glowing. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with the juice of half a lemon, using cotton balls to scrub all over the face. With a circular massage of the skin with this beauty scrub, rough spots on the face become even. Lemons remove patches on the skin and help skin cells regenerate. Put a jar of it on your nightstand and apply it regularly.


Winter is not a friend to dry skin. The heating in homes evaporates the water from the air, making it very dry. Humidifiers are useful at a time like this by adding moisture to the air and thus hydrating your dry skin. Also, add a few sprays of our Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist to the room to enhance the health and wellness benefits. Eucalyptus in the air will not only open up the bronchial passages for better respiratory health but also cleanse your skin.


Moisture forms a protective layer on the skin by keeping it hydrated. Oils that are easily absorbed by the skin, such as coconut, jojoba, and almond, tend to be better at keeping the real moisture in, allowing the skin the best nourishment possible. Coconut oil makes the skin feel soft and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it naturally. Coconut oil has sufficient amounts of fatty acid that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin. Applying oils like these work best when left on for an entire night. Rub on a generous amount before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning; do this every night. Over-the-counter creams work well in the beginning but only leave a surface layer of hydration.

Bonus tip?

Drink more water and reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine dehydrates skin cells and causes inflammation. Drinking water does the opposite; it calms the skin and nourishes the cells, allowing you to adapt to the changing temperatures easily.

We’re dedicated to your health and can’t wait to hear how these remedies helped you. So, let us know in the comments, and share on social with the buttons below!

Mint Cures Some Shocking Ailments You Wouldn’t Believe

We all have little (and big) ailments that get in the way of daily life and hinder our ability to enjoy it. Some of the more common complaints are body pain, fatigue, and low spirits. We’ve all been there, and we all know someone who’s been there.

What’s beautiful is that you don’t have to go at it alone and you can find relief with natural remedies. One remedy, in particular, is mint combined with eucalyptus. Both are powerful. So why not combine them?

Mint can cure the following ailments

Nausea & Headache: Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil can alleviate your stomach issues. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all times to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base and basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, give quick relief in case of a headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance which makes it perfect for fighting inflammation and the temperature rise often associated with headaches and migraines.

Respiratory Disorders, Coughs, and Asthma: Mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, which gives relief for respiratory disorders that often result from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the main reason why so many balms are based on mint. For asthma benefits, regular use of mint is very beneficial as it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, those with mint as the fundamental component tend to be more effective and eco-friendly as well.

Depression and Fatigue: Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning at a high level again. If you are feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint and its derivative essential oils can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, and all of those techniques can give you a much-needed boost. A popular way to get good results easily is to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while you sleep.

There are so many ailments you don’t have to face if you use the power of mint. And if you want added benefits, use our Mint-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist for an even more powerful remedy.

How else do you use mint? Tell us in the comments and help a friend live happier by sharing!

How to Make the Perfect Homemade Spa Gift Basket

Simple gifts are easy to give, but why not make it even more special without the complication. A spa gift basket is a perfect match for just about anyone with stress or a busy life. Do you know anyone that isn’t stressed? Likely not, so this is a win-win gift.

Want to make a spa gift? It’s incredibly easy and affordable as well.

How to Make the Perfect Homemade Spa Gift Basket

  1. Grab a medium sized basket or box. Choose natural wood or soothing colors. This is where you’ll stash everything.
  2. Make sure you have things to fill the box with like strips of newspaper, cotton balls, or even cloth.
  3. Fill the basket with items perfect for inducing relaxation and the spa experience. Some ideas include an eye mask, a facial scrub or liquid mask, some lavender oil, candles, massage lotion, a massage voucher, and finally, no basket is complete without some Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist. The spray can be used in any hot shower or bath to bring extra rejuvenation and immune boosting.
  4. Create little note cards with instructions and the reason for each item included.
  5. Top it all with a bow.

You’re ready to present your gift! Whether or not you wrap it completely is up to you. But we assure you, this is a crowd-pleasing gift for any age.

Help the loved ones in your life to feel special this holiday season and give them something they truly deserve in this gift basket.

From us to you, have a happy holiday!

What else would you put in this basket? Tell us in the comments and share this wonderful gift idea using the buttons below!