Sleeping Better with Essential Oils

Sleeping Better with Essential Oils

Lavender is quite possibly the most well-known and popular essential oil in the world. It’s great for reducing pain and inflammation, an excellent addition to any skin-care routine, and is one of the most relaxing oils used in aromatherapy.

Today we’re going to show you how to sleep better by using this amazing oil, which can be found in our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist!

Wind down for the evening with meditation

Pair deep breathing meditation exercises with gentle yoga poses to help calm your mind after a long day. Use a foam roller to stretch sore muscles. When you’re finished, make sure to clean your yoga mat so it’s free of bacteria. Our Eucalyptus + Lavender Yoga Mat cleaner is perfect for this! See this blog post for our favorite meditation tips.

Turn your shower into a steamy sauna

There’s nothing better than taking a long, hot shower at the end of a stressful day! While the water gets warm and begins to steam up the bathroom, remove your makeup or wash your face. Then spritz some of our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist into your shower, step in, and relax.

Hydrate and prepare for bed

For a spa-like experience, put on a fluffy robe after your shower and fill up a glass with some iced cucumber water.

Turn off your electronic devices and put them away. The blue light from our phones, TVs, and tablets can delay the release of melatonin (the chemical that helps make us tired) in our bodies. Make sure to power down your devices at least half an hour before bedtime.

Dim the lights, turn up the air (the suggested bedroom temperature should be between 60-67 degrees for optimal sleep) and choose some soft pajamas to sleep in.

Get sleepy and wind down slowly

Lightly spray your sheets and pillows with some of our Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus ShowerMist for a relaxing scent. Lavender’s unique, sedative properties will help you gradually get sleepier as you breathe deeply. Not ready to fall asleep just yet? Pull out that book you’ve been meaning to finish and read a chapter or two, write in a gratitude journal, or spend some time talking to your partner about your day.

Do you love the scent of lavender?
How do you include it in your bedtime routines?

4 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

4 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Do you struggle with insomnia? Do you have a hard time winding down at the end of the day? Looking for some great bedtime practices to help you relax? Here are four of our favorite tips to get a better night’s sleep.

Wind down for the evening with meditation

Pair deep breathing meditation exercises with gentle yoga poses to help calm your mind after a long day. Use a foam roller to stretch sore muscles. When you’re finished, make sure to clean your yoga mat so it’s free of bacteria. Our Eucalyptus + Lavender Yoga Mat cleaning spray is perfect for this! See this blog post for our favorite meditation tips.

Launder your sheets regularly

Keep your sheets and pillowcases soft and clean by washing them every one to two weeks. For a more eco-friendly dry, toss in a few wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. You can even add a few drops of 100% Pure Eucalyptus Oil to each ball to give your sheets a fresh scent.

Turn off your screens half an hour before bedtime

The blue light from our phones, TVs, and tablets can delay the release of melatonin (the chemical that helps make us tired) in our bodies. Make sure to power down your devices at least half an hour before bedtime and read a book instead.

Use Lavender Oil to help you get sleepy

Lavender Oil is a family favorite for relaxation. It’s known for its sedative properties and its ability to relieve anxiety, making it the perfect choice for bedtime. Apply topically, inhale a few drops from your hands, or diffuse for best results. You can also spritz a little on your pillowcase. You can thank us later when you’ve had the best sleep of your life!

What are some of your best tips to get better sleep?
Tell us in the comments below!

9 Undeniable Reasons to Have an Essential Oil Diffuser

9 Undeniable Reasons to Have an Essential Oil Diffuser

Life is stressful and hectic, so when you come home, you expect to relax and be rejuvenated. Essential oils can help you do that; and the best way to use them is with a diffuser. Diffusers disperse the oils into the air, permeating the room and providing with you their benefits continuously. They’re the best way to help you live a better, healthier life.

So, here are nine perfect reasons you should have an essential oil diffuser:

9 Undeniable Reasons to Have an Essential Oil Diffuser

1. Sleep

Sleep prepares you to tackle tomorrow, but you can’t do that if you don’t sleep well. So, run your diffuser throughout the night with essential oils such as lavender to help you fall and stay asleep. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready for another day.

2. Freshen the Air

Essential oils are known for their potent, fresh aroma. Just choose the scent you want to fill the air. Diffusers are also healthier alternatives to name brand air fresheners, which fill your home with harmful chemicals. Instead, essential oils bring health benefits and provide long-lasting aromas. Two birds, one stone.

3. Stay Healthy

Keep your home healthy and happy by diffusing essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and citrus. These oils purify the air by eating up bacteria, protecting your home from illness, and boosting your immune system.

4. Safer than Candles

Candles can pose a fire hazard if left unattended. Prevent these types of disasters by using an essential oil diffuser instead. And besides being safer, essential oils don’t use chemicals like candles, leaving you with a healthier atmosphere.

5. Mood Enhancing

While essential oils and aromatherapy are known for their relaxing scents, there are also several oils that can be used to boost your mood. Oils like lavender and citrus oils can be diffused to energize a room and give it life, such as an office to help you work, or a weight room to get you ready for a big workout.

6. Mental Focus

If you want to be more productive, diffusing essential oils in the air can improve your cognitive function. In fact, using oils like eucalyptus and peppermint regularly can actually help heal causes of poor mental focus.

7. Prevent Snoring

Another reason to leave a diffuser on overnight is to help your significant other not wake you with their snoring. Eucalyptus oil clears passageways and improves breathing, which will prevent snoring and allow you to sleep better.

8. Allergy Relief

It seems that everyone has some kind of allergy these days. Allergies can cause watering eyes, scratchy throats, congestion, among other things. But diffusing essential oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint can relieve these symptoms with their potent aromas and ability to clear sinuses.

9. Relieves Stress

One of the greatest benefits of a diffuser is creating a stress-free home. Menthol and lavender are two of the best oils to help you relax and decompress after a long day. You can make any room your escape with these oils and a diffuser.

Want more ways to get the most out of your diffuser? Then sign up for our newsletter right now!

Skip the Coffee Jitters and Use this Pick-Me-Up instead!

Skip the Coffee Jitters and Use this Pick-Me-Up instead!

Coffee is an amazing pick me up but not when it gives you the jitters. You’re already tired, so if your burst of energy wakes you up, but causes you to feel horrible, what are you supposed to do? Well I want to share an alternative idea with you that won’t be the same as your normal hot cup of joe, but will definitely give you the pick me up you’re hunting for.

Our solution? Eucalyptus oil. Not only does it have a long list of health benefits, including respiratory health, muscle pain relief, immune system support, but it also delivers an incredible increase of energy!

One powerful reason that many people use eucalyptus oil is that it creates a cooling and refreshing effect. Eucalyptus oil is a natural stimulant that removes exhaustion and mental sluggishness and rejuvenates the spirits of the worn down. It can also be effective in the treatment of stress and mental disorders.

Eucalyptus essential oil is also used to stimulate mental activity and increase blood flow to the brain, meaning that it’s a great solution for stimulating mental activity and alertness for foggy minds. It works by allowing more blood to circulate to the brain. As a result, eucalyptus essential oil is commonly used in classrooms as a form of causal aromatherapy to increase student performance. Further formal research still needs to be done to gain more global authority in this area, but all signs point to the positive correlation between brain function and eucalyptus essential oil.

That’s all great, but how do we use it? Glad you asked! Many people use add the oil to baths, spas and saunas because of its refreshing and antiseptic attributes. That’s because so many of the benefits of eucalyptus essential oil can be accessed through the vapor, as well as topical application or ingestion. To keep it simple, we have created a Pure Eucalyptus Oil ShowerMist for your happy and healthy convenience.

The use of eucalyptus oil in healing practices is increasing in popularity worldwide, because of it’s many benefits and uses. So if you’re tired and need to kick start your energy without feeling sick and jittery. You deserve a healthy solution. We’ve made that for you. If you’re ready to enjoy the benefits for yourself, click here.

At Eurospa Aromatics, your health is our priority and we’re honored to be a part of it!

Simple Tips to Staying Healthy During The Rest of the Holidays!

Simple Tips to Staying Healthy During The Rest of the Holidays!

The winter holidays are known for bouts of binging on the treats we look forward to all year. And it’s no wonder either. But then there’s the guilt that follows – and you end up regretting everything you enjoyed so much.

So what do you do? Skip out on the fun and festivities? No way!  However, if you really want to enjoy them – make sure you’re balancing out all that sugar with some healthier practices.

Drink a LOT of water. Water is cleansing and balancing. It helps to detox the extra sugar you’re consuming as well as dilute it so you don’t get that dreaded sugar hangover.

Eat twice as many greens. Similar to water, greens detoxify and balance out your body. They are packed with minerals which are the opposite of sugar. So eat plenty of them and even better – grab a high quality green powder supplement.

Drink less alcohol. Not saying you shouldn’t have a drink or two, but keep it at that. More than two drinks overwhelms your liver, dehydrates you and reduces your sleep quality.

Sleep. Don’t skimp on the rest. It’s when you sleep that your body has the chance to detoxify what it’s been given. So either go to bed at a decent time, or make sure you’re able to sleep in the next morning.

Detox Deeply. What goes in must come out. The best way to do this is through hydration and sweat. Water carries a ton of our toxins out of the body so make good use of it. Run a hot shower or sit in a sauna/steam room and breathe in the heat. For an even deeper detox, add a few sprays of our Eucalyptus Shower Mist into the steam and let it clean you out and relax you at the same time!

We want you to be healthy and also enjoy your life. There will always be many occasions in life that call for sweets and sugary delights. It’s just about finding balance. And then the benefits will come through for you!